» Fairy Tale » Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗

Book online «Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗». Author R. R. Kaufman

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Rev and Cyna left them to speak privately.

This was the moment Rev had waited to see all her life. The warmth and comforting feeling that overwhelmed her was something she hadn’t felt in a long time. The two brothers were friends again. With their union and leadership Brix stood a chance to regain its freedom.

Rev, Cyna and Mars each took their turn telling the events on Earth. Kosni, Stike, Wolfie and Faze listened intently as they sat at a round table.

Finally Rev stood up, took out her gold chip and placed it in the center of the table.



This is a self-destruct chip that will destroy the drokes. Just one problem. We have to find a way to replace Razor’s chip in her master computer with this one.

Each one in the group examined it. Finally Mars spoke.



The metal box across from Razor’s fortress is probably her master control room. First we have to gain access to her island. Then get past her drokes and climb up to the base of her fortress. If we succeed there’s the electrical field surrounding her four steel pillars that support her dwelling. If we were to get past all that we have to cross the bridge to this metal building and penetrate the locked door. And then try to escape.


Everyone remained silent. Kosni looked at Mars.



Is there any way we can intercept or disable the electric fields around her structure?



I believe that energy is coming from the Lux. Maybe over a month we could devise some way of redirecting that energy but we don’t have time.



How many men does Razor have in Brix?



Just Klutch and Vice. Also Bruno on her submarine.



Is it possible to sabotage this sub of hers?



Perhaps, but that would just keep her here longer. What about the elevator that travels between the steel pillars to her main dwelling?



She has cameras and drokes positioned everywhere.



There must be another way.


Rev rose to her feet.



There is.


Chapter 84



Later that morning Slane and another friend travelled to see Prook. The day before they had dropped off some diagrams and instructions from Mars. Now they returned with a special package and gave it to the professor.

After their return Rev, Mars and Stike took a long hike up the highest mountain cliff surrounding Brix and sat down on the lush green terrain.

From Brix Ridge they could see for a great distance. The town far below looked like a miniature building set. A haze of smoke blocked out pieces of the toy set.

The river flowing from the opposite mountain range was noticeably blue before reaching the town but flowed a dirty brown from the town to the ocean. It angered Rev to see its nasty sludge spewing into Genus.

Mars focused his telescope down below on the mountain island in the middle of the valley.

Razor’s compound appeared much closer with the telescope.

Mars followed the bridge from the top of Razor’s dwelling that extended to the higher plateau. He scanned the spiral-coiled light swirling its way up the tall coned shape tower.

At its base rested the small metal building that housed her master control room.

From their vantage point, the luminous golden orb at the top shone so bright that even the sun was envious.

Rev and Stike both studied the whole area with the scope.



Take a look way over there. It’s the Lux.



Did you check out Prook’s house overlooking the bay?


After awhile Rev closed the scope and focused her attention on the professor.



Professor Mars? Is it possible?



Brix and Genus depend on that possibility. Let’s go over to the other side.


They walked over to the opposite edge of the cliff out of Razor’s view.



Please open your tote bags.


All three reached into their carrying bags and brought out their fly suits. Prook had done an amazing job of sewing the fly suits according to the professor’s diagrams. Rev and Stike followed Mars instructions as they donned and zipped up their outfits.

Rev stretched out her arms. Strong material was stitched between her arms and body simulating the wings of a bird. Material was also stitched between both legs that functioned just like a bird’s tail. Separate stitching throughout the wings made air pockets called cells that give stability and lift. At the back of the suit a small pouch held the parachute.

For the next hour Mars showed the movements for turning directions, gaining lift, slowing down and landing.



Just as you follow a mountain path on the ground you must visualize the flight path through the air. Remember one of the most important lessons. Be sure to make small body movements. When flying, every movement you make results in a magnified outcome in the air. A large movement could take you into a spin or dive. You don’t want that.


They stood on the long ledge of the cliff. Below them nothing but forests and grasslands filled the valley. No buildings, no people and no drokes. This was a top secret mission. If Razor discovered their plan everything would be lost.



This is a short flight. About a minute in the air. See that area to the left. That’s our landing spot. Match my body movements. Open your parachute just as we clear those big trees.


Stike smiled nervously at Rev.



I hope you don’t attract a flock of birds.


Rev laughed and took a deep breath as she fastened her helmet.



Just try to keep up.


Mars positioned himself at the very tip of the ledge and dove off. Rev followed with Stike behind her.

Chapter 85



As Rev took the leap of faith after diving from the high cliff, she realized that it was the craziest thing she had ever done.

But within seconds the fright turned into pure joy as she glided effortlessly down the steep mountainside. In that moment nothing clouded her mind. As she swooshed by the trees underneath her an amazing sense of freedom and zeal seized her whole body.

Feeling a sense of weightlessness she sailed effortlessly high above the rocky terrain and forests. Any small body movement could change her course. She discovered that by pointing her toes and keeping the tension in her suit from head to toe increased her speed.

Rev kept her eye on the professor, watching and matching all his movements.

It was time to land.

Rev raised her head and looked forward as she pulled on the parachute cord.

Seconds later she descended to the flat grassy area near Mars.

In less than a minute the thrill of a lifetime had ended.

Rev and Mars looked up as Stike flew overhead at a faster pace than he should have. Rev motioned to him with a downward movement of her elbow to pull the parachute cord. She yelled at him.



Pull the cord! Pull the cord!


Finally Stike’s parachute opened and he floated down to the ground close to the edge of the next cliff drop off point.

Rev and Mars raced over to him.



Whoa! