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be. When you can discern the truth of the thing, you can withstand it and even wage your own war against it...EFFECTIVELY! Even as Gideon had.


Hebrews 5:12-1412. When for the time that you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13. For every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for they are only babes. 14. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.


As I've illustrated in my chapter about "Mr. What & Mr. Why": you need to understand more than a simple list of "do's and don'ts" to understand WHY something is "good" in one instance, and quite "evil" in another set of circumstances. This is WHY I do not like "generic spells" for all occasions, as they can be problematic enough to make things worse. This is especially true if there are divine reasons for you to confront a situation, where you are confronting one of your own personal foibles and demons, and take away its power to control your actions. Mindlessly chanting a prayer or proverb, and simply "going through the motions" will NOT teach you anything, nor will they effectively change anything about your circumstances, except to allow them to come upon you unhindered and unrestrained. Fore knowledge is NOT to simply alarm you and make you "fatalistic"; but to help you PREPARE and better survive what is coming. In the Book of Genesis, chapter 41: You find Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, and rather than saying: “Tough titty, old boy!“, he advised Pharaoh of how to prepare for this, and THRIVE, when everyone else was suffering the effects of this drought. I do not repeat myself because I am a doddering old wizard: I repeat myself for EMPHASIS. I want you to LEARN what’s important in these things, and not simply tickle your ears to entertain you for a moment.





Here’s the part, where I tell you about a time that I had effectively used “Placing a Fleece” as a proper divination tool for determining what-in-hell was going on at the time.


It was the early 1990s when Internet was still in its formative years, and I was the Moderator of Intellec’s Conference on the Paranormal. As a lifelong witch, I was a “natural”, or maybe “supernatural” for the job. We not only discussed any and all forms of paranormal activities: But in the cases where I had some degree of experience: I explained and demonstrated the precepts behind many of these instances. What I had found when I first discovered these forums, where a good number of people, who were victims of various kinds of paranormal phenomena. A number of these were people with paranormal traits and abilities, that went against everything they were taught by institutional Judeo-Christianity. Believing themselves to either being hopelessly insane or cursed by God: Some were contemplating suicide. I had never taught my craft outside of my own clan members before this. I was hesitant to get so involved. But through my own prayers (talking to my Lord and Lady), and meditating (listening and watching for enlightenment on my issues), I had determined that it was NOT their faults, nor their parents’ faults for not instructing them about such things and the craft. They were made ignorant of these things by the designs of others. So, being the ONLY one about who understood, it was up to me to properly instruct and help them through it as best as I was able. I answered an average of 300-350 messages on the forum a day, and a couple times a year, we held a physical conference in some nearby cities, where I came (free of charge) to meet them, lecture and demonstrate what I spoke of to them.


Luke 12:47-4847. And that servant, which knew their lord's will, and didn’t prepare themselves, nor did they obey their lord’s will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48. But they that knew nothing and yet, did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with very few stripes. For to whom much is given, of them shall be much required: and to whom they have committed much, of them they will ask all the more.


What you see above, is a “precept”, a formula for how things work as expected. It showed me that if I possessed the knowledge to help those in dire need: Then I was responsible, and even required to help them as I could. If you were to go back and read that entire chapter; you would see that I did not twist or take that saying out of its proper context. Therefore: It applied to my situation. That is how “precepts” are used by the wise.


As it turned out, in the course of about 3-4 years of moderating these conferences, I became acquainted with witches, shamans and psychics from ALL over the world. One would tell me of visions of me with very long hair, doing great deeds and helping many find enlightenment. I was battling with my own ego; trying not to get myself a “fat head” or inflated image of myself, as there is yet another precept that goes...


Proverbs 16:16-1916. How much better it is to acquire wisdom than gold! And understanding is rather to be chosen than silver! 17. The highway of the wise is to depart from evil: They that keep to their course preserves their own souls. 18. Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. 19. It is better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the arrogant.


