» Esotericism » Practical Witchery!, John Stormm [ap literature book list txt] 📗

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talismans for power. Every crime or infraction has a listed dollar value. And as poor as they treat people of color, even a black man can quite literally get away with murder if he has the money to pay. If not… he’s a dead man! No question. The system is designed so that ONLY the elite can become wealthy and succeed in this material plane. But even so, they are losing out on their power too, and can ONLY maintain it as such as long as you believe those talismans will give you power and keep your focus on the lowest plane of existence: the material plane.


I am a Danaan “witch of the blood“. I am not a religious man, but I am a spiritual man. I do not seek to proselytize you all into witches like me. I seek to help you break their chains and shake them off for yourselves. I can’t do it for you. You must evolve and grow on your own steam and find your own power. I can only point out the fence that has been holding you inside the box. Any physicist will tell you that an atom is 99.9999% empty space. Since you and everything else in the universe is comprised of atoms, with like charged particles that by rights should fly apart rather than hold together: it is apparent that the TRUE substance of the universe is not matter or material things, but consciousness. God is not a cranky old white man sitting on a throne somewhere.



KJV Colossians 1:16-17


16.  For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17.   And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.


Take away the mystical, religious double talk and see that consciousness for exactly what it is. Having a consciousness of your own, step up to the universe and take your rightful places as sons and daughters of the omnipresent Creator in spite of anyone’s paltry religious views and find your power. Because the powers-that-be in this present evil paradigm can only bully you as long as you believe they are better and more powerful than you. All those paper talismans or signed edicts put together add up to nothing but your own slavery to the falsest of gods. The Lakota Sioux have a saying: Mitakuye Oyasin! We are all of us related! The substance of this world is only an illusion that you are destined to rise above or be crushed beneath. You start choosing your own path and destiny for yourself and let no man rob you of your own divine power to do so. Quit thinking of truth in terms of religious doctrine and dogma. I have shown you where it came from and no good can come of it. Reach out of the box and out of yourself and touch that consciousness that holds the atoms together within you and cry out: DADDY! Or MOM! As you will, but know you belong to something and someone far greater than a tyrant! I am your brother, John Stormm.



The Curse of Two Dimensional Thinking

Look What They’ve Done To You! 

       I am writing this chapter to try and explain what has happened to your brain and why you have such a difficult time trying to get past anything higher than two dimensional thinking.  It won’t be easy as it is rather involved, and for those of you who picture everything that doesn’t fit into your lopsided little paradigm as “conspiracy theory”, it will be a total waste of time and you’re probably missing American Idol or some other inane distraction that you could be wasting your finite lifetime watching and drooling over.  It “sounds” very offensive, and you SHOULD be deeply offended, but if you can read through; you’ll have a first rate idea of who and what you should be really offended with.  I don’t mean to insult you.  I’m making the effort to pull you out of that pit that was dug for you, and I need you to see for yourselves, who your enemies REALLY are.

        Along all of those various “conspiracy theories”; you may first want to consider the documented, scientific and medical FACTS about the effects of FLOURIDE.  It’s NOT a “theory”.  There’s SO much clinical data on this stuff that it is amazing that so many of you THINK it’s lunatic fringe conspiracy theory.  I won’t bother here to repeat ALL the facts on this topic as you can look it up as its own topic and get educated anywhere about it.  What I NEED to point out to you is:  How you became so programmed and conditioned that someone has mentioned it to you, or you may have read about its effects in medical school or in studying pharmaceuticals and yet you’ll INSIST upon believing that it is in your public water system for the good of your children’s teeth.  That’s a well documented LIE, but you are conditioned to ignore that simple fact and now you’ll even PAY for bottled water that has fluoride included in it to get its dubious “health benefits”.  This article is NOT about “theories” of any sort and not about fluoride.  It is about what happened to your mind and how all of us supposedly evolved, sophisticated, THINKING creatures could let things get this bad and how we can begin to break these metaphorical “chains of darkness” and rise above this devolving disaster.  Even I hardly know where to begin with this.

