» Fairy Tale » Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗

Book online «Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗». Author R. R. Kaufman

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and dove down to the wreck of the Gracilis.

Rev felt at home in the water. The water was murky as small fish darted around them. Rev could hold her breath longer than Allie so she had let Allie be the first to use the breather. The sunken sailboat was resting on a declining shelf. As they approached Rev could see a large hole in the hull of the boat. The sails, resting on the sloped ledge, gently flapped up and down as if they were trying to breath life into the wooden corpse of the sailboat. It was beyond repair but still had something to offer.

Allie swam towards the cabin as she returned the breather to Rev. Long ropes danced in the water as Rev started to cut them loose. She tested it to see if they would float. They did. She watched them drift upwards to the surface.

Rev could hear a muffled thumping sound. It was coming from the cabin. The door was closed.


Rev swam as fast as she could. She pulled on the cabin door. It didn’t budge. She slammed both her feet against the handle. Nothing. She swam to the top of the cabin and lunged at the skylight.

Suddenly the entire boat started to slide down the shelf. The pitch black water at the edge of the shelf advanced rapidly.

The skylight broke loose. Rev ripped the breather from her face and thrust it over Allie’s mouth. A few seconds later, Allie handed Rev a spear gun and they both escaped the sailboat’s grip on them. As they raced to the surface, they both looked back. The Gracilis had disappeared over the edge as if it had never been there.


Chapter 36




I’ve never been so scared in all my life. Thanks for saving me.


Allie gave Rev a big hug as she caught her breath between sobs of joy and relief. Chloe and Zhen smiled at each other.



Anytime Allie. You found an unexpected treasure. It’s more than I hoped for.


Rev took hold of the spear gun and carefully examined it. This could work. They climbed back up to the cliff overlooking the rapid flow of the channel. Rev leaned on the big tree that stood close to the edge. It stood midway on the jutted cliff point. Below, to the left of the tree was the calm inlet. To the right of the tree was the speeding channel.



This is our one chance if the plastic float comes down the channel. Just in case it does we have to be prepared. By the flow of the current, I would say it would pass right beneath us. We can modify the spear gun to attach the boat’s rope to it. This is where I will shoot the spear gun into the plastic float. We’ll prepare enough slack so that we can wrap the rope around this thick tree. We can then slowly loosen the rope from around the tree and guide the garbage float over to the quiet bay.



That’s what we tried with our boat when we dropped the anchor. We tried to swing it into the southern bay. It worked but we capsized our vessel.



But this time it’s plastic. It will stay afloat.



I like your plan, Rev. We have nothing to lose.


The island girls got busy and laid the rope out. Allie worked on changing the spear gun to adapt to the sailboat’s rope. Rev practiced shooting the spear gun and making adjustments to it. They calculated the distance from the top of the cliff to the water. They left enough slack in case of error. They continued to wrap the rope around the tree a number of times. Then they laid out a long stretch of rope inland from the tree. With Rev shooting the gun the other three would hold on to the rope as an anchor, some distance inland from the tree.

Minutes later they were back at the telescope checking the location of the floating garbage. Still not showing which direction it would take, the group headed back to camp for supper. Hardly anyone spoke as they sat around the campfire after eating. They passed out in their tents early. Tomorrow was do or die.


Chapter 37



Rev woke up at dawn. She climbed up to the top to look through the telescope. The other girls were already there. They looked glum as Rev came closer. What could be wrong?

Rev took a look through the scope. The plastic garbage float was closer but much bigger than Rev had thought. It was almost an island in itself. The spear gun and rope would never hold it.



How long before it gets here?



About half an hour to the beginning of the channel and another five to ten minutes to the big tree.



Sorry, Rev. It’s too big for us to change its course. Maybe the next one.



There is no next one. I don’t have time. This is it. Right here. Right now.


Rev walked briskly over to the cliff. She broke a small branch from the tree and threw it upstream into the rushing water. She timed the distance it took for the branch to float past her. She repeated this course of action several times. The other girls caught up to her.



We can jump on it from here.



We don’t know how close to the cliff it will rush by.



And from this height we could fall right through the garbage and land at the bottom of the channel.



Or we could do nothing and rot.


Rev felt relieved that one person was on her side. Allie, who was against her from the start, now backed her.