This didn’t just stop there! There were gifted Christians (that I had cause to respect) telling me that Jesus was telling them that I was to take a Nazarite vow. My wife and little sister, had become enamored watching a Sting concert, and remarked on how alike we were in so many ways. They thought I might be quite handsome in longer hair. I found that VERY unusual from such a tightly wrapped, fundy Bible Baptist as my wife was. Even as I would get out of the shower and shave for work in the morning, I’d get this small voice telling me that, as my hair grew longer, that I’d need to keep it out of my face with a warrior’s braid. By this time, I was VERY exasperated with this whole thing, and jumping about, demanding with no few expletives: “WTF?”





As you can see: Circumstances were right for approaching the Father of ALL Spirits, about these admonitions and diverse premonitions coming at me from all over the globe at that time. So, I had heard many Christians speak of placing a fleece before God to determine His will in all sorts of things. Some, weren’t much more than a “coin toss”, and many tried and fell by the wayside, in their approaches to this. I decided to study the precept well and see what was proper about this. Gideon had allowed NO chance of just “simple coincidence” in his approach to placing his fleece. Dew on the ground, and even other objects is a normal, natural occurrence. But on one and not the other, and then the other way around? Obviously, God’s hand was made visible and His desires about Gideon’s subsequent actions were made plain. Gideon, like myself, did NOT want to run off “half-cocked” in some kind of crusade, based upon his own egotistical presumptions about a thing. So, I planned out my “fleece” in a way that I determined that there would be no doubts about what I was expected to do.


My reasoning as a Danaan witch were as follows: I am a child of TWO Parents. I’ve served Mother Danu/Mother Nature/Earth from a child, and I later learned to identify and serve the Father of ALL Spirits that Enoch wrote of. Even Mother sends Her son signs and indicators, when She wishes to inform me of something, or to pay particular attention to something. It appeared that the Creator wanted my attention to a matter as well, in His own remarkable ways. I could ignore the “long-haired” matter, or I could confirm that it was His will for me to take this path. If it was indeed His will: I could only benefit and grow stronger as a “son” by aligning myself with it and Him. Mother Danu had no objections to this when I had last attended Summer Court. I needed only to make sure that my imagination or some scheme wasn’t trying to run away with me.


I knelt respectfully on the carpet in my den, and took four quarters in change out of my pocket. I prayed honestly and fervently to God, to help me know the truth of this “Nazarite Vow” issue. I never make important decisions on mere whims. No matter who happens to think it’s right. I did not like the idea of having to deal with the grooming of long hair. Having it now, I still abhor all the time I have to spend washing and untangling it into something neat and presentable. But, if there was some lesson to learn, or some power over something to gain, by being obedient to my Father (I never even met my earthly father), I was going to be a faithful son. I prayed that if it was His will that I cease ever cutting my hair again, that as I flipped each coin into the air, with my eyes closed in prayer: If each quarter would land on the carpet before me, with each head up, and ALL pointing in the same direction, and ALL four touching each other: That I would promise Him never to allow my hair to be cut again, until He, Himself made it clear that I should do otherwise. No “mere coincidences” were allowed here. As I prayed and flipped each coin onto the carpet, I heard them all strike the carpet. When I opened my eyes: Each quarter was neatly overlapping the other slightly, with each head visible and Washington’s noses all pointed to my left evenly. So I obeyed, as simple as that.





This is not to say there weren’t issues about my now longer hair, besides the grooming. As my locks grew longer and longer, there were issues in my wife’s Right Wing, Conservative, Right-To-Life, Republican, Bible Baptist Church about my rebelliously Liberal, long hair, and mingling with all of those devil worshipping, witches and psychics as I was doing. I had long left going to that church, when they had taken the time and effort to fast, pray and solemnly promise to teach children properly and free of charge to any and every tithing member of our church in our own Christian school. It had started out all right, and all of our bills got paid, and the mortgage on the building burned. But in the course of a couple years, new people came in, and became deacons on the board, and bit-by-bit, they reneged on their solemn promises before God. In the beginning, I had participated with all the other men in our church, in this prayerful commitment.





The first false step, was that we had to pay for the curriculum, to help take the pressure off the church budget. The next year came with a small tuition payment of about $1000 a child. Then the next year, they raised that higher, making it out-of-reach for the poorer families in our church. Especially families with more than one child. I had FOUR to teach. But they were going to make up the difference by inviting members of similarly minded churches, who could afford the new program, and to educate

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