» Fairy Tale » Tales of the Room, Luke and Zach. [novels in english TXT] 📗

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recognizing the area cried out:

“Where is the Dark Forest Village?! Is this not its location?!” His voice was shrill with panic. He had many friends who lived there.

Senthara turned to him and bid him to be calm.

“Due to the lack of security in the room now, we have had to take a few precautions regarding the secrecy of the village.”

Having said this, Senthara walked up to a lone tree standing away from the others. It was an odd tree, nothing much to look at. Taking out a small piece of parchment, the wizard quickly scribbled something and placed it into a hole in the bottom of the trunk. It disappeared from sight, but then another piece quickly took its place. Senthara picked it up and read it a few times to himself. He then backed away from the tree and proclaimed loudly:

“Acadamus Borsethus.”

At first nothing happened, yet suddenly, the entire group was blinded by a great blue light. It left as quickly as it appeared. As their eyes adjusted again, buildings came into focus and the sounds of a society in full swing met their ears. Lenhart gasped. The entire village had appeared before their eyes.

“How. . . but, I don’t understand.” Said the pirate captain unsure of what just happened.

“The dark wizard decided it was necessary to increase the protection of this valuable village and so he cast a powerful spell on it. To everyone who walks by, the village simply is not there. Yet, if you know HOW to look for it, you will see it. The tree is the gate keeper. You state your business on a piece of parchment and it goes through to the village. The gate patrol take a look at it and then send a password for you to say to make the town visible for you. The password changes every hour though. A wonderful invention if I do say so myself. Well, let’s not all stand out here in the cold. Let us go warm ourselves by the fires in the halls of the great Lord of the Dark.
Talrock stood at the edge of the woods bewildered. How did they just disappear like that?
The gates closed behind them and what Talrock saw last was their breath in the cold. The wizard and his company were greeted by Lord Wolfang. “Greetings Senthara the Blue, the Black wizard has been expecting you, but he has not come for several days.”
“What do you mean?” asked the wizard puzzled.
“He has been gone for the past week or so.”
“Come and warm yourselves in my hall.”
“Thank you, my steed has never been accustomed to the Dark Forest as I have.”
“We’ll take him to our stables where it is warm and comfortable. For the moment we will serve you Blork drink, and you will sit by the fire.”
“Ah, yes the drink of the wood, splendid! I haven’t had any since our last visit.”
said the wizard overjoyed. Blork is a natural juice that is found in certain parts of the Dark forest.
Lenhart left the wizard to greet and trade with some old friends. He walked with Sully into the Black Raven inn of the Dark Forest village. At the counter was Sully’s brother: Morkris, also known as Cookie Monster. He was washing red china plates and cups. “Hi Sully! And Cap’an Lenhart! Would you look at that ha!” When he said this last word a giant vapor escaped his mouth and clouded his face. Lenhart wasn’t used to such bare cold and was wrapping himself tightly in his Lego cloak. Sully closed the double doors behind him and kept the cold from coming in.
“When yer this deep into the Black wood, it gets cold! No one knows why,” said Sully going off to feed the fire where a resident sat studying a map with a mug of Blork at her side. “Could I get ye somethin’ ta drink?” asked Morkris grinning at Lenhart. “First time back, it’ll be on the house!”
“In that case, Put me on for a hot cup of Blork.”
“There’re a few people downstairs playin’ cards. It’s a bit warmer down there in those mole tunnels aye.”
“Aye, which is where I’m goin’ to settle some business with that white rat!”
“Oh, I think I know who yer talkin’ about. That ‘un isn’t exactly a nice one. He’ll cheat ya, best be careful around ‘im.”
“Well here we go.” said Lenhart taking his mug and going downstairs toward the laughter.

The cavern was dimly lit and the smell of Blork was strong as Lenhart descended the earthy stairs. He walked through a short passage of smooth soil dug by the mole brothers. As he entered the room, he was met by angry voices. An impressive rabbit with a blue coat was standing over a black rat wearing purple armor. His voice was strong and clear.

“That land is ours! You have no right to be constructing any sort of building on it! You or the white rat!” Lenhart looked over at the albino mole who was smiling maliciously at the rabbit.

“Peter, lower your voice. Don’t make a scene.” Urged the black rat licking his lips.
“I’m sure we can come to some sort of an arrangement.” He mocked evilly.

“That’s Mr. Cottontail to you rat. My uncle Benjamin Bunny is livid with fury as am I. Those fields were ripe with harvest. Our vegetables are known around the room for their exquisite taste, but all that is ruined thanks to your mess of concrete and rat tunnels beginning to take form, and the water is starting to taste different as well. I swear, if you do not leave. . .” Peter reached behind him and pulled out his shovel.

