» Esotericism » beauty X, Ranko Tutulugdzija [jenna bush book club TXT] 📗

Book online «beauty X, Ranko Tutulugdzija [jenna bush book club TXT] 📗». Author Ranko Tutulugdzija

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body. What you read in Kristen’s letter may have been a bit too much medical information. I’m not writing this for doctors or the medical world but for the youngest girl to understand clearly what makes physical beauty and what breaks it. Let’s analyze the changes on a non-cellular, non-pathogenic, not so medical level that will take place when a person does not get enough food or nutrition.
HAIR – You will lose your hair. Hair is always one of the first parts of beauty to be lost when a girl or a woman thinks she will get a skinny body and a pretty face from not eating. Hair turns thin, brittle, dry at the ends but oily at the scalp. It looks unhealthy, lacks shine and body. And guess what? No shampoo bottle in the world or hair product can restore your hair. Only rebuilding and strengthening the blood and correcting deficiencies can bring health back to hair.
BODY HAIR – Have you ever wondered why some girls have body hair on their lower backs, stomach, upper lips and neck? Some ethnic groups are genetically predisposed to this but for those who aren’t hair growth in these places is totally abnormal. What happens is our bodies compensate for lost nutrition and food intake which equals health and energy for all the body’s system and cellular networks, by doing what? By growing fur…I know it sounds strange but it is a survival mechanism. Our core body temperature is pretty high around 98.2 degrees. We are not cold blooded. We are warm blooded. Think about how much easier it is to live in the Caribbean than in Antarctica…why is that? It is because the external environment more closely matches our internal environment. When we don’t get enough food, we don’t get enough internal warmth and that means not only is our internal body deficient but it also gets “cold.” The body doesn’t have the “warmth” to properly function. Medicine may call this adrenal fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome or just not having the best blood circulation (and YES - not eating or eating less does cause all three). Remember how Kristen’s endocrine system (hormone system) was over-exerting and taking from the body’s reserves to keep Kristen alive? Well, the endocrine system includes the adrenal glands. When the body doesn’t get enough food it overworks these glands that help regulate body temperature. That means the adrenal glands start exhausting themselves to survive the lack of food. Over time they burn out. So, although the body’s temperature regulating system is very complicated, we know that the body’s internal temperature is directly related to food. If there isn’t enough and the deficiencies are long lasting, the body starts to adapt and grow fur. Body hair – if you don’t will grow.
SKIN – Skin is changed by any kind of fad diet, eating less or not eating at all. The two most striking changes that occur are the color of the skin and the overall health. The color of the face turns pale, yellow or ash gray. It doesn’t take much time for this to happen. A yellow color is called jaundice. Jaundice can mean a variety of things but in girls and women eating less it usually indicates hemolysis. Hemolysis is the destruction of red blood cells. Jaundice can also mean that bile from the gall bladder (used in digestion) is spilling out, or it can mean problems with the liver and other medical issues.
In Chinese medicine depending on the shade of color of the face it signifies different disease processes. A light yellow signifies a deficiency in digestive organs and an overall deficiency. A gray ash color tells us there is a deficiency in hormone levels. It is one of the first signs a physician should analyze. One thousand years ago when there was no way to look under a microscope or order a blood test and have it studied at a laboratory, doctors in China were able to treat a variety of disorders based on one of multiple factors of diagnosis, of those factors some were and still are skin color, texture and moisture.

