» Esotericism » Practical Witchery!, John Stormm [ap literature book list txt] 📗

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I did. Fear had already won the match for me. So I drove my point home!





We entered the fighter’s circle, on the hardwood gymnasium floor. The extended bleachers on either side were full of spectators, ready for the show of their lives. The acoustics are about what you’d expect at any basketball game you’d normally see in such a place. Deep and echoing! We bowed to the judges. Bowed to our referee, and then to each other. The ref held his hand out between us, and signaled FIGHT! Yin-yang blazing like a beacon on my chest: I dropped into a low tee stance, flexing and letting out an ear piercing “dragon scream”, to taunt my opponent. The effect was better than I had expected. He was visibly shocked. Took a neutral stance and bowed out, signifying that he willingly forfeited the match. Just like I said before: Fear had already won this match for me. But not everybody was going to be so easily won over.


My next opponent in this open style competition, was a cocky Korean fellow, a Third Degree Black Belt practitioner of Tae kwon do. He promptly showed me his bravado, as soon as he got close enough to talk to me, by stating that in HIS style: Red Belts were the same as anyone else’s Brown Belts. Oooooh! He put me in my place. I admired his spunk (I really did, but it wasn’t going to save him). He was NOT going to bow out without a fight. Fear would not win me this match. But taking away his very best weapon before hand, WOULD! I had told him, in all kindness and humility, before the whole listening audience, that it was only fair to tell him to beware of my “Fierce and Fantastic Wubba-wubba Technique”. Everybody thought that was funny and laughed. Except him. He was already getting a little red in the face, and wanting badly to teach me not to be so trite and trivial. I had disarmed him before the whole audience. Now came the fun part!


We bowed before the judges. Bowed to the ref, and then to each other. He glared at me intensely, and I brushed my nose, ala Bruce Lee and wiggled my eyebrows at him and grinned. Unlike Kenpo, Tae kwon do, is more like 75% feet and 25% hands. I already knew where his feet were going to be as he came whirling in with a flurry of crescent kicks and spinning heel hooks. As he got me near the perimeter of our circle, I dropped into a low transitory stance, passed under his high spinning kick, and come up behind him, grabbing and tickling him under his arm pits, and yelled: “Wubba, WUBBA!” This not only had the wondrous effect of causing him to jump back out of the fighter’s circle. He was obviously ticklish. But the audience was laughing themselves into tears. Even the judges and the referee had some difficulty in regaining their composure.


My fine Korean friend was furious and fit to be tied! Literally! He tore off his safety chops (karate boxing gloves) and ran back into the circle to attack me with his hands. But I moved into his attack, crowding him close, pinning his arms to his sides, grabbing the back of his head, and kissed him firmly on the forehead. For everybody, but him, this was turning into the Greatest Comedy Show on Earth. He was in a fine state of apoplexy, as the referee and judges all jumped onto him, to hold him down until he could regain his composure again.


As fun as this was to do: It was not a nice thing that I did, and I was disqualified from this competition, as I had never even bothered to score any points on anyone. I apologized profusely to my honorable Korean opponent. I do not say that tritely. I had played him like a scoundrel. He graciously accepted, but I’m sure that he’ll never think well of me, for the public humiliation that I had made of this tournament. I made my point about the differences between masters and Black Belts. Me and my partner were never allowed to compete again as such again, but we were welcome to give exhibitions, any time that we cared to show up for one. Which was also fun, and a lot less insulting to a good willed competition.


My point of all of this is: Just because something is not as solid as iron, or a flesh and bone punch, does NOT mean that it is an ineffective weapon, on a very solid opponent or an enemy. The wise witch learns to master their craft, in ALL of its levels, within levels, in any way that a circumstance will present itself. It also pays, to consider the feelings of others. Sometimes, it’s the wounds that you never see, that leave the worst scars on people.




Divination & Its Uses...


Divination is to be used, not to alarm you, but to warn and allow you to better prepare to not only survive, but to thrive in even the worst circumstances that fate can throw at you!


