» Esotericism » Practical Witchery!, John Stormm [ap literature book list txt] 📗

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also the chances that flora or fauna may have immigrated from one side to your own, though at MOST times, they cannot remain for more than an hour or so, before the universe corrects itself and moves the creatures of a differing frequency/vibration to the appropriate parallel world again. This is one of the reasons that so many “crypto-zoological” specimens are often spotted in odd places on our globe, but no evidence of their supporting numbers, viable populations of genus or dens and habitats are ever found, when searched for. Even when the most credible of witnesses have reported what they saw. The reason for this being: They came from a parallel world or dimension, and over the space of a short time, after they were witnessed here, they naturally transitioned to their own plane of origin.

I have found this to be true of “rocs” or “thunderbirds” as reported via many aboriginal tales. Whether the shamans entered the realm of the great rocs, or the rocs entered this one through an aerial rift; I can’t say with any certainty. But you will find at least one instance of our spotting such in my short story: “Through The Rift (as told by Scotty)” at Note: You don’t find evidence in THIS plane of a roc aerie or recent carcasses of such creatures, any more than you’ll find a viable population of plesiosaurians in Loch Ness or Lake Champlain, but on odd occasions, they ARE sighted and/or photographed, and no one seems to be able to explain why they can search, but not find them here. My studies have given me ample reasons for my own plausible explanation of these.

It IS possible, though complicated even at the best of times, to alter one’s frequency or “Schumann Resonance”, (a vibration or frequency common to a specific world or planet) so that longer, or possibly a permanent residence may be taken up in a newer world. For those of you schooled in the Old Craft, you were raised upon the tales of children crossing into Gwynydd via “faery wraths” and warned to never eat or drink of anything in that realm, or never being able to return, or even return long after everyone they knew are long dead. You will see or begin to understand the correlations of the ancient tales, with the quantum data presented here.

For myself, I HAVE eaten and drank in other realms and will attest that I can stay for a much longer time than normal in such a place, but still I shift back to this realm (Abred) whether I want to or not. A normal “stay” in another realm in passing randomly through a rift, is normally an hour or less, for most people. I can stay for a day or longer, depending upon where and how often I’ve been there before. As human frequencies or resonance increase, and often in the mass population “decreases” (mob mentality) to a lower vibration. The cusp of the age and time we are in, as described in the prophecies of a great many and varied cultures, does more than suggest that a certain natural and permanent transition of members of our human species, to a better or darker realm, as the case may be, is about to occur.

As you explore these for yourself, you may notice that the world does not appear to be the one you are familiar with, and within an hour or so of exploring it, find yourself back in familiar territory again, not far from where you first entered the other, even if you remember walking for miles. Time and distance do not always translate the same in both worlds. Be prepared for this disorientation, as there is little to no effect that you may feel to let you know that you crossed over through a rift. I’ve published short stories and full length novels based accurately upon many of these experiences. I’ve done my level best to recount things as accurately as I could, and try to find all the relevant data to compare as I could. But often I will find myself overwhelmed by all the changes and differences and get caught up in the details of one thing, only to miss something greater elsewhere. I think you will better understand this after you’ve made a few crossings for yourself.


This aspect may be better understood by esoteric practitioners of yoga, martial arts or other meditational disciplines. I, myself am a hereditary Danaan witch, and my natural proclivity is to gravitate towards “Danu”, a.k.a. Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother Nature as generations of my ancestors have before me, from Paleolithic times. To the patriarchal folk among my readers: One woman may seem pretty much like any other. But I would urge you to get to better know the woman before you, and you’ll better discern the differences between her and her sisters. The same is going to be true in traversing worlds via rifts or such. It is easy to become desensitized to Nature in the “civilization” around you now. It appears that everything in it, is designed to separate you more and more from experiencing Nature as She is, and not what we try to make Her into, for our own conveniences.

For many, many millennia Danaans or any Nature based aboriginal peoples regained their proper mindsets and focus in very similar rituals. I’ve made mention of the Schumann Resonance. It is the planet’s natural resonance, and is scientifically described as such:

“They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity.” They are at different ranges on different worlds.

