» Esotericism » Practical Witchery!, John Stormm [ap literature book list txt] 📗

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number of pictures and illustrations from many of my old grimoires. If you live long enough, you too will likely fill many such notebooks with all of your discoveries. I still have a number of very interesting slides and pictures that didn't make it in the previous chapters, and I will share this hodge-podge of such to you in this chapter, to better give you an idea of what kinds of things you might want to put into your own grimoires.


Assorted Notes and Pictures...




Here is a page, where I pasted two separate Aura Pictures, that I had taken at different Psychic Faires. There were very different circumstances prominent in my life at these times, and I noted that the Aura Pictures had displayed these quite accurately.






The there was also my study, of the nature of Chakras that went perfectly with my study of Auras and the body's electro-magnetic energy fields.






As ALL things are RELATED, I had also long been studying the various energy fields found all around us in Nature and specific places around the world. So here are a few pictures of such, and also of a peculiar Quartz Sphere (Crystal Ball) that I've charged and used for such studies. I'll bet I'm giving you more than a few ideas of study already. You may also have seen some of these pictures in other chapters here, such as my chapter on Rifting.












There is an old custom, that is rarely observed anymore, among some of the elder Irish families: Where the matriarch or such, would hold their clan's newborn baby, and whisper it's "secret name" into it's ears. Upon reaching an age of accountability (which is different for many children), they would tell the child what that name was. Your "secret name" embodied who you really were, deep down at the core of your being. It gave others "power" over you, mostly because if you knew the true nature (and name) of the entity that you were dealing with, you also had insight about them. Again: ALL knowledge IS power! Of course, I'm not going to tell the whole world what mine is. But I can give you an idea as to the nature of this beast. Below is a personal "sigil" of mine, that marks many of my belongings and power objects, that also depicts something of what my "secret name" is.





Now, I've shared all of that with you, merely to show you my motivation in yet another series of studies that I had done and recorded in my own grimoires. If you live long enough, you'll fill up many of these. But I digress.


I've studied the symbology and mythology of a good many different cultures, and as would you: I looked up my own signs within them all. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures held some of the biggest surprises for me. Firstly, I did a study of all the places in Scriptures, where "unicorns" are mentioned. I studied them in the context of which they are mentioned, to get a fuller idea as to what this "archetype", as Jung might call it, is as far as the prophets of old were concerned.






As you can't study only ONE side of the proverbial coin, without studying the other: I studied the Biblical "antithesis" of unicorns, by studying the "Dragons" of the Scriptures. This gave me some terrific insights into many of the relationships I've known and established over my lifetime. I have long felt at odds, and overwhelmed with the whole world paradigm, and indeed as I got into this study; I found a great many more Scriptures regarding "Dragons" than unicorns...












A couple decades ago, there came a computer study out of the University of Tel Aviv about a "Bible Code" buried deep within the original texts of the Hebrew Scriptures. Hebrew scholars of the Kabala, and Numerology and such, were using computers now, to determine that *IF* indeed, the Holy Scriptures were TRULY written and inspired by a trans-dimensionally existant Creator God, that He would have had the foresight and ability to validate Himself by putting His own mark within the contexts of the Scriptures on many, many levels! They began this study, by taking ALL of the Scriptures, in the original Hebrew; removing all of the spaces and punctuations, and loading them into a large computer database, or a "matrix". Then, by using Numerology to skip every so many letters, as the case might be: They looked for hidden messages within the matrix of Scripture. To be fair: They did likewise with Tolstoy's "War and Peace", as it was a large work and perhaps chance might show up a similar tendency within its own context. Tolstoy didn't pan out. But the Hebrew Scriptures ASTOUNDED everyone involved!


There were references to Rabin's Assassination, Kennedy's Assassination, the death of Princess Diana, the Moon Landing, the Atomic Bomb and MUCH more besides! The "catch" in all of this was: You had to have some idea of what you were looking for, and there had to be a pattern of where these individual names and words would be found. An odd mention here or there, told you nothing. But when the names came up and the words, like "Rabin" and "Assassination" came up in the very same proximity, and if you added more words that concerned these events: You found that indeed: God had already known of these things from the beginning, even as He so often proclaimed!


