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or even crystal radios. We are going to make use of this quality to manipulate a few other forms of energies, in order to have an effect on our environments and such.

You can suspend such a crystal over a small hand mirror, to concentrate solar or lunar energy (light) through it so that it resonates with it, much as a piezoelectric capacitor might. Another energy I find useful to pump into mine is “chi” energy, or my own “life force” energy, by means of placing the crystal on a stand before me and adopting the “square horse breathing” exercise that I mentioned previously and expelling my “chi” out through my hands, which are held close, but not physically touching the orb. I would repeat this exercise on many evenings before my trips or other uses, to build up a considerable charge in the crystal. As an aside, this stored “chi” has an EXCELLENT use in healing works in people, plants and animals in addition to what you can generate at the moment of treatment. If your crystal is holding a charge well, you will feel it when you move your fingertips within an inch or so of its surface. You will likely feel a field that is almost like touching a dry cotton ball. Sometimes, you’ll notice a pale blue “foxfire” effect flickering around the surface of the crystal in low light conditions. The more energy that you can hold in it, the more effect it will have when you put it to use, and in rift areas, there is a particular use for this.

If we go back to the nature of rifts, or even in correlation with the eight Sabbats on the Celtic Wheel of the year, there are certain times AND places when and where those veils are at their thinnest and the most unstable, to facilitate us “parting the curtain” to open and view, or pass through to the other side. Where ley lines cross, earth energies are prevalent and certain times of the year, these rifts become more and more unstable, and by pumping a bit of this energy, combined from yourself and your crystal in the heart of such an area, you can force a crossing that you might not normally expect to happen. It is even possible to use your hand mirror to focus sunlight into your crystal as well, to ramp up its vibrations to create more of an energetic ripple effect. You can see a photograph of this effect in my short story “Parting The Veil Of Worlds” as published at or even among the photos of my Albums on my Facebook page. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t make it happen EVERY time. Some times, I know it will be a sure thing, and other times it’s a gamble. I’ve been working and experimenting with these energies as a witch for the largest part of my 60 years now. A lot of trial and error has gone into this study, and you should expect some too. Be sure to keep notes on dates, times, locations and methods used to increase your chances at further attempts.

Once you have actually breached a rift and traveled through it, it has an effect on your own natural EM (electromagnetic) field or “aura”. Once you know the approximate locations of a few rift areas, you may be able to hike on through without all the fussing with extra energies. You won’t always notice the passing until things start to get strange, and that depends upon where you pass into. Don’t panic, how ever it happens or where: You will naturally be “corrected” back into your normal plane after a short amount of time regardless. All you have to do, is keep a cool, clear head and try not to act like an “invader”, and keep a fairly low profile. Even a sasquatch or Jersey Devil never stays present in this plane for more than a short while, during a sighting, and in this case: YOU are the crypto-critter.


Pattern Recognition in Spellcraft

Pattern Recognition…

I’ve said why I don’t like generic spell books, such as are often promoted for sale these days. Spellcraft for the wise witch, is our chief “problem solving tool”. The nature of “problems” are: Problems are dynamic, meaning that they are prone to changing with the circumstances and conditions. Problems left to themselves, can either become worse over time, or better, and even solve themselves when left alone. This is why yet another talent to be found in the worthy witch or wizard is “pattern recognition”. We need to be able to discern the patterns of events and such in our environments. Seeing an over abundance in fruits, both wild and domesticated, often cues us that Nature is preparing Her own, for a particularly hard winter to come. The patterns of the geese flocking northwards, tells us that Spring is on the way.

So, it is also true of people around us and their habits. In previous chapters, I’ve alluded to the fact that spellcraft is not ALWAYS an occult, or mystical operation, of those dabbling with familiar spirits. I can’t say this and re-define this for you enough:

“Spell: A set period of time, where an influence, or influences are brought to bear, to accomplish a desired goal.”

