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against such things.  But three hundred years after his crucifixion, it was pagan warlocks that changed the focus of his life teachings, and kept their flock's focus on how he died, and filled them full of church doctrine and dogma instead.  It didn't matter that the Master railed publickly against the religious Jews of the day, using their traditions and doctrines of men, to make the Word of God to none effect... nobody reads that stuff but the priests, and surely they would not lie to them.  But note, that Constantine, who was THE Patron of the Babylonian Mystery Schools until his deathbed baptism (for what that was worth).  He was sworn, by blood oath to THEM first of all.  What could his allegiance to this new religion possibly be, when weighed in the scale of his own word and actions?

     For all of us:  Our words SHOULD be our bonds.  Yea, always means "yes", and Nay always means "no".  Any departure from that, is a walk away from honesty, before God or men.  When a man stands up and publickly proclaims to a certain course, it SHOULD be a given, that he will spend his life achieving that goal.  But for the secret, luciferian sects who have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, it would have been so.  But because of their wealth and power; people accepted these types as "pillars of the community".  They see masonic rings, gestures and handclasps and THINK that these are respectable people.  Like their own promises: they forget that these people are pre-sworn to another agenda already, and that it has NOTHING to do with YOUR well being, but only their own.  They ARE "warlocks", oath breakers and use the craft they learned to their own ends: to control others for profit.  They CANNOT serve YOU, or their oaths, that are taken very seriously by their brethren, would have them murdered for treason to the group.  If they were "secret" beyond the eyes and ears of the public, this would be an understandable mistake, to put such a person in charge of ANYTHING.  Their deals sour on their lips as they speak them.  Their handshake is your undoing, unless you are wearing the same rings.  

      In America, MOST who hold any great power, are high degree Masons.  The same is true of many of the captains of finance and industry, and their occult symbolism of their craft is shown publickly, on nearly every document they deem important, and the ignorant masses wonder why their lives are so hard, and yet others stand out in fatness and suffer no ill thing or war.  Why is it when people in power, promote artists and such, to spread their illusions and visions, and when the artists are rich beyond their dreams:  They take their own lives in despair?  Because they KNOW what they had sold their souls to, and cannot bear it any further.  It is better to end your miserable lives, than to find yourself in opposition to a God that will never be impressed with your trinkets.  Masonic rings or no: some clergy live and preach to continue raking in wealth and power from their congregants.  They too, have broken with Christ and serve their own appetites.  Their loyalty IS in question... but WHO questions such archaic things like loyalty and integrity anymore?  We've pretty much decided to take on the warlock doctrine for ourselves, and cast our values aside as inconvenient for our times.  We've become a part of our own worst problems, when we do not hold people accountable for their oathes.  Our solutions were to join the other side and hope to win something.  

     To me, as a born and bred pagan witch:  Jesus was the "Logos", The Word made flesh.  To a First Century pagan (gentile), that was a very grandiose claim to make.  But if we couple that, with the image of a man, who makes no occult hoodoo moves, but simply speaks the dead to rise, lame to walk and the wind and sea to be still... Now, we have reason to stop dead in our tracks, and follow this man, even to our death, if needs be.  We understand the power behind an unbroken Will and Word and that the author of such, could and should do no less.  Take also the magi, who could predict his coming in the stars, were not of warlock ilk either.  They saw, and understood what they were seeing, and put their lives at risk, to finance the first dozen years of this babe's life on earth, and misled Herod away from him.  These weren't Lutherans or catholics.  They were pagan and "wise", and their oathes intact.  I would never expect Jesus, or even them to behave any differently.  Neither would I expect luciferians, masons, and illuminst warlocks, or people whose "holy language" was nothing but a "trade language" to have interests in anything PURE, except to defile it for gold and power, as they have time, time and again.

      Sworn oathes, be they in blood, or mere words are VERY important.  Exactly WHAT kind of deal, or workable agreement, can you expect to reach with anyone, if what they are saying, is NOT what they mean?  If the track record of the speaker shows they have no respect of such:  Such respect should NEVER be given to them, to put them in ANY place of honor or authority.  By their very nature, they will defile it.  They are unqualified to even be believed.  Neither should there be evidence that they have sworn fidelity, and allegiance to any other cause, as that would take precedence over the promises they make to the people present.  Their loyalty and allegiance IS in question:  Put no faith in them! 

