» Fairy Tale » Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗

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ago. She put a cast on my broken arm. I remember she also saved your father’s leg from being amputated. As a young doctor she knew her business. We better get moving. It won’t be long before the drokes start searching the whole place.



Where can I hide?


Bearded Man

We’re going to get you out of here. Follow me. This factory used to be a warehouse before Razor showed up. She doesn’t know about a secret underground tunnel that leads under the river and into the forest.



Please point me in the direction of Wolfie’s place. He might know where my mother is.


Bearded Man

I’ll show you the way.


He pulled out a flashlight and they made their way along a narrow passageway that sloped slightly downward. They kept a fast pace. As they came close to the hidden exit door to the forest they climbed some stairs.

Rev took in all the odors of the forest and river as she started to climb. She was grateful for the people of Brix. They had supported her in her quest to find her mother. Determined to defeat Razor united these good people. But what part Rev could play was unknown to her. Yet somehow she believed that it was up to her to do something, anything to free this once beautiful town from Razor’s fierce grip. Stike’s victory gave her hope.

At the top of the stairs a huge boulder blocked their way. The bearded man gave Rev the flashlight. He pulled a lever at the side of the tunnel. The big boulder swung effortlessly outwards to reveal the night sky.


Bearded Man

Keep going up this gravel hill. At the tree line head to your right. Farther up you’ll see a pointed rock rising as high as a tree. Pull the bushes back from beside the rock. You’ll see a small path that will lead you up some steps to a cave. I hear you have an affinity you share with animals. Is that true?



Yes. Why?


Bearded Man

Because you will need it. Wild wolves surround his place. Good luck Rev. Safe journey.



Thanks ever so much.


With that Rev climbed the loose gravel rocks towards the hilltop trees. She turned around to look back. All she could see was the big boulder decorated with vines and moss. Like it had been there forever.


Chapter 21



Rev wished Stike was here with her. Perhaps if she returned to Brix . But no. That would implicate him. Anyone in Brix she contacted would be in trouble.

A rush of wind blew her hair over her face. She brushed it aside as she spotted the large pointed rock that led to Wolfie’s cave. On one side of the rock a large bush spread out over a large area. It was dense as Rev tried to separate the foliage and create a path through it. Finally she pushed her way to the other side.

She stood still and studied the landscape before her. A stretch of small bushes, rocks and tall trees ended at the base of a steep rock formation. Rev could see steps etched out of the cliff that wound up to the entrance of a cave. The two moons appeared to sit on top of the cliff.

But there were other lights spread out on the steps and the landscape ahead of her. Fiery glowing lights pierced the darkness. Rev knew what they were. She had been warned. The wolves let out a series of howls that passed from one wolf to another.

Rev remained calm and slowly proceeded up a narrow rugged path towards the steps. The wolves seemed to recognize Rev and slowly gave her the right of way.

She reached the bottom steps and in quiet easy manner started to climb. A few wolves positioned on a flat surface beside some of the steps let out a low growly howl. Rev didn’t react and continued her ascent to the cave entrance. Each step she took the wolf closest to her would back off enough for her to get by.

Finally at the cave entrance she noticed a small fire. Flat rock slabs surrounded a fire pit. Rev entered the cave. Suddenly out of the darkness a tall shadowy figure with a cape emerged. His booming voice bounced off the walls. He stood near the fire. Rev could not make out his face.



Who are you? What do you want?



Are you Wolfie?



I asked you first.



I’m Rev. Prook sent me.



How did you get past my wolves?



I just walked past them.


And then without warning Wolfie’s cape caught fire.



Look out! You’re on fire.


Wolfie turned around to look but Rev reacted quickly and tore the cape off Wolfie, threw it on the ground and stamped the fire out. Wolfie felt subdued and spoke quietly.



Thank you Rev. My theatrics backfired. I was afraid Razor sent you. I was trying to scare you away.



It was very entertaining. Prook said you could help me. So how do you know Razor?



That’s a long story I wished I never played a role in. Let’s go upstairs. It’s more comfortable there. I need a drink.


Chapter 22



Wolfie led Rev up a staircase. When he opened the door at the top Rev was amazed. Inside was a cottage made of huge logs and decorated with wood furniture. It contained many electronic machines that Rev had never seen before. It was bright and cheerful. A feeling of comfort embraced her.