“Hey hey now. Unless you can show me some sort of proof of ownership of that land, I’ll do whatever I like with it.” At this, the pair of black rats that had come with their leader began moving forward. Peter tensed up and raised his shovel.

“Excuse me gentlemen, but I think it would be wise if you ended this before I do.” The voice came from a darker corner of the cavern, on the other side of the bar. They tilted their heads around the corner to see the source of the sentence. The superhero Flick sat accompanied by a small assortment of insects all drinking Bugumptious, the common bug drink. Flick didn’t even raise his head. He appeared to be writing something and passing it to all of the bug leaders for them to read.

Lenhart went to the bar and ordered a refill of Blork from the abominable snowman who was watching the scene closely obviously wondering if Sully or the cookie monster needed to be alerted.

Pippin sat on the bar, obviously enjoying the spectacle. He smiled merrily at Lenhart and raised his glass happily. He often traveled to the Black Raven to pick up his season supply of Blork and take it back to his inn far away on the other side of the forest. His trip took him many weeks. Lenhart enjoyed seeing him. He had always been fond of the Hobbit inn. His thoughts were interrupted as Peter Cottontail shoved his way past the group of rats and stormed up the stairs, muttering curses in rabbit tongue.
The coast now being clear, Lenhart decided to take his turn at the white rat.
The mole sat back down and began playing cards with his two other brothers and a Kinder who was visiting. The Kinder was small and had slick black hair. “Excuse me Morgr, is it? Remember me?”
At the sight of him the mole jumped up out of his chair and had his long digging claws ready for battle. “You step one foot closer and I swear I’ll take yer head off Lego!”
“Why so tense?” asked Pippin enjoying the sight.
“Be nice boys, this isn’t the first time this has happened today. We know the routine.” said Flick from his corner.
“I didn’t threaten him in any way Super.” said Lenhart raising his hands in the air suggesting his innocence. “Remember you owe me and ma crew a good bit of bricks for the map.”
“I never found that place, yer map doesn’t work. I ain’t givin’ you no bricks.” said the mole sitting back down.
“Where are they? I’ll get them for you.”
“Give it to him Morgr.”
“Flick you can’t make anyone do anything concerning deals between citizens of the Room that don’t effect the safety of the Room. Says it in that scroll over there!” pointed out the mole above the bar where there hung the Law.
“But I can!” said Lenhart moving towards the mole. The white rat stood up and received a blow from the Lego. The mole dove into him scarring the captain with his claws. Lenhart threw the mole off and against the bar right under Pippin’s feet who was hanging over the edge of the bar. The mole took another blow and was now on the ground unable to move now that Lenhart had pinned him. Lenhart did not have him for long when the mole’s two brothers hurled on him. The experienced Lego fought them off throwing one off, punching the other and holding the white rat down with his foot. But now one of the moles held his gun up to Captain Lenhart’s head. The rats, Pippin, Flick, the insects, the Kinder and the snowman watched the next move when Sully came running down from the upper bar.

The next thing Lenhart felt was the hard earth as Sully launched him out of the inn. He then closed the door shutting them out of the warmth and away from the smell of fresh Blork. He sat up and peered around the bustling street. Toys were doing daily chores and running errands. Others were on important business. No one seemed to notice the pirate captain sitting in the dirt. Gathering himself, he stood up and made his way to the great hall where he was hoping he could catch up with the blue wizard.

Peter Rabbit tied down his groceries onto his small cart and waited patiently for Mrs. Goose and little Miss Kitten to finish window shopping. He checked his stop watch and sighed. Thainkain was late. He was worried about his friend. Night was quickly sneaking up on the room and he needed to get back to their home. Lady Shrew had told him to be back before nightfall if he wanted any soup at all. He tapped his foot anxiously and scowled at the rats as they walked across the street sneering at him. What was he to do about them? If he had time, he would search out the guardian of the forest, Talrock the terrible, and attempt to persuade him for help. Peter’s thoughts were interrupted by a soft rap on the shoulder. He turned expecting rodents, but was surprised and overjoyed to see his cousin Thainkain who had not changed a bit; a beautiful Christmas ornament, brown coat, with a white belly. He set down a heavy bag which appeared to be full of digging equipment. After a sentimental greeting and swapping of a couple of short travel stories, they departed. Peter, pulling his shopping cart behind him called for his precious companions to hurry as the dark was slowly taking over the sky. Mrs. Goose nodded understandingly and hurried along. They exited the invisible village and reentered the black wood. After a brief walk, they began following a swift brook that led them
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