» Fairy Tale » Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗

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Because ordinary people think individually while the controllers at the top think as a group. Group thinking always wins out.



But you were the one at the top. You could have stopped all this pollution.



I did try! Aren’t you listening? I wanted to give them a stable energy that was clean. But no, they didn’t want it. So I gave them what they wanted.



Okay, whatever. But that doesn’t explain why you are polluting Brix and Genus.



Your people let me. All of you just went along with it. You’re all weak and way too trusting. It was necessary. Brix is a small detail in my bigger plan. I learned a valuable lesson on my planet. I’d rather be hated and feared, than loved and stepped on.


Rev was so full of rage. She felt that if she exhaled, that smoke would exit her nostrils. Razor was spiteful and Rev didn’t believe anything she said. It would be a big mistake to trust her. Rev wasn’t one to back down to people she had no respect for. And Razor didn’t deserve any respect or submission. Stike proved that Razor could be beaten and Rev was running out of options.



I’ll find my mother and uncle and we will return to Brix and destroy your army of drokes. Without them, you will fall. We’ll kick your butt out of Brix for good.


Razor smiled and moved faster than a black mamba snake. She tossed the table between them aside and slapped Rev hard across the face. Stunned, Rev fell backwards just as Razor grabbed her by the throat. Continuing to clutch Rev’s throat, Razor perilously balanced her over the waterfalls with both legs on the cliff and her head under the falls. Rev shivered and gasped for air as the water drenched her body.

Stango roared.



Shut up Stango!


Razor’s face contorted in a weird expression and her eyes stared coldly through Rev.



Now listen to me very carefully.

You will never leave this planet.

You will never make it through the Lux.

You will never defeat me.

Take a look down. All I have to do is let go and you’re dead.

Tell me one good reason to let you live.


Rev continued to cough and gasp for air as Razor held her precariously by her throat. Finally Rev spoke in a faint voice.



If you kill me, you’ll never know if your dream will come true.


Razor laughed. At the same time that she released her stranglehold on Rev’s throat, she grabbed Rev’s wrists. In doing so, Razor forced Rev to lean further back.

Razor could feel Rev’s pulse beat wildly out of control.



It’s exhilarating. Have you ever felt so alive? Balancing between life and death. Not knowing what your fate is. Few people get this chance, Rev.


Rev floated in and out of consciousness. She tilted her head way back and looked down as the water splashed on the rocks far below her. She couldn’t feel the pain in her throat anymore. Instead her heart was caught up in the back of her throat and she felt a compulsive urge to spew it out.

Razor started to sing a tune as she rocked Rev back and forth.



Should I let her live? Should I let her die? Will she give or will she cry? Just think, Rev, if I let you fall, you’ll never know if you could have saved Brix and Genus. All your troubles will be over.


With one quick heave Razor pulled Rev back into the safety of the cave behind the falls. Soaking wet Rev shook violently, coughed and choked. Still in shock, she convulsed uncontrollably.

Rev felt her arm almost being wrenched out of her socket as Razor grabbed it and hoisted her out in the sunlight. Razor pushed her snarling face up to Rev.



You’re a lot like me but you are no match. Make sure our paths don’t ever cross again or I will kill you. You hear me?


Rev was on her hands and knees. Her ears were full of water and she could barely hear Razor’s words.

Razor gave Rev a swift kick in her rear and flattened Rev to the ground.



I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll give you another warning. Watch out for the rain.


Rev rolled over on her back and looked up at the sky. It was bright blue. She moved in to a sitting position as Razor advanced towards the back of the train.

Dizzy and confused, everything looked blurry to Rev. She saw Razor enter the last train car and then reappear. She was holding onto someone. Razor shouted.



Take one last look at your mother. You’ll never see her again.



Rev! Rev!


Rev tried to stand up and run over but she collapsed.

Razor pushed Rev’s mother inside.

Rev finally was able to stand and respond to her mother.



Mom! Mom!


But the train had already left the station. No one could hear her. The sky opened up and a torrent of rain washed Rev’s tears away as she fell to the ground in a pool of muddy water. She held herself together in a fetal position.


Chapter 48



Razor’s train streaked towards Okay Bay. Cyna and Mars rested in the second last compartment of the train with their hands tied. Razor and Vice dined in the train car in front of them and one of Razor’s henchmen remained in the end compartment. Stango was up front.

Cyna was still in shock and could hardly speak.



Rev is alive. I have to think positively. We can’t let this monster take us down a black hole of despair. Rev will survive. We will see her again.