Wolfie was an older man, tall with flowing grey hair. He motioned Rev to a cushiony chair near the fireplace as he brought back some cold water for her and another drink for himself.



I love your home.



Thanks. It’s peaceful. Something I never had much in my earlier life.



I’m really messed up. My mother and uncle have disappeared. Prook said they might have gone through some kind of Lux. Razor is trying to kill me. Who are you people? Please tell me what’s going on.


Wolfie took a long pull on his drink. He went to the kitchen and returned with another one. He sat down opposite Rev. He looked down at the floor trying to find the words.



Razor was the biggest mistake of my life. Or in movie terms the worst production of my career.



What are movie terms?



Back on our planet, Earth, I was a director and writer of movies. Let me show you.


Wolfie turned on a visual screen and showed Rev a clip of some moving pictures. Rev was amazed and was glued to the screen. She had seen still pictures before but nothing like these. She watched a woman move and talk. After a few minutes Wolfie turned it off.



Wow! I recognize that woman. Her name is Faze. She lives down by the river. How did you do that?



With a special camera. Years ago I made this film with my wife, Faze. She was one of the greatest actresses of her time. This movie was seen by millions of people all over the world.



Get out of here. You were married to her?



Yes, but only after I divorced Razor.



What? You were married to Razor too?


Wolfie laughed as he got himself another drink.



You seem surprised, Rev. On our planet it happens a lot. But hold on to your chair. Razor and Faze are sisters.


Rev’s eyes got wide as she leaned back in her cushioned chair.



Wow! You really get around. So is Vice your son?



No. No. That was Razor’s later boyfriend.



Where did you say you people come from again?



Earth. Or what’s left of it.


Wolfie went quiet for a few minutes with tears in his eyes. Rev realized she was asking too many questions but was so fascinated by Wolfie she couldn’t contain herself. Finally he regained his composure and looked at Rev and smiled.



What happened on your planet?



It was flooded, mostly inhabitable. The remaining people blamed Razor for all the pollution she created that led to violent change in the weather patterns. It just kept raining. Razor lost her wealth and power. People were after her. She still has a small base and support on Tailbone Island but nothing compared to what she had before.



This is exactly what she is doing on our planet.



Yes but Razor claimed it wasn’t her fault. That it was the people’s fault for using the polluting energy that killed the planet. She just provided the people with the destructive energy. She never forced them to use it.



So who was right?



They’re still arguing about it.



Well nobody wants her ugly mess that’s destroying Brix and Genus.



I wish I could help. But her army of drokes and sophisticated technology that she possesses is unbeatable. She took over the financial structure of Brix and now everyone is indebted to her. I don’t want anything to do with her. Faze and I are comfortable here without her. But Razor drugged us and brought us through the Lux three and a half years ago against our will. I suppose she wanted our company close to her. She had nobody else to punish.



What is this Lux and how does it work?



Only Razor knows the secret and power of the Lux. How she unraveled it nobody knows. I don’t recall any of our journey within the Lux because of the drugs she forced on Faze and me.



So there’s a Lux on your planet too.



Yes. We entered ours and came out on top of Lux Crag here where your Lux is.



But it’s impossible to get to the top of Lux Crag. The ravine is impossible to traverse. There must be some kind of bridge you crossed over to the mainland after you came through the Lux?



I don’t remember. But Faze might know. She was more conscious than I was from the medication Razor injected into us.



Do you think she would mind if I dropped in?



Just tell her Wolfie sent you. She’d love to see you. She seldom talks to her sister. You can trust her.


Rev remained quiet for a while. Watching the logs burn in the fireplace made her a little sleepy. It was the first time all day she felt this relaxed.



I heard about how you obtained a special chip from one of the drokes.



Oh! Yes! The gold chip. Maybe you can tell me what it does.


Rev unzipped her pocket and pulled out the chip. Wolfie took out a magnifying glass and scrutinized both sides intensely. He shook his head back and forth.



The one side is Razor’s invention. She uses this to send instructions to her drokes. It’s how they move their body parts and react to conditions all around them. It’s called technology on our planet. It’s made up of extremely small electrical circuits. She’s a highly specialized genius in this field. On the other side of this chip I have no idea what it does.


Rev was about to wrap it up again and put it back in her pocket.


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