» Fairy Tale » Glamtopia, J.E. Powers [top novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Glamtopia, J.E. Powers [top novels .txt] 📗». Author J.E. Powers

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Once upon a time, there were four princesses in the kingdom of Glamtopia. Jessica, Akemi, Kaitlin,and Amber. Jessica was friends with all, but the other princesses bickered and bickered. She tried getting them together to got to fashion shows, makeup conventions, and movie premieres. These girls were all 16 and in line for the throne of Glamtopia. Jessica was now giving up, she had no choice; it was hopeless.
One day Kaitlin was strolling in the Glam Fam mall in her Fashini designer dress. She was just thinking life couldn’t get any better than this, when she sees Amber in the same dress. “Oh my gawd!! Amber! What the heck? Stalk much?”
“Stalk? What are you talking about?”
“You know what i mean. When i bought this dress at Fashini, you followed me there so you could get the same dress and embarrass me!”
“Don’t you think your just overreacting just a tad? But whatever, i don’t care ‘cause i look way better in it than you do! Your light skin does SO not go with yellow!” Kaitlin storms out of the mall and into her shiny red Glambroghini.
Akemi had just woken up and stepped out of bed. Unlike all the other girls, she had shiny jet black hair and a creamy complexion. She prided herself on her long flowing hair and brown chocolate eyes. She walked down her grand staircase and into her foyer. Akemi went outside to check her mail and...
“ Aaaaaaaaaa!” she yelled so loud that her butler came down to check out what was wrong.
“ I just got invited to Price Charming’s ball!” that was no surprise considering she was a princess. She bolted up the stairs to call Jessica. She dialed and...”Hey, Jess? I just got invited to Prince charming’s ball! You did too? Yay! We have to go dress shopping today1 K? Ill be at your house at 12! Bye!”
Jessica flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she decided what to wear today. She was thinking a designer Glamtoure blue flowy dress thats knee length. deciding it would compliment her eyes, she put it on along with her Glambition boots. Looking at herself in the mirror, she decided that her outfit would blow away all the other princesses. She could be quite vain, but she didn’t show it to anybody else. She curled her hair, and now its nice blonde ringlets down to her back. Akemi had just pulled up in her green Glamborghini. Akemi was a casual princess, on ocassion wearing jeans, and had a shy, calm personality. Jessica was more outgoing, with a bubbly, personality. She was very stylish and would never even think about wearing jeans. Inspecting her french manicure, she climbed in with Akemi.
Kaitlin was livid. Her blue eyes shined dangerously and her yellow short wildly curly hair flew out in all directions. she was wondering,” How could Amber do that to me? I should get revenge! Mwah haha!” She was the evil princess of them all. In her free time, she would be plotting her revenge and thinking up comebacks. Even Jessica thought Kaitlin could be over dramatic. She was hoping she would get invited to prince charming’s ball, so she checked her mailbox and there it was. Kaitlin jumped up and down and decided to call a friend. But wait, all she had was jessica and she was probably out with Akemi. She was going to take that risk. She dialed and... “Jessica, you there? Ok, I just got invited to Prince Charmings ball! Ugh, you already got yours? Want to meet up later? You cant? uh, thats fine, bye!”
Sometimes kaitlin would feel rejected , but she knew it wasn’t right because between trying to get to Akemi, to her, and to amber, plus taking dance volleyball, tennis, piano, and horse back riding lessons. Thats kinda hard. So She plopped down on her queen bed. She dint have as big of houses as the other girls, but she still had a ten bed 5 bath. she was so bored. She decided to walk into town. While walking through Glam City street, she saw peasants, and bakers, and painters. But as she was about to turn back, she saw it. A little sparkly flying thing. She ran toward it, and she realized it was a miniature fairy. But it couldn’t be, these were only legends. She took a closer look at it and...
“Kaitlin. Whats up with her? She has been acting odd lately.” Amber thought. She looked in the mirror and saw brown short hair, big black eyes, and tan skin. She was normal looking but there was something exotic about her appearance. Amber had just checked her mailbox and got a letter from prince charming. Sh wasn’t as excited as the other girls, but her mother was making her. She is kind of the quiet type, and can be a loner. Deciding to go dress shopping by herself, she jumped into her yellow Glamborghini and sped off to Fashionista4ever where they sell all the hot designer brands. She walked in and exclaimed, “ Hey Nadine. Hi Juliet.” These were the store owners. They were always giving her discounted prices and free clothes. Amber scanned the dresses, and she wanted something unique that nobody else was going to have at the ball. Everything looked so normal and ordinary, until she spotted the perfect dress. It was a deep sea blue with a tight waistband and off the shoulder ruffle sleeves and the bottom was flowing and silky. it was absolutely perfect. She checked the price tag. 2900 glambucks. A little expensive, but totally worthy it. She went up and bought it with her credit card. She was so excited now and couldn’t wait to put it on. She texted jessica <just got dress 4 ball! u?>.
Akemi and Jessica were singing along in akemi car to Britney Spears, they were just getting to the chorus when jessica gets a text. She pulls out her hot pink iPhone 5. Amber had just texted her: <Have u got ur dress 4 ball?> she replied:
<no out w kemi goin shoppin text u l8ter>
“ Who was that?” Akemi asked as she turned off the radio
“oh, just Amber.”
“So, Where are we going, Glambition?Fashini?Glamtoure? Fashionista4ever? iStyle? Where to?
“Hmm.. I have somewhere better that any of those places. Can i drive?”
“Should i let you?” akemi laughs.
“Just trust me.” Jessica drives down the glamway and into a place where there are no signs of anybody at all. Then she turns and there is a big gate. Jessica types in a password and there she’s in.
“Welcome to my kingdom” jessica exclaims,” My builders have been working on it forever and it was a belated gift for my sweet 16”
“this is so...” Akemi had a loss of words it was so amazing. She scanned the millions of shopping places, bowling alleys , and everything a 16 year old princess could ever want.
“ You cant tell anyone ok? Only my family and you can know, k?”
“ Sure this is like, SO cool wait whats that over there”Akemi pointed to a large castle along the hillside.
“ oh, thats just MY HOUSE” Jessica squealed she was so excited” the reason you cant tell anyone about this place is because once they know they can find it. But if you dont know, its hidden and yoyu cant possibly find it. This is where we are going to find our dresses” Jessica smiled and flipped her log ringlets over shoulder.
Kaitlin was amazed. She had finally found the legendary fairies of Glamtopia. They spread their wisdom about clothes and accessories all over Glamtopia and they can design the perfect dress in a second. She decided to try talking to one. “Hi um... Flairy?” She heard a bunch of quiet zippy noises in response. Kaitlin decided to give up on them thinking that it was somebodys idea of a practical joke and that they would be ther tomorrow. Kaitlin started walking back to her house on the trail but stoppping to get some bread at the bakery. When she was in line she saw a girl withed Short brown cropped hair, a smushed nose, and evil eyes. She was just about to look away when she remembers her eyes, those eyes. But it couldnt be...
She ran away as fast as she could past Glam City. She opened her door and stormed in. How could this be? Kaitlin was hyperventilating, so she decided to change into her bikini and into her indoor pool. She had on an original soglam green bedazzled bikini. She sat on her green turtle raft named Turkey Mc Float and thought. How could nico come back? She was banished after what she did to us and she was the one who broke the four princesses up. Kaitlin wandered through her pool of memories. Nico? The evil witch of Sparklish High? No, no, no, this couldnt be. After all this time, how could she possibly get back. She didnt know, but one thing she did know was how to solve the problem. But, it was a very hard task ahead of her.

