» Erotic » A Sinless Betrayal, Cherie Benjamin [story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «A Sinless Betrayal, Cherie Benjamin [story books to read .txt] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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slide myself onto his hard shaft, moaning at the feeling of his pulsating membrane lodged deep inside of me. We've not fucked much since I had Wolf Claw because of the pain but the pain was completely gone now.

Replaced with great pleasure, I ride the waves of ecstasy on top of him. He growls, grabbing my arms and pinning them behind my back as he bucks rapidly up into me, forcing me forward so he can kiss my mouth.

I love it when he's rough with me; it shows me how much he wants me and craves my body. He kisses lower, his lips latching onto my nipple. I cry out and force myself back onto his cock. He lets go of my nipple and slams his head into the pillows, letting out a monstrous roar of pleasure.

"Oh fuck!" he cries out. "Ka al'aurar mata ji kyau sosai."

Abigor's mumbling things in Hausa and I'm too wrapped up in pleasure to understand what he's saying. I can feel my climax coming as I ride him harder and faster. "Please," I find myself whimpering softly.

By the look on his face, and the sweat beads forming above his brow and running down the deep crevices of his muscles, he's close too. He's got his eyes shut tightly in pleasure, focusing on getting himself over the cliff.

I lean down and stroke his cheek with my fingers, wanting him to look me in the eyes when he cums with me. He does open his eyes, sitting up quickly and pulling me into his lap hard. That intense eye contact is enough to push me over the edge, and my release brings him with me.

He hugs me tightly to his body, panting from the previous sexual activity. "I'll never stop cherishing the way your body feels against mine," he whispers.

"And I'll never forget the way you feel when you're inside of me," I reply to him, kissing the corner of his mouth. He is so beautiful, his long black hair fanned out around his face and his full lips trembling.

And he looks at me like I am an angel that flew down from the heavens to make love to him for just one night. But no, I am just a noblewoman who went against her customs, betrayed her kingdom, and fell deeply in love with a barbarian king.

I slide from his lap, running my fingers along the silks that lay on the corner of the bed for me to wear. He looks disappointed that I've left him. "Come now," I chuckle. "I'd stay with you in that position forever if we could, but we've got a shagali to host. We cannot keep our guests waiting for too much longer."

So he sits on the bed, a sweaty, beautiful, muscular beast of a man and watches me dress. He licks his lips like an animal eyeing up his prey. I only laugh at him and continue to pin my silks in place.

I bite one of the pins in my mouth and try to pin my top cloth to the bottom one but I'm not having much luck. I don't even have to ask him to help me because he's already by my side. He pins the silks in place, skirting his warm fingers across my skin.

I pin up my curls into a thick twist and place my crystal crown overtop of my head. Abigor smiles at me. He then kisses the scar running across my back. "If you say this scar is part of you, then I will love every part of you."

He makes me glow with every word he says. My blush spreads from my cheeks all the way up to the very tips of my ears. He gets dressed beside me, slipping on his red silks over his beautiful copper legs. "Are you ready?" he asks me once he's fully dressed.

I nod my head. "Ready."


For the first time in many years, Castle Rock is open to all of the public for the shagali that celebrates the end of the Vengeance War. Since it is winter (though the blustery beast is nearly at its death bed), we are forced to bring the villagers inside to keep them from turning to ice. Food is set out on the tables and fires roast in stone hearths all around the place.

People are everywhere; I can barely see anything. The shagali is held in the largest room in the castle, one specifically used for hosting shagalis and parties. Our thrones were put on a high platform and I sit next to Abigor as people file in, eating, dancing and drinking.

I hold Wolf Claw in my arms. Like always, the child is wide-eyed as he looks around the room with curiosity. "Many people," I tell him. "It is much too crowded in this room, is it not?" He looks up at me and smiles as if he knows what I am saying.

I can see Abigor staring at us from the corner of his eye, smiling. I reach my hand out and grasp his tightly. He squeezes me tightly back, the tattooed muscles in his arms bunching up. "Do not wander off," he tells me. "With all of these people, I fear the sea of people will swallow you whole."

"You would not be able to find me in the said sea of people," I joke with him.

"No," he says. "That is where you are wrong. All I would have to do would be is to look out and find the most beautiful woman. It would be as easy as finding a sun in a room of moons."

He always knows what to say to me. Again, I turn bright red in the face. He snickers. He loves it when I blush; he loves making me blush. He thinks it very attractive.

I see Michelle and Drinks Of Waterfall making their way up the platform to see us. Red Flower is crying in her arms. I sit upon my throne, hugging Wolf Claw a little tighter to my body. "Sarki," she says in greeting. "Sarauniya. We wanted to pay our visits."

Abigor nods at them both. I watch as Michelle's baby squirms in her arms, crying. "What is the matter?" I ask.

Michelle sighs. "I don't quite know. I've already fed her, changed her...oh, I've tried everything. And I cannot find Evalyn. I don't know what else to do."