The correlation with these is that our Alpha Waves in our own brains are around the same frequencies at our own optimum times. Hence: There is a scientific, and not a “religious” or mystical reason why I am suggesting the following exercises. In essence, we want to lose the extraneous “noise” and find our calmer, more connected centers, to best notice the “ripples” we will find, once the “pond has been calmed”, so to speak. Even in Danaan witchery, EVERYTHING has “cause and effect”. One thing does not simply “pop” out of another without reason. Something, however unseen or unknown has initiated the reactions.

Modern science loves to describe its “Big Bang” as: In the beginning, there nothing… it all gathered into one place and exploded, and made everything else. REAL science would find that unacceptable, and REAL witchery requires a knowledge of HOW and WHY, than just a mere WHAT to make things happen as we do. So whether or not you are of the same ilk of witch as I, or not a witch at all: I need you to try in your best way, to relate to what I am trying to share in this essay, and bear with me that there are substantial reasons for so doing.


In many Earth based, Nature cultures, “Mother’s Heartbeat” is drummed, and bare feet shuffle in their circle dance, never leaving contact with the ground. This is how Danu’s children honor Mother Danu.

For yourself, you will need to get yourself barefoot, at least for the duration of the exercise, though you can put your shoes back on afterwards to explore the area in. Place your bare feet, a little better than shoulder’s width apart, with your toes rooting themselves in the soil, like the roots of a tree. With your back straight and your shoulders back, chin level, and arms at your side comfortably: Breathe IN through your nose, feeling as though the fresh air were traveling in, down your spine, curling back up from deep in your pelvis (charging your “tan tien”, a few inches below the core of your navel) up through your solar plexus and out through your mouth.

This is breathing with your expanding diaphragm, and not trying to expand your rib cage. Breathe in deep and slow and force it all out thoroughly before taking your next breath. Repeat three or more times as needed, and then allow your breathing to go fairly still. Much the same as the drum beat of “Mother’s Heartbeat”, bring your heartbeat and breathing down to a calmer, quieter level. I want you to continue standing in that spot for a few minutes or more. Without making a move or a sound, and becoming much as a tree, without making any conscious impact upon ANY of the natural environment you are in.

This can be in a desert, on a beach, in the woods or whatever natural area that you are about to explore. Learn to be quiet and still long enough for the birds and wildlife to settle down around you. Ask yourself in your mind: What would be happening here if I were not present? And let yourself fade into the environment until it is so. This point is where you begin to connect with Nature, and becoming more recipient of Her, rather than constantly contributing to the ruckus and background noise in the world. Now, you will be more receptive to the smaller and quieter details of life around you. When you feel ready, you may put your shoes back on and begin your exploring with a more open and receptive mind to what Mother wants to teach you, and not what you “expect” to hear, or wish to impose upon Her.


There are a few things that I like to bring with me, for various reasons, and I will share them here with you, as well as my reasons for choosing them thusly. You can bring more or less as you will. Often times, I’ve brought various cameras and pieces of technology to try and capture and measure certain phenomenon. Radios, to see if any kind of transmissions were happening in the world I opened into. Most of the time, these didn’t even produce static to hear. But you will need to satisfy your own studies and curiosities. A compass and a map, isn’t a bad idea, but don’t expect them to be fully relevant to the world that you find yourself in. Sometimes the similarities are only the most superficial depending upon where you end up. But they WILL come in handy when you transition back to your local plane, as you may not exit in precisely the same point that you entered, and how you traveled extra-dimensionally, may not appear to have much bearing upon where you end up here. A good knife is always handy. Not just the blunt athame’s that many witches favor, but something that you can cut a good staff with, if needs be. Water to drink and maybe a piece of fruit or something to snack, in case you are a little longer out than you expect, are a wise choice. A small hand mirror and a natural quartz crystal are a bonus to have with you. I find the sphere shaped quartz the best for this work, and they really don’t have to be very large. I’ve found an inch or so in diameter, to work wonders for me.

There’s a number of good reasons for my choice of a “quartz” sphere, as opposed to a “lead crystal” sphere. BOTH will resonate with whatever energies are pumped into them, but the lead crystal will dissipate those energies over time. The quarts has a peizo-electric quality to it, which is why you find it prevalent in so many of today’s technologies. It resonates precisely with the amount of current or energies put into it, as in your digital watches, computer clock chips

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