You're no doubt, beginning to see where my own "Bible Study" is heading. Aren't you? I had managed to obtain a good copy of this software. Complete with Scriptures in English and Hebrew, a Hebrew dictionary and keyboard converter. I started out with my Unicorn/Dragon Studies and looked to see if there was any kind of patterns to be detected within this extra-dimensional message, that would give me a deeper picture of how these poor, outnumbered and out gunned unicorns were ever going to be *some* kind of balancing force to ALL of those damned dragons. Again: The message just blew me away. I got a sample printout of what I found. My matrix includes the words in Hebrew, highlighted with color icons, the Bible Verses they are found in, the Numerical Position in the Greater Matrix, and the number of letters skipped to form the words. However, you have to imagine this "matrix" on a MUCH bigger scale than the meager sizes we have available to print out on...






Not uncommon for the God of these Scriptures: The first glance of the outnumbered Unicorns, is NOT how He sees these things in the Greater Context that He has available to Himself. The Bible Code illustrates that what there are of us, are plenty enough for the job. Not to put TOO fine a point on things: I was ASTOUNDED by the things I could learn within the context of this amazing Bible Code. God had a plan concerning the archetypes of Unicorns and Dragons. I knew my place in the scheme of things, was as a "unicorn". But did this mean ME, directly? Or perhaps all of the REAL "Unicorns" were comprised of other men than myself.


So, I did a study of my own name. My first, last name, the names of my children, and nearly fifty other prominent words of things that have bearing in my life. My natural born "witchery". My unusual ability to play the harp well, immediately upon picking one up to play. My "nazarite vow" about not cutting my hair anymore, and much more. There were about (50) unique words and events associated with my name, and ALL of these had to happen in close proximity to the verses that my name was written in. Much like the "Fleece" with quarters, I mentioned in the chapter on Divination. It HAD to be something that ONLY a REAL Creator GOD would be capable of doing and knowing so far in advance. The End from the Beginning and vice versa, as He is also known for claiming. I could not fit this ENTIRE matrix in this single small printout. Indeed, you cannot read the full words of the few that I have listed here in this sample. But, even so, Beyond any doubting: God KNEW who I was, and for whatever His reasons: Saw fit to record me and mine in His Book! I doubt there is anyone else in the history of the world, that fits this matrix better than I.  But, you can never be sure of where your own place in the greater scheme of things might be, unless you look for yourself.  Or just live the life you already have to the best of your abilities and allow things to work out, as your Creator already knew they would!





This being a particularly tough study to follow: I figured that I'd close this book with a few other illustrations, and bid you all the very brightest and best blessings in accruing your own wisdom in taking back your power, to use it aright, as your own consciences will dictate. There will be "dragons aplenty" in your own journeys to deal with. But I know that it does not matter if you don't win this "Poker Game" that the petty "gods" of this world are rigging against you, but that you play the best you can, with the cards that you were dealt. My purpose in this endeavor, was just to point out that you have a "wild card" or two, in your hand to play with.









     Still don't believe in "little people"?  How about this "hobbit" from Flores Island, Indonesia?








     My nephew, David is using a very "unconventional" means of preparing and curing the wood of his latest staff, at our Camp Witch Wood that year.





     As often as "orb activity" gets mentioned in connection with "paranormal phenomena", this is a good example of what happens when a "Wild Hunt" is called.






     Using what is available from the local landscape, a Danaan Nemeton, or "devotional area" is crafted for prayers and rituals.








     Here's a "darker" and more serious form of witchery taken up by the Author on an auspicious date, to facilitate personal combat against the agents of this world's ignorance on a greater scale.  It's still working.







     The implements and spell components of this particular ritual are chosen for their directness and serious battle over issues made purposely obscure by the warlock paradigm.





     As a witch, I have MANY sisters.  Some, are even blood relations like my sister, Liinda here.





     You *might* be inclined to believe that the presence of such orbs, are purely coincidental to the picture being taken.  It *might* be "dust", ar maybe "bugs" or some other mundane event.  But *some* of us have *some* control over how, when and where such things may turn up.  Witchery is ALWAYS "cause and effect", meaning there are REASONS why such things happen.  A wise witch learns them and utilizes them to get things done, that might be impossible to do any other way.








     Or maybe you think that as witches, we are playing with fire.  Not everything will effect everyone in quite the same ways.  When you understand more of the rules of any given thing, the more it appears to the uninitiated as "magick".  But *we* know it on far more intimate terms and are capable of wonders.






     And TWO final pictures here, for the benefits of ALL of those folks who love to think that it's alright to paint us as ridiculously evil and ugly hags, because their pastors, priests or church "experts" on witchcraft said it

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