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anyone had the ability to make more use of it than I could, that it would be Georgie. Just for the helluvit: I had figured that I’d go spend another few minutes in Georgie’s room with him. I had fluffed up the pillow previously, and the head imprint told me that I was not alone, so I sat down and decided that I would have a talk with him.

I politely introduced myself, as I would with any other patient, and let him know that I was aware of his presence, and that I had no problems with him being there. In the course of all of this, I mentioned that I had a knowledge of a very special place that he would probably love as much as I did. I told him, that if he was ever interested in maybe taking the time for a really nice fishing trip, that I knew just the place for him, and that I would come back to the room, on my break and share all of the details with him, if he was interested. I had a lot of work to do that night, and I had to get busy, getting all of the linen hampers emptied and taken downstairs for laundering.

I must state here, that Georgie was never noticed anywhere in that clinic, than in the immediate vicinity of Exam Room #2, or in the reflection of the glass, on the nurse’s station immediately across the hall, in which the door to that room could be seen. I had left the room, and headed down the hall, and had turned the corner, into yet another hall to a treatment room, to gather the dirty linen from the treatments that day. I was disentangling the laundry bag from its hamper, and wondering if Georgie even liked fishing at all, and what else I might try, when I saw someone standing across the hamper from me, out of my peripheral vision. Since I was the only living soul in this clinic, I was nearly startled out of my own skin to see the anxious face of a small thin man, with salt and pepper hair, in a hospital gown, standing across from me, looking at me like he was waiting for me to finish a sentence. Georgie was interested in my fishing story. I promised that I’d share all of the details, at my break with him, and he promptly faded from view.

I grabbed some juice, and took my break in Georgie’s room, and told him about my dream. The same details that I have just shared with you here. I told him that if anybody had a good shot at that wonderful fishing hole, that he did. I also knew for a fact that my friends would welcome him to share it with them. “Just tell them that Stormy sent you.” He was a soul, who had endured a lot of pain, in a very gentle and patient way. Such a place was perfect for him and his kind. I had no doubts that he’d be welcomed there, and I shared that with him. There were no bright lights, harp music, chimes or any effects after that. But every night, for the next four years, I fluffed up that pillow in Exam Room #2, and I never saw another imprint in it again, nor any stray reflections in the glass of the nurse’s station. Georgie had moved on, and the atmosphere of our clinic remained peaceful and easy on our patients.

Some hauntings are a matter of residual energies leftover from something intense and traumatic, and some are actual. But ALL of them happen for their own reasons, and you should understand those reasons, BEFORE you begin casting all sorts of spells, and creating other effects, that will inevitably rebound upon other souls in the area. How much you can hear, see or feel of a haunting, will depend upon your own level of empathy, or sensitivity to such things. Sometimes, it pays to employ the help of such an empath or medium of good report, to get a better idea of what you are dealing with, and how you might help to remedy the situation. You can use Artifacts, sigils, circles and the likes to enhance your own auras, which are readily apparent to spirits of all sorts, even more so than your appearance, or choice of unfelt recitations of magickal chanting. But how you genuinely feel about your circumstances, will shout to all spirits present.

If you're pissed off and concerned about someone interloping, threatening and endangering your family, and speak it out truly: It will have more impact than a pompous ceremony on ANY given spirit. If you have a loving, kindly concern for a lost soul, that too will be felt of them, whether they can "see" you enter their space of the room or not. To many: YOU are the spirit, and they feel you, much in the same manner as you became aware of them. If you understand that such things exist "normally", and are aware that YOU also have a degree of authority about your own soul and domain, it carries louder than important looking robes and ritual vestments. Those things have their effect, especially in how they may help you focus to a specific effect. But there's nothing that works so well, as a dedicated spirit carrying the weight of its own convictions of purpose and authority.

There ARE higher order entities and spirits, that you will never have command over. But it's extraordinarily dubious, that they'll ever be contending with you for the right of YOUR rightful place in this world. You will have to have done something memorable, in an effort to offend them enough to find yourself the victim of such a wrath. There's times and places where they are supreme, and that will be made apparent when you arrive at such a place. Pay them the same due respect, that you would expect in your own home, and you'll have no problem from them. There is a natural order of things, even in the "supernatural" aspects. There are also means to effect higher order entities, but I would not put such ideas into your heads lightly, as they will require much stronger influences brought to bear to move or motivate such a creature, and there's no generic fix for this. The important thing is that you consider each case within its own context.