Not eating or eating less hurts the blood. The blood weakens and cannot nourish the skin. Allowing the body to constantly work in a malnourished survival state means it is less focused on the hair, skin, extremities (head, legs, arms) and overall physical beauty. It’s more focused on keeping the heart rhythm normal, getting as much nourishment to the lungs to aide in respiration and oxygen transportation to tissue, and keeping the kidneys strong to clean the blood and stay alive. Basically the body starts to worry less about beauty and more about keeping itself alive. It protects the most vital parts and doesn’t worry much about the not so vital. That leaves your skin out of the running of most vital organ, which means your skin with lack of nourishment changes. Lack of nourishment from food also causes the skin to get droopy and lose tightness. If you are older, eating less or not eating is the surest and fastest way to get wrinkles. If you are younger, eating less or not eating makes the skin hyper release oils. The less you eat the more oils your skin will produce. Oils breed acne, black heads and cysts. You can use products to dry the oil and they may help but the ultimate fix needs to be made internally.
Some skin issues are related to genetics and hormone or other medical issues, I am not referring to those types of problems. I am strictly referring to girls and women who don’t eat enough food and the changes to their skin.
FACE – My eight years of studying Chinese medicine, acupuncture, bio-medicine, the complexities of the human body, after years of reflecting on my own personal fight with health, has given me insight into the changes that take place to the outside of the body when the body accumulates deficiencies. Girls and women who don’t eat because they are trying to get that beauty and skinny body by eating less all start looking the same: tired, old, puffy, pale and insecure. Beauty wasted.
In the beginning stages of eating less, a girl may feel on top of the world like Kristen did on her fruit diet. At one point she was very thin. Her face was very skinny. It showed off her cheek bones because of the emaciation. She was in that phase that I call the “it girl” phase of dieting or not eating. It is a place where nothing can go wrong. Everybody sees your beauty and body. You may never be able to understand why some people aren’t as thin as you.

The thing about the “it girl” phase is that it is temporary…the body’s ability to metabolize fluid will start to slow down. Here is an analogy. Think of old trains. They used to be powered by burning coal. When train operators wanted the train to move they used more coal. When they wanted it to stop they used less. The train needed coal for movement. Well, the body is the same way. If you can understand that our bodies are 60% fluid, then you can understand the importance of fluid metabolism in our body. Our body needs its own coal (which for us is food) to keep the fluid inside of us moving and moving to the right places. If we don’t get enough food over time our metabolism function slows down like a train that isn’t burning any coal. When that happens the fluid spills out into places it is not supposed to and it stays stagnate until the body has enough fuel and energy to redistribute and move the fluid to its right place. Water and blood both slow down when we don’t get enough food, and that leaves the face unrecognizable, tired looking, old and swollen. After the “it girl” phase of not eating or dieting, the body is in a deficient state and is losing its fight against malnutrition. The “it girl” phase then changes to the “beauty wasted” phase. Kristen was in the “beauty wasted” phase.
BODY - The body gets really skinny and thin at the beginning stages of eating less or not eating (the “it girl phase”). The body is tight and thin. The world is thinking this girl has everything. A celebrity recently went through this body change. She was the “it girl” for a while, but then everybody started saying she put on some weight. She transferred phases. Her body was fighting against internal changes. She has been thin all her life and like some people she just has a genetic predisposition to that body type. Her body fought against those changes as long as it could - according to her own genetics. It couldn’t stay in the “it girl” phase anymore. Everyone thought she was pregnant. The problem wasn’t that she was eating more food or unhealthy food. The problem was that her body started to develop internal deficiencies and it was just simply lacking enough food for too much time.

For most girls or women who don’t get enough food or don’t eat, they can expect their bodies to swell and become soft. Remember the body survives off eating itself and its own tissue when it doesn’t get enough food. The muscles will be used up as fuel for the body to live. The fluid metabolism function will slow down allowing the fluid to leak out. The fluid gets stuck in the interstitial spaces between the muscles and skin. And that will make the body feel soft without muscle tone. Instead of a natural tone and shape a healthy body should have (especially at a young age), the body seems fat and mushy.
This kind of change in the body also allows for cellulite even at a young age. People wonder why some girls have cellulite on their legs at such a young age? Cellulite can develop due to being overweight and with age, but in a young girl who has been through the “it girl” phase, the answer is not enough food and fluid retention.
So, here is a summary of what happens when you don’t eat, eat little or go on any kind of diet. If you are already thin and in a deficient state, or thin and healthy, and stay on any diet for too long to the point where you build internal deficiencies...

You will... SUMMARY
You will...lose the hair on your head and grow it on your body
You will...grow a moustache
You will...have loose, oily skin and open pores
You will...have the skin color of a zombie
You will...get dark rings around your eyes like a zombie too
You will...have no ability to get tan
You will...have a swollen face that looks fat but really isn’t fat
You will...grow a pouch like a kangaroo that is filled with fluid
You introduced to cankles
You will...have upper arms that are swollen with fluid instead of firm healthy muscle
You will...depending on how long and severe the deficiency - retain fluid throughout your entire body, and people will say, “wow she gained weight” even though they don’t know it is not fat
You will...look old
You will...get cellulite
You will...develop mental changes like
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