Modern society has been tainted with warlock policies that are very different from how your ancient Celtic ancestors (and others) looked at things. Since these are the prevailing powers working in this day and age, it stands to reason, that the patterns of thought are even changed to suit themselves, as ever. Allow me to point out some examples of how their hierarchies manage themselves, and in the process, have affected themselves upon modern thought:

I must reiterate that a “warlock” is an “oath breaker” in their literal Gaelic context, and an unscrupulous mage, as I’ve demonstrated in earlier chapters. They do NOT serve the community so much, as they are serving themselves and their respective orders. If you’re not wearing the same rings as they are, their promises to you mean little or nothing at all. Profit is the sole decider of how that will go. To a warlock businessman, the very idea of selling their own grandmother, is repugnant to them, unless they can make a large sum of cash for the transaction.  In which case, it is not only justifiable, but very clever of them.  They've ALWAYS met in secret, well before Christianity made nearly all aspects of the craft as a punishable crime. This was because their focus, was a conspiracy to garner more power and profit.  They were an anathema to anyone beyond their own circles, who was so unfortunate as to do business with them.  These habits have become ingrained over countless centuries, and people are naturally inclined to use what has ALWAYS worked for them in the past. Knowledge is ALWAYS “power”!


The more that you know and understand, the more effects that you can exercise over your environment, and in your social circles, to affect a desired change… for whatever motives you may harbor. Luciferians and their ilk were never known to be altruistic, no matter how adamantly they like to claim otherwise. They may be the chief patrons of a children's charity.  But this is not so much an affair of the heart, unless pedophilia is their penchant, as it is just another tool to give some facade of respectability and credibility to an otherwise ruthless and unscrupulous soul, hidden in a business suit.  This is ALL about self gratification and glorification. “I will be like the Most High! And I will ascend above all that is called God!” Their “patterns” of behavior are to follow their master’s, as any devotee or disciple of any particular school of thought or philosophy, may be expected to do. To freely share such knowledge, is an anathema to them, because by so doing: they empower their own competition, and then they have to work harder to stay ahead of the rest. They will not tolerate someone else “rising above” themselves. It is counter productive to their thinking. Hence, they ALWAYS establish divisions in everything they put their hands to.

There was a time, when religions were hijacked to suit the warlock clergy, that is specifically: Priests who set rules upon their congregations, that they, themselves never intended to adhere to. They took up positions of authority, and separated the people from their own native cultures. They also separated themselves from the common folk. If you were of the laity, you could not naturally be expected to understand the complexity of religious mysteries that the priests did. So they made themselves obscure and above the judgment of the common folk. However, they were subject to the judgments and rulings of their own hierarchal orders, and that of course, was always kept a secret to the uninitiated masses. You can begin to understand, that as a “witch of the blood”, that MY patterns and ideas of “illumination” and enlightening does not coincide with warlock policies or such. Unlike them, true witches serve ALL of the clans, to the benefit of ALL, and NOT merely themselves. We are “agents of karma”. What good we sow, we expect fully to reap, and therein lies OUR ideas of profiting. Again, this is the “pattern” of our ancient people in our craft before me, and such is what one should be seeing in how I conduct myself as a witch. Even as the warlocks behave according to their ancient sect. But I digress here.

Whether we are looking at the secret practices of Freemasons, Skull and Bones men, or even the Pentagon: We are looking at the very same patterns of mindset inherent in them. What a 30th Degree Mason learns and is made to understand, even about who they call “God”, is VERY different that what a 1st Degree Mason will understand. Their craft is ALWAYS represented as “levels within levels” of separation, and ALWAYS separation between the rank and file. Unity is often preached in the most superficial of ways, but NEVER practiced as such. It is ALWAYS the elite few over the rank and file, and those being subject to them without question.  These patterns prevail today in nearly every aspect where their kind has infiltrated government, academia, medicine (formerly known as "sorcery") and religion.  Note that in spite of all the high sounding speeches, that divisions are always made and kept among their followers.  This forestalls any chances of them waking up to their masters and achieving enough strength in unity, to take back their power and cast off their authority over them.  "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!"  If you were to take your own initiative:  Where do you suppose that you might find a talismanic image of a single, all seeing eye, erected over a widening power base?  Who do you suppose put it there?

In the C.I.A. and the Pentagon, there are levels of secret and Top Secret, that places severe restrictions as to what is commonly known or kept secret, between the ranks of their own divisions. Departments are sectioned off severely: where one technician may work

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