The Spellcraft of Warcraft

The MK Ultra Warrior’s Way






By the proper definition of spellcraft, it must be understood that in ancient times, much of the warcraft taught to our warriors, came via witches and druid masters. There are many tales of ancient Celts, painted blue and riding in naked on their war ponies, with bows and short, leaf shaped swords (hence the term: "Blue Devils") with long flowing hair and mustaches. You'd think that such brazen fools would have fought themselves into extinction, but as usual: There's more to their training, than simply swinging a blade, or shooting a bow.


There's an old Irish proverb: "Riamh a thabhairt claíomh, le fear nach féidir leo a rince!" or "Never give a sword, to a man who can't dance!" There's a degree of coordination, that needs to be worked out first.


In this chapter, I just wanted to share some of my experience as a trained warrior of a professional caliber. My own violent past as an MK Ultra survivor, has given me a great deal of experience in taking on missions, that most would deem as impossible, or suicidal. Since I am still quite alive, and have taught other Ultras and warriors of varying sorts: I feel that the concepts and precepts of this, may give you valuable insight, even in non-violent actions against our known enemies. These are hard core strategies, tried and true, no nonsense actions, that every veteran uses when on incursions into hostile territory.






I’ve been in enough arenas to know that not everybody wears identifying uniforms, nor badges of rank. However, this does not even slow down an Ultra. We come in stealthily. We do NOT line up, to be shot down “fairly”. We are NOT here to “die for our beliefs”, but we are here to prevent our loved ones from dying for somebody else’s beliefs.


Shadow Magick



This is an aspect of spellwork that falls into the "Glamour" category. The premise of Glamours are that they make something appear to be more or even less than what it actually is. In terms of 21st Century tactics: This falls under G.I.G.O. or "Garbage In, Garbage Out". If it serves our strategy to make someone believe something is something else, so that their decision making efforts, are misled to take a certain path, rather than a direct response to what is actually present. For instance, in a modern "glamour" context; a gal with highly accentuated eyes and lips, and a hidden complexion, is more attractive to draw male interest, than she might otherwise be, as plain and unpainted. As with ALL spells, it is an influence, brought to bear, to accomplish a specific goal. Notice also: That we haven't rendered any judgments as to whether or not, that this is a good or a bad thing. There is a saying, that is nearly always said by "muggles" that: "What you don't know, won't hurt you." As a life long witch, I can tell you from long experience: That is NOT the least bit true. And you'll understand that as I get further into this chapter.


A large portion of my working skills as a former MK Ultra, were as a working Ninja, or Shinobi style assassin, or intelligence agent. Ninjutsu, as its own craft, is often described as: The Art of Invisibility. Like most of what non-initiates learn about witchery; this is only a small portion of at least 18 major disciplines taught as Togakure Ninjutsu. As is presently taught by its 34th grandmaster (Soke) Dr. Hatsumi Masaaki. Again, a broader definition is used for this, than is popularly held by the majority of non-practitioners. Invisibility is an illusion in many cases. If you are actually on the scene, and influencing the events taking that are place in some way, but are unnoticed as a factor, than you are effectively “invisible”. To the modern military, this can be defined as “camouflage”, as like a sniper in a ghillie suit, or disguised as a bush or a tree, or some other innocuous part of the terrain. But for the shadow assassin, or a dark witch or wizard: This goes even further than this.




I need to better illustrate how shadow craft works: Have you ever seen flashlight or lamplight shadow shows, where silhouette cut outs are used as puppets to act out a play? Or perhaps you’ve experienced the veritable wizards of shadow magic, who can shape their fingers and hands into silhouettes of various people, insects and animals? Now take that, just another step further, where a mischievous relative, might frighten a room full of kids in a slumber party into believing that a giant spider was climbing onto the window, on the other side of a pulled window shade. Something that was

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