» Fairy Tale » Surprise Princess, Ada Park [online e book reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Surprise Princess, Ada Park [online e book reading TXT] 📗». Author Ada Park

Chapter one

Twisting and turning against the side.Walking toward the other side of the building.”What a special day ?”said tall guy.While students are looking at the girl on the top of the sky.Everyone down at the floor are staring at what the girl is doing .Students were looking at her with scareness and surpriseness.With a lot of attention she manage to get to the other building within one shot of her trick.Jumping down onto the glass floor of the other building the tall guy flew up there and looked at her.He said “I’m Kenny .What’s your name?”The girl walked pass him and fell asleep .When Kenny turned ,she was lying on the floor .

A smell of tea and music happened to wake the girl up .With a little sense of tea the girl’s eye opened and saw a pair of maid on each side of the room.They walked closer to her and said “Are you alright ,my lady?”She was thinking of who they were talking to .All of the sudden she realizes it was her .She pulled herself up and looked at them in a shocking way.She screamed and said “Where am I ?Why am I like this?What is happening ?Am I in the wrong place?”The maids went closer and held her down.A tall skinny guy went inside and saw that she was awake .He went closer to her and say “Are you alright lady?”He checked her and he nodded his head.He went back outside .The maids were staring at the girl while she was staring back like what was happening.

After minutes of staring the maids went outside .The girl ran out the door and into the garden.She ran and ran but no matter how and in what direction she ran ,she couldn't get out of the place.One of the guards saw a girl running so he caught her a bought her back into the castle.They dumped her on the floor and said “Who are you?What are you doing here?Are you a spy?”The girl said “Im not a spy and you are hurting me.My name is Samantha.”After minutes later .Prince Kenny came out and saw Samantha came out.He said “You Guys can go back outside now.”Their was awkward silence in the room.



Publication Date: 10-31-2015

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