» Fairy Tale » Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Kate Douglas Wiggin [primary phonics .TXT] 📗

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you and mother see her for yourselves.

Your affectionate daughter,



How d’ ye do, girls?” said Huldah Meserve, peeping in at the door. “Can you stop studying a minute and show me your room? Say, I’ve just been down to the store and bought me these gloves, for I was bound I wouldn’t wear mittens this winter; they’re simply too countrified. It’s your first year here, and you’re younger than I am, so I s’pose you don’t mind, but I simply suffer if I don’t keep up some kind of style. Say, your room is simply too cute for words! I don’t believe any of the others can begin to compare with it! I don’t know what gives it that simply gorgeous look, whether it’s the full curtains, or that elegant screen, or Rebecca’s lamp; but you certainly do have a faculty for fixing up. I like a pretty room too, but I never have a minute to attend to mine; I’m always so busy on my clothes that half the time I don’t get my bed made up till noon; and after all, having no callers but the girls, it don’t make much difference. When I graduate, I’m going to fix up our parlor at home so it’ll be simply regal. I’ve learned decalcomania, and after I take up lustre painting I shall have it simply stiff with drapes and tidies and placques and sofa pillows, and make mo-ther let me have a fire, and receive my friends there evenings. May I dry my feet at your register? I can’t bear to wear rubbers unless the mud or the slush is simply knee-deep, they make your feet look so awfully big. I had such a fuss getting this pair of French-heeled boots that I don’t intend to spoil the looks of them with rubbers any oftener than I can help. I believe boys notice feet quicker than anything. Elmer Webster stepped on one of mine yesterday when I accidentally had it out in the aisle, and when he apologized after class, he said he wasn’t so much to blame, for the foot was so little he really couldn’t see it! Isn’t he perfectly great? Of course that’s only his way of talking, for after all I only wear a number two, but these French heels and pointed toes do certainly make your foot look smaller, and it’s always said a high instep helps, too. I used to think mine was almost a deformity, but they say it’s a great beauty. Just put your feet beside mine, girls, and look at the difference; not that I care much, but just for fun.”

“My feet are very comfortable where they are,” responded Rebecca dryly. “I can’t stop to measure insteps on algebra days; I’ve noticed your habit of keeping a foot in the aisle ever since you had those new shoes, so I don’t wonder it was stepped on.”

“Perhaps I am a little mite conscious of them, because they’re not so very comfortable at first, till you get them broken in. Say, haven’t you got a lot of new things?”

“Our Christmas presents, you mean,” said Emma Jane. “The pillow-cases are from Mrs. Cobb, the rug from cousin Mary in North Riverboro, the scrap-basket from Living and Dick. We gave each other the bureau and cushion covers, and the screen is mine from Mr. Ladd.”

“Well, you were lucky when you met him! Gracious! I wish I could meet somebody like that. The way he keeps it up, too! It just hides your bed, doesn’t it, and I always say that a bed takes the style off any room—specially when it’s not made up; though you have an alcove, and it’s the only one in the whole building. I don’t see how you managed to get this good room when you’re such new scholars,” she finished discontentedly.

“We shouldn’t have, except that Ruth Berry had to go away suddenly on account of her father’s death. This room was empty, and Miss Maxwell asked if we might have it,” returned Emma Jane.

“The great and only Max is more stiff and standoffish than ever this year,” said Huldah. “I’ve simply given up trying to please her, for there’s no justice in her; she is good to her favorites, but she doesn’t pay the least attention to anybody else, except to make sarcastic speeches about things that are none of her business. I wanted to tell her yesterday it was her place to teach me Latin, not manners.”

“I wish you wouldn’t talk against Miss Maxwell to me,” said Rebecca hotly. “You know how I feel.”

“I know; but I can’t understand how you can abide her.”

“I not only abide, I love her!” exclaimed Rebecca. “I wouldn’t let the sun shine too hot on her, or the wind blow too cold. I’d like to put a marble platform in her class-room and have her sit in a velvet chair behind a golden table!”

“Well, don’t have a fit!—because she can sit where she likes for all of me; I’ve got something better to think of,” and Huldah tossed her head.

“Isn’t this your study hour?” asked Emma Jane, to stop possible discussion.

“Yes, but I lost my Latin grammar yesterday; I left it in the hall half an hour while I was having a regular scene with Herbert Dunn. I haven’t spoken to him for a week and gave him back his class pin. He was simply furious. Then when I came back to the hall, the book was gone. I had to go down town for my gloves and to the principal’s office to see if the grammar had been handed in, and that’s the reason I’m so fine.”

