» Esotericism » beauty X, Ranko Tutulugdzija [jenna bush book club TXT] 📗

Book online «beauty X, Ranko Tutulugdzija [jenna bush book club TXT] 📗». Author Ranko Tutulugdzija

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This is written to encourage, inform and educate young lives, women and people of all cultures. It is written to create a platform of expression, exchange and discussion for struggles and stories in the beauty fight that is hurting so many lives. My hope is to: 1. Expose what happens to beauty and body when not eating or eating less becomes the way to be prettier or skinnier, 2. To lead a new generation of uninformed, confused young people into strong and prepared grown-ups, and 3. To bring light to all people everywhere about deceptive diets, harmful for-profit diet books, health “experts” claims about food, beauty, exercise, supplements and dieting.

Your cousin told me about what has been going on with you and he asked me to write you.

Girls want to be beautiful. The problem is most girls think they will get that beauty and get skinny through eating less or not eating. What they don’t know is that by doing either, the result is that they lose their beauty and body.

Let me explain. When a person does not get enough food or nutrition the blood suffers. The red blood cells density and strength and total number in the body weaken and lessen. When blood is weakened over time to a certain point the medical diagnosis is anemia. However, the blood can still weaken even if there is not a diagnosis of anemia through a blood test. Either way, with or without a diagnosis, eating less weakens the blood and can lead to many different changes in the body while stealing beauty. These changes occur simultaneously or individually. The most obvious external change is the hair and face. The hair gets weak because of lack of nourishment from the blood and becomes thin, brittle and the scalp becomes oily. The face changes shape and color. The color changes to a pale or ash gray color because the face lacks blood supply. Over time these changes become really apparent and people start to ask why that person looks so tired all the time?

Blood is one of the first parts of the body that is affected by not eating enough food. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a complete state of starvation, or if you are eating but eating less. The blood weakens, but it is not just the blood that weakens. The kidneys also weaken with the blood. The kidneys weaken slowly and they don’t show their weakening or deficiency right away.

At any one time 20% of the blood is in the kidneys being filtered and cleansed. So, the kidneys clean the blood which allows for all organs and tissue in your body to function. On a beauty level, weakening the kidneys by not eating or eating less will leave the face looking tired and puffy. Over time, the face and body will begin to swell with fluid.

What you are suffering from now is called edema. I know you had an operation to fix your swollen facial glands but the swelling and fluid just came back, and now it is even worse. Edema, I am sure your doctor already explained has many causes, but your cause of edema is specific. The edema in your face and abdomen is caused because the fluid metabolism function in your body has become so weak that it cannot control the processing and transportation of fluids. The fluid spills out of the place it is supposed to be and into the interstitial spaces in between the skin and muscle. Without food, the body cannot transfer and mobilize fluid into the places it is supposed to be so they leak out. The fluid accumulates in the cheeks, the lower abdomen, entire abdomen, back of the arms and ankles. But after a long period of eating less or barely eating, the fluid spills out everywhere, and that is called anasarca - generalized edema.

Just look at pictures of young starving children anywhere in the world. Why don’t they look skinny? They have huge bellies and a swollen face yet they are starving. It is because of fluid accumulation. So, you can try and fix the swollen glands but the fluid will just come back until you restrengthen and fortify your blood, kidneys, organs and total body with food.

Last time I saw you we ate at the pier and you told me you were 105 lbs. You wouldn’t order anything to eat and told me that you only ate fruit and how good you felt and how proud you were about your fruit diet. But think about what goes on when you don’t eat, eat very little or eat simple foods like fruit as a means of nutrition? What happens? Your body is not receiving nearly as much nutrition necessary to go through a day of activity, rest and cellular repair, and all the other mental and physical functions the body goes through every day.

When you don’t eat enough food your body starts to take from itself. Your body survives by eating itself. First the fat deposits then the muscles, then tendons and then the ligaments. It steals from the bones and bone marrow and depletes them as it starts to move inward to the organs and critical body systems. Meanwhile, the endocrine system and other vital parts of the body that release hormones go into survival mode. This kind of release is exhausting for the hormone system and body. It is not normal. The body fights to stay alive and does this by taking from itself.

