» Fairy Tale » Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗

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around, pivoting on her heels. She reached for her flexion and extended it.

The assailant rammed Rev, narrowly missing her as she twisted her weapon between his legs. He continued his forward movement and tumbled down the steep embankment. As he reached the river’s edge, he tried to grasp a thin overhanging tree, lost his grip and went under the churning water.

Within seconds Rev slid down the slope and jumped into the river. The current swept her downstream. Ahead of her she spotted her attacker’s head. He was clinging to a rock in the middle of the river. Rev caught up to him. He was barely holding on as she clasped her arms around the back of his upper arms and grabbed him from behind. She released one of her arms and backstroked her way to shore.

She dragged him to a safe spot on land and pinned him down. She brushed his wet hair back from his face. He was about her age with a patch over his one eye. Rev recognized Vice.



Nice try.



You stole my mother’s gold chip. She wants it back.



It’s mine. I earned it. Next time order your drokes to be friendlier.



Get off me.



You’re welcome for saving your life. You owe me.



You just signed your death wish.


Vice got up and slicked his wet hair back. He ran up the embankment and vanished.

Rev took a breather and sat down on a large boulder. She reached for her locket. It was still there.


Chapter 26



Stike had been feeling pumped up since he beat Razor. Everybody in town congratulating him even though the town posters put up by the drokes declared Razor the winner. The excitement and attention he received did not change him. He felt more confident and hopeful but deep down he knew Razor was out for revenge.

Then the news came about her finding proof that it was his shoe that the drokes ripped off him in their conflict. But Stike knew that he had burned the shoe destroying all evidence. The drokes had trashed the professor’s shop looking for it but found nothing and didn’t discover the hidden rooms below.

That ominous feeling wouldn’t leave Stike as he went about the town doing his regular errands. He finished his last errand when multiple drokes formed a tight circle around him holding long shields in front of themselves. They moved forward rapidly casting long shadows over Stike. There was no way out for him. A sense of defeat and futility rattled him to his bones.

The metal shields enclosed him completely. They joined together and were locked in place. They slid under his feet and formed a complete prison. Small holes in the shields allowed Stike to see out. Moments later a heavy machine shook the ground and he felt himself being lifted high in the air. It swung him around viciously and chugged out of town to an unknown hiding site.


Chapter 27



After her rest Rev continued her trek to see Faze. She could see Faze’s cottage in the distance. But she was surprised to see Vice open the cottage door and say goodbye to Faze. Rev ducked behind some bushes and watched as Vice came towards her on the path. He crossed the bridge and headed towards Brix.

Rev came out of hiding and continued the short distance to the cottage. But fearful thoughts raced across Rev’s mind. What was Vice doing at Faze’s place? Was she walking into a trap? Could she trust Faze after what happened between Vice and herself earlier in the day? She just met Wolfie and Vice. She never met Faze before. She barely knew these strangers from another planet.

Rev pressed on. Her curiosity kept her moving forward. There was no turning back now. She spotted Faze in her backyard watering her yellow roses. Faze’s long silver hair glowed in the sunlight. Her bright gentle eyes and beautiful smile removed Rev’s fears.

Rev sensed good vibes coming from Faze. She smiled back. They sat outside at a garden table.



Welcome dear. You must be Rev.



You look so radiant.



Thank you Rev. That’s really kind of you. An aging movie star has to keep her looks.



I guess. I saw you in a movie Wolfie showed me. It was amazing. Well anyways, Wolfie said it would be okay to drop by. Oh and Wolfie sends his greetings.



Of course. How is Wolfie?


Rev eagerly recounted her meeting with Wolfie. She talked about how he had entertained her and amazed her with stories about Kleng, Stango and his past. Faze laughed and was captivated by Rev’s encounter with Wolfie.

Faze came across so passionate and spirited that Rev believed that she was sitting in an audience watching Faze perform on stage. She left Rev spellbound. The same reaction she had with Wolfie.



We really loved each other when we were together and still do. Now we are great friends and enjoy each other’s company working together again in the town theatre.



I can’t believe you are Razor’s sister. You are so different.



Everybody says that. If people said we are the same, then I’d be seriously upset. She destroyed my acting career and marriage when she lost Wolfie to me. I’ll never forgive her. I don’t know what degree of evil she possesses. It’s just that she doesn’t want to be part of humanity.



I’m sorry I mentioned her name but I need your help. What do you remember about going through the Lux?