        First, let’s start with our most inaccurately named “educational system”.  You may believe you’ve been educated in the finest schools in the world.  If you’re an American, that MAY have been true at one time, when we had the highest educational skills per capita than any other country in the world, but that was a time long before most of you were born.  Presently, for all of our inordinately expensive educational system:  Bush babies in Kenya score higher on SATs than the average American student of the same age groups.  We presently rank BEHIND Third World countries in education.  There is a very scientific reason for this and it is no conspiracy theory.  Let’s examine what is wrong about this system at its most basic level to see why it fails us so:

        We can explore all sorts of theories of higher education and social structures and still miss the “elephant in the classroom”.  To begin with:  You LEARNED very, very  little in all of your years in this educational system.  You may disagree with that statement, but you’d be WRONG and there is a very valid reason WHY you wouldn’t even see it as obvious as it is:  This system was designed not to TEACH you, but to INDOCTRINATE you.  You weren’t taught “how to learn” but “how to memorize” data and regurgitate it back on demand in your pop quizzes and tests.  You might want to argue that you devoured volumes upon volumes of knowledge in 12 or more years of continuing education, but you would be WRONG!  You were made to memorize pages and pages of deliberate PROPAGANDA and made to believe those were FACTS!  Everything about your indoctrination has been designed, deliberately to make you “Left Brained” to the full exclusion of any Right Brain activity.

        Let’s take a look at a few good examples of what I’m talking about here.  If you are an older citizen; you may remember in grade school as a child that if you were left handed, they would TRY to encourage you to be right handed.  I remember how hard they tried that with my left handed sister.  FACT:  The left hemisphere of our brains control the right side of our bodies and vice versa.  If you are right hand dominant; then you are already left brain dominant and easily kept that way, as opposed to encouraging you to make FULL use of BOTH hemispheres.  The Left Half processes math and language skills and spatial mechanics.  The Right Half is the creative and abstract or even subconscious thought processes like “dreaming” and much more.  It is where you connect to things on a deeper and even artistic level.  Nobody in this educational system is going to be encouraged to become a “starving artist” or a musician.  No, if you’re going to have any goals at all they will encourage you to try to learn some trade you can support your families with and take up music or art as a hobby.  If you show ANY signs of artistic or Right Brained inclinations, you are singled out as an “odd ball” or misfit and derided by your peers until you tow the line with the rest of the Left Brained automatons.  That is our system and most of you will painfully remember EXACTLY this fact about your school years.

        When they “teach” you, it is in this fashion:  You are TOLD that Columbus discovered America in 1492.  You did not LEARN that, because it is NOT true.  Hard facts do NOT support this statement.  There are no artifacts or evidence that supports that there were ANY Italians, Portuguese, or Spaniards in America beyond a few short centuries ago.  But ALL evidence and even historical writings SHOW that someone has been here even to 10,000 years or more before Columbus was ever born!  They even called them “Indians” as the documented history describes as having greeted him as he found his way here in 1492.  But you were never TAUGHT to make that connection, but it was INSISTED that you buy into the PROPAGANDA, and not to think about it for yourself on your own terms.  When given a test for what you “learned” that year in school, and they asked the question:  WHO discovered America and WHEN?  If you answered anything but “Columbus” and “1492”, you FAILED that test and you repeated that grade or your GPA dropped enough to help keep you from being accepted in the best colleges later on and getting any of the best jobs.  The mind zombies that mindlessly repeated the propaganda became the captains of politics and industry in America in your place. 

It wasn’t an ACCIDENT or chance that kept you from your dreams.  It was by design.  Once upon a time, some of the world’s best thinkers came from here and even abroad as in only a little over a century the world saw GREAT leaps in science, arts and technology and then… back to mental mediocrity in the general populace.  Surely you understand that your masters KNOW that Columbus did not in fact discover anything.  There’s a real reason why it serves them to mislead you with this propaganda.  You do not consider the native Americans in this story.  You, because of your indoctrination, you  are far more inclined to see them as savage or subhuman nonentities relegated to reservations for their own good and well being so that the ‘superior’ species and races can claim the

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