At this very moment in history:  We as Americans find ourselves murdering and torturing others in the dubious name of "freedom", democracy and even God's name.  You chasten a person who simply says:  "Jesus!"  or "goddamn" as if they were taking God's own name in vain.  But excuse everyone else with a funny collar or an expensive suit, who will outright misrepresent God's name, to lend credibility to their own filthy, murderous agendas.  We find ourselves supporting the side that misrepresents God for personal profit and OUR undoing, and yet no one wants to see themselves at odds with God.  But insanely enough, that is EXACTLY what we are doing!

We have been fools, and not the least bit for "Christ's sake".  My too tightly wrapped christian ex-wife kept voting for Republicans, because they were "Right to Life" party.  She still thinks she's voting for God's causes as she does it.  Yet, in all of her years; did she see a single one of these masonic reprobates do ANYTHING about abortions?  Never, and she never will, because warlock doctors make money, breaking with their Hippocratic Oath on a commercial basis, to perform them.  I am NOT speaking of those rare cases, where such a procedure NEEDS to be performed, to save the mother's life.  I'm speaking of a commercial act of convenience.  And their money owns the politicians, who will keep the money flowing, in spite of dead babies.  They are murdering babies and more, all over the world by missiles and drone attacks, for profit as well.  Such is what they always were, and declared themselves by their blood oathes... but we somehow expect differently of them.  That part is the craft being worked on us, and as every dollar bill is an occult talisman to bring warlocks more power:  they are hopelessly wrapped up in the illusion.  They believe a lie.  Most christians don't like Solomon, because he rubbed elbows with too many pagans. 

Most pagan witches listen and read anything from Solomon.  Here's what he had to say of this:

KJV Proverbs 26:1-2

1.  As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool.

2.  As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

  Has it occurred to any of you that the world we live in today is accursed?  Or that America's troubles might be a sign of God's displeasure, in spite of all of our yelling:  "God bless, America!"   Do you begin to understand why that's NOT going to happen, and what kind of turn around (repentence) that it's going to take from ALL of us to change this?  Here's something I wrote almost a decade ago, of what I have observed of my country in my time...

“The Mighty Fallen”

This is the land where I was born and grew up.

This nation was known as the Lord's golden cup.

A land of abundance, overflowing abroad.

A land gone corrupt, and turned far from God.

A place where the truth is forsaken for lies.

Where the honest and stalwart are feared and despised.

A place where Judgment will soon come calling,

"Babylon the great, is fallen, is fallen!"


Deny your own heart and your actions are token.

Warlocks hold sway with promises broken.

We want it all NOW!  Make it cheaper and faster!

Common folk groan under a heartless taskmaster.

Having sold all of your virtues, you're a mother of whores.

Terrible tidings awash all your shores.

I've heard the voice of the angel calling:

"Babylon the great, is fallen, is fallen!"


Through God's own desire, you would have been healed,

but you said it was He, whom should give way and yield.

Trust the will of a man as the ultimate power,

but they all pass away like a plucked, withered flower.

We are rich!  We are powerful!  We've nothing to fear!

But we're sadly mistaken, and what "god" will hear?

"In a single hour," said the angel, quite solemn,

"Babylon the great, is fallen, is fallen!"


Fifty bright stars come together as one,

Show not what we were, but what we've become.

Place a hand on your heart and bow your head.

In deepest humility, sing this instead...


My country 'tis of thee

Who sells our liberty

to foreign kings.

Land where our soldiers die,

Serving a naked lie.

If God were really on our side,

Freedom would ring!




History ala Tuatha Danaan


"The Children of Danu"

        In the ancient days of our craft, it was recorded that there were over 200 ancient wyrding clans, descended of otherworld blood, and trained in much wisdom beyond the pale of our human race.  On mountain tops, sea floors and around the globe, are the evidence of these interactions, found in the fantastic megalithic structures of incredibly massive stones, expertly fitted together, without mortar, withstanding the test of time and earthquakes.  Nearly all of which that are beyond our ability to lift, move and fit with such incredible precision to this very day.  Note that the civilizations are long gone, and some forgotten, but that the structures they built, stand to this very day!  While our modern structures, could not last more than a few decades untended, without becoming unihabitable trash heaps.  In several cultures, it has been recorded, that many troubles came of this interference in our world, as a direct result of this knowledge and technology.  We were not ready, nor had we reached the full age of maturity as a people, to manage it wisely.  As even today, MOST of our world is subject to 13

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