Amber tried on her deep blue dress thinking that she looked wonderful, and her mother woul be very pleased too. And thats what this is all about. Amber twirled all around her huge bedroom loving her new dress. The ball was in a week, and she had better be prepared. She wanted to go to the Glamptons and have a vacation away for a week before the ball. As she was thinking of her wonderful ideas, in came a text:
<shes back>
It was Jessica.
<her, nico,shes back>
Even though it was texting, Amber didnt like the urgency in her text.
<u mean the nico, evil with of Sparklish High?> Amber did not want nico coming and ruining her Senior year, now it was the beginning of summer and she wanted to make the best.
<ya,shes back!! dont kno how dont kno wen just kno to steer clear of her JSYN>
<good 2 kno thx c u l8er> Amber went back to thinking about her great ideas and decided to mention it to her mom. “Hey,um mom? You know, before the ball and everything, dou you think it would be okay for me to make a visit to the Glamptons for some beauty sleep and recharging for the ball?”
“What a wonderful idea! I’ll make reservations for you and get a driver for you.”
Amber was surprised at her moms liking to the idea, and she wanted to get going early so she packed. On her checklist there were:
Bathing suit
nice gowns
Also, pretty much everything else in her closet. She walked downstairs with her bedazzled suitcase and got into the limo, not her trusty Glamborghini. She was whisked away to the Glamptons in the farthest

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