Divination is one of the oldest forms of witchery in ANY culture. Everybody seems to require the "balm" of knowing what happens next to slake their anxieties. Even if you're not a practicing witch of any sort, you've likely read your horoscopes in the newspaper (just for fun...uh-huh!), or have skipped to reading the back of the book, when the story got more than a little ominous in its trending. Even the many great heroes of the Bible, have resorted to some form of divination, to determine what the "will of God" was for them at that moment in time. Apparently, even with as strict as the Old Testament saints had to keep themselves, there was a "right way" and a "wrong way" to go about doing this.





There was the steady, down hill slide of King Saul's reign, where he could no longer wait for the Lord's own profit for advice, and he sought out the infamous "Witch of Endor" for advice. She did as she was asked and called up the spirit of yet another dead prophet. But Saul got a good, old fashioned "ass chewing" from that prophet for his folly at the time. This account can be found in 1st Samuel, chapter 28.


The next account, of what was accepted as proper for determining "God's will", can be found in a practice that many fundamentalist Christians today refer to as ""Placing a Fleece". I'll give you all the account of how this came about. I will also tell you of a way that I had used such a practice myself in a very life changing way. But I must also give you the direst of warnings about how such a thing is to be used, and not ABUSED. If you'd rather find "God's will" through the normal course of events... FINE! No problem at all. But once you go through all of this to determine what that is, and you get a definite answer: You are now responsible to act upon it, or you are willfully, and in full knowledge, rebelling against your God. I am a masterful witch, and I do NOT play childish games with Deity, nor even with any lesser spirits either. Respect where respect is due, as they say.


Romans 13:7-87. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.


Let me point out that there are some strikingly fundamental differences between King Saul's approach to this, and young Gideon's approach, in the following account. Gideon did not have an ego problem when dealing with his God. He approached the situation at hand with more than a little trepidation and respect. When there was any doubt about mere natural circumstance, and an act of God's own doing: He tested it out, with the same respect, and upon getting a full and consistent result as to what "God's will" was for him to follow up on... he followed through, faithfully. This book is wholly about the "Craft of the Wise". We do NOT just ignorantly "go through the motions" in religious or magickal ceremonies and rituals. That is for ignorant SHEEP, and NOT for those who intend to master their circumstances as well as God will allow. SOME things, you will have to endure and go through, no matter what you think or desire, as there are required lessons to be learned for you to grow properly as an eternal soul. We will discuss this aspect a bit more, later on in the Runic forms included in this chapter. But first, we need to take a look at Gideon's method here...


Judges 6:36-40 And Gideon said to God: If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said: Behold, I will put a fleece of wool on the floor; and if the dew is on the fleece only, and it is dry upon all the earth beside, then shall I know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said. And it was so: For he rose up early in the morning, and pressed the fleece together, and wrung the dew out of the fleece, a full bowl of water. And Gideon said to God: Let not your anger be hot against me, and I will speak but this once: Let me prove, I pray you, but this once with the fleece; let it now be dry only upon the fleece, and upon all the ground let there be dew. And God did so that night: for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground.


In this account, you can clearly see the degree of respect, and the need for surety in understanding and not misinterpreting the results that Gideon had exercised. Many will use any and all forms of divination to find out what's in store for them or someone else, and not accept the answers, and keep fooling around (and I DO mean "fool", as opposed to "WISE") to try and find and accept some other outcome, as if that alone will change the future for them. It is the full height of ignorance, and this is precisely why I wrote this book to combat such in ALL of my readers, to make them WISE!


Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: therefore, be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


It is NOT my desire to rule over you all, as the warlocks and petty "gods" of this dark paradigm that we live in. Nor do I wish you to rebel against your own God or even your own conscience, to practice as a witch might do. I desire that you understand these things. I wish you to understand the full scope of what "The Craft" is about, and how it may be used by you, or against you, as the case may

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