"Bring her closer," I instruct. While Michelle climbs the steps towards me, Drinks Of Waterfall separates himself from her side and goes to talk to Abigor. They laugh and converse in Hausa. Michelle props up Red Flower so that she's able to see us both.

Once the baby's big brown eyes meet Wolf Claw's, the crying instantly stops. She looks confused, yet utterly fascinated. My baby reaches out his hand and tries to touch her, but he hits her in the face with his tiny fist on accident. "Gentle," I chide. But instead of crying some more, Red Flower only laughs.

Wolf Claw breaks out into a tiny smile, turning around to touch my own face. I kiss his soft palm. Michelle and I both look over at our husbands, only to find that they are both looking back at us. "They have a strong connection," Abigor says. "Already."

I smile and hug Wolf Claw tighter to me. A servant brings us all a glass of wine, and Abigor stands up to make a toast.

"'Yan'uwa. 'Ya'yan. Ubanninsu, da 'ya'ya mata, mãtan aure. Muna tattara a nan a wannan zauren yau bikin. Zuwa idi a tunawa da yakin da muke yi nasara a kan. Mu, a wannan sosai lokacin a lokacin, an kawo gida 'ya'yan La Tura. Jini, za a zubar da bã kõwa ba. La Tura riqe da zamanin, kuma har abada za ta kasance ta! (Brothers. Sons. Fathers, daughters, wives. We are gathered here in this hall today to celebrate. To feast in commemoration of the war that we had victory over. We, at this very moment in time, are bringing home the sons of Stauckana. Blood shall be spilt no more. Stauckana holds the reigns, and forever shall it be so!)

"Maku yabo ga dana kuma mãtãta. Zai girma ya zama babban m sarki, daya braver fiye da ko da ni ne. Zai yi sarauta mulkokin zuwa yanzu da kuma m, ya mamaye cikin garũruwa zuwa gabas da yamma da kuma kudu ... shi Wolf Kambori. Kuma ni Raye-Raye Da Wolves, sarki cewa bayar da ɗana, nan gaba, Sarkin, da wannan ƙasa, tare da wannan ikon. (Toast to my son and my wife. He will grow up to be a valiant king, one braver than even I am. He will rule kingdoms far and wide, he dominates the lands to the east and the west and the south... he is Wolf Claw. And I am Dances With Wolves, the king that provided my son, future king, with this land, with this power.)

"Tãyar da ku gilashi, abokaina, ku sha ruwan inabi. Sha jinin abokan gābanmu kuma bari daukaka gudu ta hanyar jikinmu, yada kamar wildfire. Bari mu wanka a cikin rabo!" (Raise your glass, my friends, and drink the wine. Drink the blood of our enemies and let glory run through our bodies, spreading like wildfire. Let us bathe in our triumph!)

Everyone in the hall stands from their places and chants, "Mu yi yãƙi, kuma munã rãyuwa yau da dare!" I remember the phrase from the first raid I'd ever been to. The original phrase was 'za mu yi yãƙi, mu rayu ma yau da dare' which translated into: 'we will fight, we live tonight.'

But this phrase was different. It easily translated to: 'We have fought, and we shall live tonight.'

The music started up again, blaring loudly in the grand hall. People danced and laughed and clashed their drinks together. Long live the King and Queen, and their little prince.

It is night. The shagali has ended a little over an hour ago, and I have just finished putting Wolf Claw to sleep. He was tired, so I kissed his little red cheeks and laid him to rest in his cradle. I wear a long deerskin shawl over the silks since most of the fires had been put out after the shagali ended. It was like an oven.

But now, thanks to the winter, the corridors were cold. I walk the lonely hall, my hair hanging around my face, the hanging crystal on my crown jingling with each step I take. I can see him waiting for me at the end of the hallway, standing in the doorway to our chambers. He gives me a lopsided smile, his long hair kissing his hips.

I smile back at him, coming into the light and out of the dark shadows of the night. He shuts the door behind me and comes to join me at the fire. He sits down on his bearskin chair and I sit right next to him in a fine leather seat. "I have everything I want," he says softly, smiling into the crackling fire before us.

Scarlet sparks rise up into the air and pop like tiny firecrackers. I look up at him, seeing the shadows from the fire cast off of his handsome, contoured face. "What now?"

He sighs and leans back in his chair, making himself comfortable with the animal fur. "I don't know."

"Well…" I begin softly. "We do what we know how to do."

"And what is that?" he questions.

"We love," I reply.

He nods his head. "Ah. Yes."

I touch the topaz hanging around my neck and bring it to my lips, kissing it tenderly. "Can you believe how far we've come?" I ask, looking down at my gemstone. He sighs again and shifts in his chair.

"I never thought I'd be here, right now, with you," Abigor admits.

"I never thought I'd be a queen."

"I'd never thought I could hold so much love for a single person."

"And I never knew I had it in me either," I say truthfully. "I'd always had this picture of what I wanted in life. A husband and many children, living
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