So you have to understand this process and the results and how the body works to understand why you are in the position you are in now. The problem you have is a direct result of not eating enough food. Starving yourself or eating just fruit is the reason you are having problems with your health and appearance.
You need food - all different kinds. You need to eat whole meals with bread, rice, grains, different meats and vegetables. Everything that has life or has a DNA code will not only get you back to health, but will keep you healthy and bring back your beauty. Until, we can meet up, you have to try and understand one thing and that is Food=Beauty.

DON’T BE DISCOURAGED if you don’t have an appetite or if you have distention or bloating after you eat in your stomach or intestines…this is because you temporarily hurt your digestive system. The stomach is made up of smooth muscles that digest food. The smooth muscles of your digestive system also need nourishment from food to stay mobile and “sharp” so that they are able to properly breakdown and digest and then absorb what is needed for the body to function. Because you haven’t eaten steadily for so long the smooth muscles began to lack strength because they too are starving and weakening. They begin to get "dull" and the dullness makes it hard for them to "cut" or digest the food. When food stays stagnate in your stomach you will feel bloating and distention. This will go away in time as the stomach and digestive organs are re-strengthened through food.

Your cousin also told me you are having problems with anxiety and sleep. This is a direct result of your body being deficient of food especially complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs break down into glucose in the body. The brain is a glucose hog and it needs glucose to function. Glucose passes the blood brain barrier and feeds the brain. Your mental function has changed and you have restless thoughts in your mind, this is directly related to not eating carbs.

It is complicated and when we meet up we can get into more detail but for now, you should know that your problems with sleep and changes in your mental function are related to food.

You are so pretty but you have to realize that not eating or just eating fruit is completely wrong, and it is why you are down about your appearance and why your face and body are swelling.

Remember that Food=Beauty.

That’s it for now.
Talk to you soon, Ranko Tutulugdzija
When I had dinner that night with Kristen at a restaurant in Huntington Beach she looked very sick and tired. She was pale, her hair was falling out, her body was completely emaciated, and her face was beginning to swell. I knew right away that she hadn’t been eating. I had to be sensitive about how I talked to her about it but she didn’t hold back. She was very proud of her all fruit diet. A few months later she was in and out of the doctor’s office with severe fluid retention in her face. All the lab reports and medical testing came back negative. It meant that according to medicine she was healthy. They only found excess fluid in her facial glands. A surgeon tried to remove the fluid but it just came back. And when it came back it got worse. Kristen was such a pretty girl. But it was fading and she was losing her fight to be beautiful. She became almost unrecognizable.
This was nothing new for me, seeing young girls and their beauty wasted. I lived in China. It’s a long story why I went, but to make it short, I needed help with my health and didn’t have medical insurance. I taught English to get my visa so that I could get treatment. I learned pretty fast that like everywhere, most college girls in China are consumed with beauty and being thin. It became a routine that while out to dinner with friends I would observe that when we got our food nobody would eat. The girls would put food on my plate and maybe take one or two bites for themselves. They would say how fat they were and how they needed to diet. The typical college girl in China was pale, had a more swollen face, and a really skinny emaciated body. They all had beauty but they were losing it. I started to see a big difference between younger college girls and older women in China.

A doctor that took care of me was close to retiring. She had no wrinkles on her face and looked like she was in her early thirties. She was youthful and beautiful. It was the same everywhere I went in China. Older Chinese women kept their beauty and youth into a very old age. The younger girls were losing it.

I looked much worse than those girls when I went to China. I was very sick. I went to China at 110 lbs. I am 5’10” and have always been an athlete. My battle with health started young. Through those years I put together the complicated but simple puzzle of health. To young girls and women that translates into beauty and body.
Kristen was losing her beauty because of internal deficiencies but she is not alone. There have been so many girls and women, both anonymous and famous, who have been through this beauty loss or changing process and can’t understand why. I am not talking about anorexia or some famous star we have all heard of with an eating disorder. Eating disorders like anorexia are very serious and complicated, and I don’t have the answer. Eating disorders need to be treated professionally and clinically. Anybody with an eating disorder who reads this can learn how beauty is lost and kept, but

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