Huldah was wearing a woolen dress that had once been gray, but had been dyed a brilliant blue. She had added three rows of white braid and large white pearl buttons to her gray jacket, in order to make it a little more “dressy.” Her gray felt hat had a white feather on it, and a white tissue veil with large black dots made her delicate skin look brilliant. Rebecca thought how lovely the knot of red hair looked under the hat behind, and how the color of the front had been dulled by incessant frizzing with curling irons. Her open jacket disclosed a galaxy of souvenirs pinned to the background of bright blue,—a small American flag, a button of the Wareham Rowing Club, and one or two society pins. These decorations proved her popularity in very much the same way as do the cotillion favors hanging on the bedroom walls of the fashionable belle. She had been pinning and unpinning, arranging and disarranging her veil ever since she entered the room, in the hope that the girls would ask her whose ring she was wearing this week; but although both had noticed the new ornament instantly, wild horses could not have drawn the question from them; her desire to be asked was too obvious. With her gay plumage, her “nods and becks and wreathed smiles,” and her cheerful cackle, Huldah closely resembled the parrot in Wordsworth’s poem:—

“Arch, volatile, a sportive bird, By social glee inspired; Ambitious to be seen or heard, And pleased to be admired!”


“Mr. Morrison thinks the grammar will be returned, and lent me another,” Huldah continued.

“He was rather snippy about my leaving a book in the hall. There was a perfectly elegant gentleman in the office, a stranger to me. I wish he was a new teacher, but there’s no such luck. He was too young to be the father of any of the girls, and too old to be a brother, but he was handsome as a picture and had on an awful stylish suit of clothes. He looked at me about every minute I was in the room. It made me so embarrassed I couldn’t hardly answer Mr. Morrison’s questions straight.”

“You’ll have to wear a mask pretty soon, if you’re going to have any comfort, Huldah,” said Rebecca. “Did he offer to lend you his class pin, or has it been so long since he graduated that he’s left off wearing it? And tell us now whether the principal asked for a lock of your hair to put in his watch?”

This was all said merrily and laughingly, but there were times when Huldah could scarcely make up her mind whether Rebecca was trying to be witty, or whether she was jealous; but she generally decided it was merely the latter feeling, rather natural in a girl who had little attention.

“He wore no jewelry but a cameo scarf pin and a perfectly gorgeous ring,—a queer kind of one that wound round and round his finger. Oh dear, I must run! Where has the hour gone? There’s the study bell!”

Rebecca had pricked up her ears at Huldah’s speech. She remembered a certain strange ring, and it belonged to the only person in the world (save Miss Maxwell) who appealed to her imagination,— Mr. Aladdin. Her feeling for him, and that of Emma Jane, was a mixture of romantic and reverent admiration for the man himself and the liveliest gratitude for his beautiful gifts. Since they first met him not a Christmas had gone by without some remembrance for them both; remembrances chosen with the rarest taste and forethought. Emma Jane had seen him only twice, but he had called several times at the brick house, and Rebecca had learned to know him better. It was she, too, who always wrote the notes of acknowledgment and thanks, taking infinite pains to make Emma Jane’s quite different from her own. Sometimes he had written from Boston and asked her the news of Riverboro, and she had sent him pages of quaint and childlike gossip, interspersed, on two occasions, with poetry, which he read and reread with infinite relish. If Huldah’s stranger should be Mr. Aladdin, would he come to see her, and could she and Emma Jane show him their beautiful room with so many of his gifts in evidence?

When the girls had established themselves in Wareham as real boarding pupils, it seemed to them existence was as full of joy as it well could hold. This first winter was, in fact, the most tranquilly happy of Rebecca’s school life,—a winter long to be looked back upon. She and Emma Jane were room-mates, and had put their modest possessions together to make their surroundings pretty and homelike. The room had, to begin with, a cheerful red ingrain carpet and a set of maple furniture. As to the rest, Rebecca had furnished the ideas and Emma Jane the materials and labor, a method of dividing responsibilities that seemed to suit the circumstances admirably. Mrs. Perkins’s father had been a storekeeper, and on his death had left the goods of which he was possessed to his married daughter. The molasses, vinegar, and kerosene had lasted the family for five years, and the Perkins attic was still a treasure-house of ginghams, cottons, and “Yankee notions.” So at Rebecca’s instigation Mrs. Perkins had made full curtains and lambrequins of unbleached muslin, which she had trimmed and looped back with bands of Turkey red cotton. There were two table covers to match, and each of the girls had her study corner. Rebecca, after much coaxing, had been allowed to bring over her precious lamp, which would have given a luxurious air to any apartment, and when Mr. Aladdin’s last Christmas presents were added,—the Japanese screen for Emma Jane and the little shelf of English Poets for Rebecca,—they declared that it was all quite as much fun as being married and going to housekeeping.

The day of Huldah’s call was Friday, and on Fridays from three to half past four Rebecca was free to take a pleasure to which she looked forward the entire week. She always ran down

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