» Fairy Tale » The Day I Found Him (Not completed), Jessica Hulley [best ebook reader ubuntu txt] 📗

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chapter 1


It was cold. I was sitting in the car I didn’t know what I was doing. I just wanted to get away. Then I saw a man run in front of the car. Running from the shadow behind him. I closed my eyes, and when I felt a shadow creep on the window I slowly started to open them. It was a guy around my age just standing there by the window. I have never seen him before. Then he knocked on the window breaking the silence. I slowly opened the door and got out. 

“Ummm yes?”... I wandered what he wanted.

“Does Kaitlin Marie live here”? he said and I was surprised. What did this guy possibly want from me.

“thats me” I said a little to eagerly.

“Really, you aren't as I suspected.” 

“What?” I said immediately I didn’t even know this guy and how can he possibly know me.

“let me introduce myself. I am Taylor Robins.”

How was this suppose to refresh my memory. He was actually really handsome. He had dark shaggy hair, and blue eyes.

“May I come inside.” he said interrupting my thoughts.

“In the car?” I said confused.

“Well if thats where you live" he said with a chuckle.

Then my mom came out running to Taylor hugging him.

“Oh my gosh! its you, your here.” my mom said with a shocked face.

I was so confused I had no idea how she knew him.

“Come in!” she said while she leaded him to our house.

How did my mom know him why was she letting him in the house. Now we were all in the house sitting down now was my chance.


“Yea” she said not looking at me but Taylor.

“How do you know him....”

“Honey this is Taylor...”

“I know that, but how do you know him.” Now Taylor looked up at me with a smile I couldn’t help, but smile back at him.

“Honey I wouldn’t know him without the help of you” My mom said and I was so confused. I didn’t know what to think, but it was the way she said it that made me wanna say mom I don't know this kid cant you get it!? But I held it in.

“Okay..” I said with thousands of questions going through my mind.

“Well seems like you guys need to catch up from all the years you missed” she said and me and Taylor looked up at her. She then got up and went to the kitchen “what do you guys want to drink”? She said peeking her head in the living room.

“Im not thirsty” I said while looking at Taylor signaling him that my mom was talking to him.

“Water is fine” he said with the most sweetest voice and his eyes never left mine. Then I got the courage to talk.

“So, where you from Taylor?” I said with my head down looking at my hands.

“I grew up here, but iv’e been around and now im back home... I just got home yesterday” then my mom came in with a cup of water for him. 

“So you decided to come see me?” I looked up at him and he was starring at me smiling.

“yes..” he said plan and simple “iv’e missed you.. so I wanted to see you and wanted to know how you’ve been.”

“I’m good, could be better” I said looking down I didn't want to tell him my personal stuff. I didn't want to come all out and say my life is horrible I have no more friends and my dad walked out on my mom and me. “How are you...?” I asked awkwardly.

“Better now that i’m back in my home town and got to see you.” That made me nervous. “You’ve always made everything seem okay” he said with a smirk, then took a drink of water.

“Thats what my mom says too” then I looked up at him I found him starring at me.

“I better go now” Taylor said and for some reason I didn't want him to leave. 

“I can walk you...?” I said with a uncertain look.

“No, i’m okay” Taylor said while getting up and putting his jacket on.

“I just thought I would be nice for once in my life... and I have nothing better to do” words just started coming out of my mouth.

“Not true... you got a lot of things to do like sit in that car of yours” he smiled, and that made me laugh. I got up without saying anything and then he opened the door for me as we walked out. Then I started walking and I have no clue where im going, but im just following him. Im trying to think of something to say to him, but words won’t come out of my mouth. All I do is smile. All he does is stare at me, then look at the ground.

“So” I start off with “Where were you?” I could tell he was thinking of something to say, but not the truth.

“Like I said iv’e been around” I should have made myself more clear duh I know he has been around he told me this already.

“Where exactly”? Then he stops and turns toward me and smiles.

“I had to get away... I don't know exactly where iv’e been or what I did I just had to get away”. Then he stopped and looked down “to protect you.”

“To protect me?” I said confused. I’m pretty sure I don’t need anyone to protect me.

“Yes” he said “But I gotta go I will tell you everything tomorrow” Then he ran to a house at the spot we stopped at. Then I turned around and walked back to my house.

Chapter 2

That morning I woke up I ran downstairs to see Taylor sitting there eating in my kitchen. When I saw that I knew this wasn't going to be easy.
“Your mom let me in” he said while eating the last bite of toast. I then sate by him just starring at him “You better go get dressed theres a lot iv’e gotta show you."
“Show?" I said “I thought you were gonna tell me I.. I don't feel like going anywhere."
“I just figured you haven't had any fun in a while and its better to show you." He said while putting the dirty dishes in the sink. “Go get ready."
“Your right! I will just be a second." Then I ran back up stairs. Looked in my closet for a school shirt. Left the jeans I was wearing on, and grabbed a jacket. Then I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and threw my hair in a pointy tale. I then ran back downstairs to find Taylor no where in sight.
“Taylor?" I said while opening the outside door to see him waiting for me. I shut the door behind me. “So where we going?"
“You’ll see” is all he said “But first I have to tell you something."
“Okay” I said and didn't know what was coming.
“I don't really know how to tell you this because I haven't told anyone this ever” he said while getting closer and getting rid of the space between us. “I am...” and then he got cut off by me falling over him when he put his arm around my waist. I was so embarrassed. “Haha.. are you okay?" he asked. My cheeks were stained red.
“Umm yes.. i'm sorry” now I was laying on him on the ground it felt so weird I didn't know what to do so I got up off the ground then he came up after me. “So what were you saying?" I said while looking away from him.
“Oh.. umm I will tell you later tonight” while he said that he opened the passenger door for me and I got in.
“Okay” I said I hope he didn't know but it just makes me nervous being around him. “So where are we going?"
“You’ll see” he said while backing out of the driveway. I had no clue where he was taking me, but I just hoped it wasn't some place he's taking me to kill me. Then I started to wander I didn't really know this guy, and im already in his car. “Don't worry, you can trust me” he says and turns to me and smiles. His smile is so perfect it distracts me. Then I thought did I say that out loud. No why would I? How would he know I was thinking about him and me not really knowing each other. Things just got really awkward. 
“I know” I say before it came to late to say anything I wander what he wanted to tell me earlier oh my gosh this is gonna drive me crazy all night.
“Hey don't worry were almost there and then I will show you everything so you don’t have to go crazy because I don't want that.” He then chuckled. Is he playing with me how the heck is he doing that I want to ask, but words won't come out maybe this is what he was going to tell me that he can read minds.
“What are you?” I say before my thoughts led him to say anything else.
“What am I?" he was questioning it.
“I know... that you have been in my head... so what are you.. mind reader?" I said and I did not know what I was talking about.
“Don't be absurd” he said then I was thinking I must be an idiot to think that. “I am more then just reading minds I can feel peoples emotions” he said while I was sitting there listening to him I didn't know to believe it or not. “I am also faster then normal people." He turned to me with a straight face. Then a smirk appearing.
“So what do I call you?" 
“Call me Taylor” he said while smiling. I cant believe this I don't know if I was dreaming this or just putting words in his mouth. “Its okay thats why im going to show you, so you know im not lying.”
“But why are you telling me this?"
“Because I know I can trust you” he said while parking in the grass of emptiness of no return.

chapter 3

We were sitting there now me starring at him and then him looking up

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