My hands are starting to loosen up. We have to make a break for it. There’s a big curve ahead. The train has to slow down. I’m almost free.


Mars continued to unravel the ropes around his wrists.



Where will we go? Razor’s men are all over the island. We’re stuck in the middle.



Before we were captured I heard one of her men mention Eagle Bluff. It’s at the top of the island. Apparently they are enemies of Razor. If we could make it there, they might help us. I’m free.


Mars took hold of Cyna’s ropes and tried to untie them. He loosened them a bit but a sinking feeling swept over him. He looked up at Razor’s car. Through the door he could see her mouth opening wide. Her shriek confirmed his apprehension.



Go Mars. Get off the train. Now. Get help. I’ll survive.


Razor was already in the corridor connection between cars. Her henchman was approaching from the end compartment.

Mars was caught in the middle. He made a quick decision and bounded to the end of his compartment to the corridor connection between their train car and the henchman’s. He kicked the folding door that led outside and pried it open with hands. The henchman and Razor both reached out to grab him. They caught hold of his jacket collar and pulled Mars back but not before he raised his arms and slipped out of it. As the train slowed down to climb a steep mountain pass, Mars jumped, just as the train disappeared into a tunnel.


Chapter 49



Rev couldn’t remember Monique and Allie lifting her up gently and carrying her back to Crystal Falls. She couldn’t remember how they put her in a warm bath and watched her all night as she trembled in her bed.

Rev woke the next morning to the sun reflecting in her room’s mirror. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot. She moved to sit up and cringed as she felt the pain from where Razor had kicked her.

Rev bolted up when she heard a knock at the door. It was Chloe.



How are you feeling?



Like I’ve been in a train wreck.



I bet. Razor sliced and diced you pretty bad. We’re all happy to see you survived. You need to eat. Are you up for some breakfast?



Yes. I’ll join you soon.


Chloe left and Rev drank a glass of water. Her throat was still sore. She dressed slowly. She had lied to Chloe. Rev had no desire to eat or see anyone. She wanted to crawl back in bed for a long time. She kept seeing Razor’s face flash in and out of her thoughts. Razor kept slapping her, over and over. She had trouble focusing on anything. Her chest tightened up and she had trouble breathing. Perspiration soaked her clothes. She collapsed on the bed.


Chapter 50



Two days later Rev and Monique were seated in the garden soaking up the sunshine and fresh air.



You’ve been through a lot Rev. I want you to stay In Crystal Falls as long as you want. You need time to recover.



Thanks, Monique. You and the girls have been most kind.


Allie joined them.



Good news. There’s word from Eagle Bluff that your uncle has escaped from the train. They have sent a search party out to help him before Razor’s men find him.


Rev jumped to her feet and gave Allie a hug.



What about my mother? Any word?



Nothing yet, but we’re hoping for the best. If your uncle Mars is rescued by the good people of Eagle Bluff, we’ll know more.


Rev felt rejuvenated. She didn’t want to just sit back and do nothing. Still traumatized by Razor’s actions, she needed to keep busy and focused. That was the only way to find her way back to feeling normal. She was determined to regain her direction and control of her life.



If Eagle Bluff rescues Mars can I go there?



It’s risky. Very risky. I do know of a skilled guide that knows a discreet but difficult passage through Razor’s territory, but I can’t make any promises.



Thanks, Monique. I just need some kind of hope.


Rev was grateful but restless. She desperately wanted to put the past episode with Razor behind her. It was a setback but not defeat.

Zhen came up to the group and whispered something into Monique’s ear.



We’ll meet back in the workshop. This definitely changes things.


With that, Allie and Zhen left.

Monique put her hand on Rev’s hand.



Your mother is aboard the Vulgaris.



What’s the Vulgaris?



It’s Razor’s freighter, anchored off Okay Bay. We have a spy, named Hiro, aboard.



Is my mother in danger?


Monique hesitated, looked away from Rev, took a deep breath, looked back at Rev and quietly spoke.



Tomorrow, Razor has plans to journey to a far away island and abandon Cyna there.



What? No! We’ve got to save her! We must!



There is a plan in the works to damage Razor’s ship, but having Cyna on board is a game changer. We have to adjust our plans significantly and we don’t have much time. Let’s go down into the workshop and discuss this with the other girls.


Monique and Rev entered a well-lit basement room. It was a large workshop and Zhen and Allie were busy at one end of the room while Chloe was

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