Wolfie and I were drugged and blindfolded when her henchmen carried us into the Lux on Earth. It’s all fuzzy. But I still remember being carried through several passages and doorways. That’s about it. I’m sorry I can’t help you more.



Don’t be sorry. Anything you can tell me is helpful.



However the journey through the Lux on this planet may be vastly different.



What about a bridge joining Lux Crag to the mainland?



I do remember something extended out of the rock and carried us over the canyon. It must be there. We certainly didn’t fly over it.


They both had a good laugh.



Professor Mars even asked me where it was but I told him I honestly didn’t know. Wherever it is, it’s well hidden.



I had a bit of trouble with Vice before I got here. He tried to retrieve the gold chip.



There’s a lot of information on that chip. Razor doesn’t want anybody to have it. It took a mighty slice of courage to take that from her. I’m proud of you but also fearful. Stay far away from Razor.



I noticed Vice visited you before I arrived. He must have been disappointed that he didn’t get the gold chip back. I’ll bet Razor will chew him out.


Faze became quiet. She looked down at her freshly cut yellow roses in her hand.



I don’t know how to tell you, Rev.



What? What is it? Please.



I stay in touch with Vice. I feel bad for him. He brought me good news for Razor but bad news for you and Stike. Your mother and uncle have been taken prisoners by Razor’s men on planet Earth. I’m truly sorry.


Rev was visibly shaken. Her worst fears had become real. Her head kept spinning around and around. A tangled storm of rage, fear, hate and helplessness rushed throughout her whole body.

Faze brought her a glass of cold water. Rev took her time drinking it. She took a deep breath.



I can’t return to Genus. I must find that bridge. Stike and I have no choice but to rescue our parents. I won’t abandon them on a strange planet. I just will not.


Faze hesitated for a while before speaking.



There is another way besides the bridge to cross over to Lux Crag. Wolfie can help you. Just mention the words “Crazy Crossover” and he will know exactly what to do. It was the name of a movie we worked on together. I played the role of a brave girl in that movie. I believe you can fulfill that part for real.



I’m not sure what you mean but I’ll try anything. First I have to find Stike, and then return to Wolfie.



When you pass over to our planet you will land somewhere close to our Lux near Tailbone Island. There are two safe places on that island. One is called Eagle Bluff. The other is Crystal Falls. Both places have good people who will help you. The third point of landing is called Okay Bay. But it’s not okay. Do not go there. This is Razor’s base. She still has many people who support her there. There is danger ahead but always believe in yourself, Rev. Never give up. You are an intelligent girl. Stay in control of your emotions. You will always be in my thoughts and my heart. Safe journey, dearest.


They hugged and said goodbye. It was dusk as Rev ran back to Brix. The tears on her face felt cold with the light breeze blowing against it.


Chapter 28



Rev hid in the shadows of Brix. Two drokes passed by patrolling the street across from her. Were these drokes watching the professor’s shop? Should she take a risk by trying to find Stike there?

Rev jumped as someone whispered her name. Slane stepped out of the darkness.



Slane. Where’s Stike?



He’s been captured. Follow me.


They snaked their way along the building’s shadows. Soon they stopped at the entrance of the train yard and large storage area for big machinery. Slane cut a small hole in the fence with his wire cutters. A small overhead light exposed a large maintenance and storage warehouse. Scattered throughout the yard were train cars, axles, and abandoned parts.



Is this where Stike is?



Look for a crane with a big magnet on top.


They crept slowly around the vast yard scanning every high machine. Then Slane pointed towards something.



There he is.


Rev and Slane ran towards a tall crane. At the end of its long arm, a large magnet clung to an enclosed container beneath it.



Stike! Stike!


The high metal enclosure rocked back and forth and Rev could see an eye peer out of a small hole.



Watch out! Behind you!


In an instant they turned around. Terror struck them. A short distance away, stood Brixwrecker. They froze.

Brixwrecker wasn’t moving. Standing in front of the warehouse doors, its colossal body remained motionless.

Rev slowly approached it. So this was Brixwrecker. She touched the cold steel hands of the giant droke. Lifeless, but so deadly.



Rev, stay back.


She looked way up. Its eyes were blank, staring out into infinity.



It’s shut down.



It could come alive at any second. Let’s help Stike.


They looked up at Stike. Before anyone spoke Rev was climbing up the long arm of the monster machinery to where he was hanging. She positioned herself so that she could look directly at Stike through the holes.



This is a fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into.


Stike laughed.



So good to see you, cousin. I think I’m toast. I don’t

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