» Fairy Tale » The kiss, Leandra Fick [best ebook reader ubuntu TXT] 📗

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Short story

The kiss

Some say it is destiny I call it a fairy tale. This is a story how I met a guy named Mat and never thought for one minute he could be the one. It all started back in Primary school when I was an ordinary girl and he and ordinary guy, where love first found us but we were too stubborn to realize we are mend to be together. He was already a year in the school, but we didn’t notice each other at first. It all happened when we were chosen to be prefects in grade six. I had my eye on him for awhile and he had his eye on me, but none say a word. We become friends and not long after that we started dating. We all know how it is in any school isn’t long before the whole school knows who is going out with who. In Primary School you don’t make a huge thing, if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, we wrote love letters to each other, but never say how we feel about each other. I was a shy girl so I didn’t talk a lot but he always find a way to me make smile. But I know for a fact my one friend had a crush on him and I told Mat about it, but he would simply say I imagine it because he likes me and only me. So I learned to trust him and believe him even though I was still young and didn’t know much of love. We didn’t live far from each other so many times he would walk home with me and carry my school bag. Sometimes we could walk home in silence and he would pick a flower for me and say “here is a flower for you” and how many guys do that? Only a few guys. But I know he mean it, I would simply say thank you and look away because my weak spot is I blush easily.

He may look like the other guys tough but he is very differently because he is very caring, soft hearted, and funny and knows how to treat a girl and that’s how I fell for him. I fell really hard for him I couldn’t wait to get to school to see him again. He would simply pass me and just smile at me and my knees get weak. I always break up with a guy to make it easier for myself. But the day Mat told me he is breaking up with at school, my whole world fall into pieces. I never cried over a guy before because my mom taught me never to cry over someone who won’t cry over you. That day was the first I ever cried over a guy, I was just standing there and let the tears fall down from my eyes. The reason why he broke up with me is because we couldn’t communicate, so he thought the best way it to break up. So after that day I just ignore him and tried to avoid him, because seeing him made me even sorer. But as the years passes we went our way separately, I still cared for him and always wanted to know where he is, but people and friends came between us.


We hardly talked in High school and our friendship just ended without any word spoken again, we found new friends wrong ones and right ones and found new love. So I took the first step and make contact with him again, thank goodness for technology I trace him on Facebook and hoped in my heart he will accept my “friend request” and it wasn’t long when he accept my “friend request”. I was so happy I just smile and say thank you. But I didn’t want to seem desperate or anything so I waited for him to make the first move to say hello or anything. He asked me what phone I have and do I have Black Berry Messager (BBM) and after that we talked like nothing is wrong. We talked for hours and he always seems happy, I always wonder did he missed me like I miss him or does he love me the way I love him. But I never let him know how I feel about him, because I was scared my heart is going to break again. But we are both stubborn we argue about simple things that didn’t matter really. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and neither could he. Our friendship was like a roller coaster, today we fight and tomorrow we are friends again. I hated when we fight. We had harsh words and I just let him go, because I couldn’t hurt him again. I loved him from Primary school but I didn’t tell him, because what do you do if you love someone but that someone didn’t love you back? So we ended contact again and went our separate way. They say if you love someone set them free, if they come back its mend to be. We had a special connection. I waited awhile before I consider adding him again on facebook. I didn’t know was he still mad at me or not so I just wait. So I add him again on Facebook but didn’t say anything and without saying a word he accept my “friend request”. But till one day I saw he was in a relationship with someone that was the hardest thing for me. Because I knew for a fact that, that girl is double trouble. But I couldn’t say anything because I will look jealous and desperate. I was happy for him but deep down I wish it was me and not someone else. I don’t think someone can love him as I love him. I keep my distance and only comment and like his status on Facebook. So this one day he wrote a status on Facebook and I just comment “your first love is your true love”, which is true by the way and all the sudden his girlfriend is on my case and tell me I must leave Mat alone. The more I’m trying to explain I don’t want him, the more she is going on, so I finally tell Mat and his girlfriend you know what she can have you boots and all. Then I decided it’s time to move on and I become a “Casanova”. None of the guys I talk to was Mat. I think I was looking for a Mat in someone else. But there is only one Mat on this planet. My heart is still with him and always will be. So after many failures of relationships what is left to do? I gave up on love and just wish I could find someone again, someone like Mat.


I ask God from the bottom of my heart to sent me someone who truly loves me and will match my heart. But what I didn’t know is that Mat also asks God for someone. Everything happens for a reason and God work in mysterious ways. So what happen is I went for a weekend to my friend and that Saturday I don’t know why I did it but I add him again on Facebook and sent him a hello and a “friend request”. He said hello back and ask how I was, I was glad he was talking to me again. He said he was just cool. He asks me why I greeted him, so I just told him it’s a new year and I missed his company. I didn’t told him I miss him a lot because that would ended up in a disaster. He said I must add him on blackberry messager (BBM) but my phone was in for repairs so I left my cell number to chat on Whatsapp. He added me and we talked and as I know Mat he always comes up with something funny to say to make me laugh. He is really an amazing guy. He is funny and crazy and has a heart of gold. He doesn’t only love you a little he loves you with everything he is. He will put everything into a relationship. He is one in million and lucky to have. At first it was like something “am more sexier than you”, because he was working on his six pack and most girls tell him he has a sexy body. So I told him simply most guys told me I have a gorgeous body, and then he spoke to me in a gentle way not to hurt my feelings. He said looks isn’t everything he is more interest in personality which is true.


We always had “that” connection we can truly talk about anything and laugh together and in some ways we are alike. We have our differences and we are the opposite from each other and that makes things even more fun .It really that small things that mattered a lot than big things. That’s way I think we fight a lot before because we are stubborn. After so many years I still love him. But it is a different story when it comes of meeting someone, especially for me it always ended up in disasters. So when he ask can we meet I thought oh boy here we go again! But I said to myself its Mat who I know from Primary school. So I said its cool we can meet I will let him know when. So that Friday night he asks me out over the phone, but he did say he will ask me out face to face. He just wanted to ask me out so that no other guy could take me before he does. So I told him on Saturday we can meet at eleven o’clock. As always I told him am a bit shy and nervous. I was nervous till the last minute before I saw Mat. I don’t know why I was shy or nervous, because it’s not someone new it’s only Mat I knew from primary school. I had butterflies in my tummy, my head told me to run, my heart told me to relax and my knees went weak. I didn’t know someone can feel so much at the same time. He still have that gorgeous hazel eyes that looks right through you and that sexy smile he always have. I can be myself with him I don’t need to pretend am someone that I am not. As we walked to the park he was pulling my leg the whole time, either complaining about something or saying something to me to make me blush. I really don’t like it when I blush in front a guy, it’s embarrassing for me.


When we get at the park we sat on the swings and just talking. When I with him nothing else matters only we do. He makes me laugh and blush at the same time, he always make me blush for reasons I don’t even know. We stand up and just hold each other for awhile. He told me our lives is like a love story where two people grow apart and at the end they come back to each other. When two people are mend to be together they will find a way to be together. In his arms I feel safe and secure like nothing is going to happen. When he holds me I know he loves me unconditionally and he will always be there for me. He sees the best in me. We went and sat under a tree and just talking and listen to songs on his phone. We had our first kiss and

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