It’s a dangerous leap of faith.



We’ve come through worst. We took an oath to protect Tailbone Island from all enemies. Razor has returned. Rev is right. Time has run out. This is where our training comes into play. It’s all about timing. If we get a good run from back there we can leap a good distance and land safely.



She’s right. We are the protectors.



Okay. We’re all in.


The group returned to the camp. After a quick snack they took the necessary supplies and strapped it to themselves. Zhen checked the position of the big trash float with the scope.



How close?



It’s about to enter the channel. Five to six minutes at most before it gets here.


Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed to the west of them. A strong gust of wind pushed against them from the direction of the channel.



We are going to lose distance jumping into that wind.



Yes, but it will also push the plastic junk closer to the cliff.


They ran the short distance to the cliff.



We have to adjust our jumping calculations. The water is picking up speed and the wind will slow us down a bit.


Rev threw a stick upstream and timed the distance travelled. Zhen marked a starting position, as a running distance from herself and the cliff. She ran as fast as she could towards Rev, Chloe and Allie. Rev timed her as Chloe and Allie stopped Zhen and held on to her.

After a precious minute, Rev calculated the exact spot the float would be in the water upstream as to when the girls would have to start running from their marked position.

The group huddled near their marked position. Rev stood on a high rock close to them. From here she could keep a keen eye on the rapidly advancing garbage heap.

The three other girls breathed deeply and lined up behind the mark on the ground. An arm’s length behind each other they remained on high alert, ready for Rev’s signal.

And then it came.





Allie was first off. Then three seconds later, Chloe bolted towards the cliff right behind her. Another three seconds and Zhen sprinted behind them. By now Rev had joined them in a mad dash towards the edge of the cliff.


Chapter 38



One after another they leaped off the cliff and landed on the mountain of ocean trash. They all grabbed hold of each other and sat there cautiously. They caught their breath as they sat frozen, staring at each other.

Finally they all broke out screaming with joy, releasing all their tension.



We did it. Rev you are amazing!


All shapes of plastic containers, fishnets, buoys, cans and inflatable objects that were held together by some invisible glue kept them afloat.

Eventually, Chloe looked for a safer spot higher up. She got to her feet and gingerly climbed to the middle of the heap. Suddenly she all but disappeared as she plunged deep in the trash with just her head and one arm sticking out. Rev sprang into action and grabbed her hand. With the help of Allie they pulled her out.

Rev found a plastic chair. Checking to see if was firmly on solid trash, she motioned to Chloe to sit down on it.



There you go. All you need is a steering wheel and you can be the captain of this trash heap.



I’ve haven’t had so much excitement in a long time. Welcome aboard, Rev. You can dine at the captain’s table anytime.


They all broke out in laughter and tears at the same time.



I’m sure this adventure would make another great tattoo for you.



I never had so much fun since I was a kid at an amusement park.



Which ride?



Roller coaster.


They all breathed a huge sigh of relief and adjusted to their new surroundings. As they passed the island that held them prisoner for more than a month they waved and bid it farewell. It had held them captive but it had also saved their lives. Now they must focus on their journey back to Tailbone Island.

Using the endless supplies from the ocean’s collectables they devised a rudder with ropes to turn it. Zhen took out her compass. She told them it would take a day or two to get home.

A loud clap of thunder surprised them. A strong burst of wind shook the float and a river of rain fell from the sky.

They huddled together under a shelter made from plastic tarps and tubes.


Chapter 39



A small boat carried Razor out to her massive freighter anchored off Okay Bay. She was proud of the Vulgaris. It had served her well travelling to distant ports, trading precious cargo. With most of the planet covered in water, anyone left on Earth with a ship possessed a rare advantage.

The boat docked at the ship and Razor mounted the high staircase on the hull to the deck. High up, she walked along the huge deck and felt the gentle breeze in her face. Razor felt energized. She needed this, she thought. After all the trauma that little girl dumped on her, she was delighted to return to her ship. This was her sanctuary. Her fortress.

The deck held some cargo containers but otherwise it was bare. She couldn’t trade with anyone. The last remaining political powers restricted any people or remaining countries to have any dealings with her. Razor’s only concern was extracting gold from her mine in the mountains of Tailbone Island.

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