» Fairy Tale » The kiss, Leandra Fick [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

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I just realize all the time I was coming back to him was worth it. I don’t want someone else I just want him. He is worth fighting for and am the luckiest girl because he choose me. When he looks at me I see love that can’t be described in words. You can try to explain to explain that love, but the meaning won’t fit the feeling. He looks at me like am the most beautiful creature on earth, who loves me for reasons I don’t even know sometimes.



We stand up and hold each other tight. He kissed me and held me tight pull me away and took my hands and ask me out like no over did. He look into my eyes and said “the way I felt about you I never feel for any girl. It is hard to explain all the feelings but when I look at you my heart beats faster for you. I just want to run to you and hug you and hold you tight. Will you give me a chance to make you happy and be there for you?” I look at him with almost tears in my eyes; I just say yes and hold him tight. I know he mend everyone word and it touches my heart deeply. We kissed and in that kiss I knew I want to be with him and only him. In that kiss I knew we would be together forever, he said everything in that kiss. His kisses are like candy floss it just smelt in your mouth and you can’t get enough. Every time we kiss I get butterflies in my tummy and I feel a like school girl again.


I couldn’t ask for any better guy that Mat, your first love is your true love and who knew it would be him. He is one of the sweetest, kindest and caring guys I know. Later that afternoon we walked home hand in hand, we said good-bye and hold each other tight for a minute we kissed and went our separate way. I walk home with a heavy heart I just wanted to be with him. For the rest of the day I couldn’t think straight I just think about him and “that” kiss, I just simply smiled. Every love song had a new meaning to me and when I close my eyes I saw his hazel eyes in front of me. The next day was hard because we wanted to each other and just hold each other. So we talked on blackberry messager (BBM) and he told me he missed me and wanted to see me again. So when I got the opportunity I let him know he can see him like in now. I didn’t think I just do it and after ten minutes I was in his arms. I just wanted to run to him and hold him he is my world and my mainstay to keep me standing when I cant stand anymore. What you wouldn’t do for love? Every time I see him I just smile and think he is mine and I wouldn’t change him for anyone else.


We only saw each other for ten minutes but that ten minutes was worth it at the end.

We may not have a lot but we have each other that is all that counts. True love never dies, it just grows stronger. At the end we know we will fight for each other and I thank God he send Mat to me, because I am more than happy with him. Each time I see him I just want to hug and kiss him, because it feels like a dream am living in. I love him unconditionally. As the week was starting new things came to me, firstly I found my perfect match in every way; secondly Mat wants me to meet his parents. That is something nerve racking for me, because I never met a guy’s parents before because of the fact “what if”. The first Friday I made excuses of not going to meet his mother, but I knew I have to do it one day or another. So the next Friday I told myself just to do it, so after work I met Mat half way and we walk to his house. So it happens only his mother was home because his father was at work. As we walk into the kitchen I saw his mother even though she looks strict she was very kind and polite. It was so weird because I thought Mat will introduce me to his mother like the old fashion way, but he didn’t because his mother already knows me. We sit in the kitchen and drink coffee and talk a little. I think his mom and I have the same personality we are straight forward. He took me home by five o’clock; he came in for coffee and looks on my laptop what was wrong with it. He stayed awhile longer and went home then. The next day was Saturday and he asks me can I come over and visit him as I was a bit nervous I said yes, because I can see him again and why not. He told me we must go to his father’s work to pick something up, so it will means I have to meet his dad too. So we got into his car and there we go to his father’s work. I always imagine his dad to be strict too, but he was nothing like that at all. After we left at his dad’s work we went home again and watch a movie in his room. Mat is one of those guys you can truly trust he won’t do anything you not comfort with. We were lying on his bed under a blanket and watch movie. He took me home later that afternoon. I day dream about him since then, I couldn’t believe he chose me after all these years. It was a long week ahead because we didn’t see each other for the rest of the week; I missed him a lot since then. I missed his sexy smile, his gorgeous eyes but most of all his arms around me. As we discussed in the week he will come to my house that Friday to meet my dad. Mat was a bit nervous because he didn’t know what to expect. I was also a bit nervous for Mat’s part, because he is the first guy I bring home to meet my dad and I know my dad looks strict and sometimes grumpy but he is actually very soft. So that Friday when I got home from work, my nerves were finished and I had butterflies in my tummy too! I was waiting for Mat to come to my house and when he finally came I want to run away I couldn’t believe I am doing this, I walk outside to greet him and hug him tight. We walk into the house and through the kitchen as my dad was busy outside as always. We walk to my dad and I said “dad this is Mat, Mat this is my dad” and they shook hands. I went inside and make coffee for us, I took their coffee outside. We stand a bit outside and talk to my dad while and after that we went inside to the launch and sit there and talk, both a bit nervous and shy for each other. Later that afternoon my sister come home and greets us and meets Mat, it wasn’t the friendliest greetings but it was a greeting. I didn’t need to introduce them because they know each other already. My sister was hardly ten minutes at home, when she left again. She look at Mat like he wasn’t welcome, but I didn’t care what she thinks, he is here to stay he is part of me now. Mat went home about five o’clock that afternoon, we said our good-byes and hug each other tight it wasn’t easy to let him go. That night felt so long and my heart felt heavy, because I knew I wasn’t going to see him soon enough. We talk on Blackberry messaging (BBM) a lot till our phone batteries went dead. We miss each other a lot more and the only thought I’ve keep in my heart was “that kiss” when he ask me out. We only saw each other on a Friday afternoon and on Saturdays, and the days feels like a life time to pass, I just want to see Mat again and every time I saw him again I fell all over in love with him again. We saw each other only on weekends, and his mom invites me over to eat there by them, so I have to ask my sister is it fine with her if I eat there, so she can cook for my dad. Mat’s mom can cook very delicious and yummy; no one can cook like she does even if you try.

But I didn’t stay long when Mat took me home. I feel so welcome and loved by his house, where his mom and dad talk to me, at my house my sister hardly talks to us and my dad. My dad isn’t very talkative. For weeks we only saw each other on weekends, but it wasn’t enough for me, I want to see Mat more so I told him why can’t we see each other on Wednesdays too? And he agreed we can do that. So on Wednesdays and Fridays Mat was by me and on weekends I was by him and sometimes we changed it around. I was so excited to see Mat more; I didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much. I never thought it’s possible to love someone as much as I got to love Mat, with him I feel complete I’ve never been so happy before. We become close were we share a lot of things we have no secrets and no lies between us. As the weeks pass and the months we still grow stronger and still madly in love. As I realize his birthday was around the corner, I wanted to do something special for him to show him how much I love and adore him. So my friend suggested why don’t we all go to the Zwartkops race course, he would sure love it and so my plans fall together in place, my friend and I planned everything. I told Mat we are all going to have a picnic together at the zoo and he fall for it, on the day my friend’s dad fetch us at my home and then go and fetch my friend by her house. She told her dad where to go but he also didn’t know where we going, only a while later he realize where we were going but he didn’t say a word where we going; because it was a surprise for Mat. Poor Mat was still in the dark, only when we were getting close; I told him we going to Zwartskop race course he was so surprised! He just looks at me and smiled, I got a lot of kisses then! He enjoyed the day a lot I know that Mat did. His face expression was priceless. That same day Mat got a call fro his dad saying he got a job for him. I was so happy for Mat because he deserves it; he has been through a lot. We ended the day of just relaxing in the living room by my house. When it was time to go I didn’t want him to go. We said good bye and he left; I walk into the house with a heavy heart. I saw him that Sunday afternoon again, with Mat it feels like I belong with him everything feels right. The weeks felt forever to pass, I

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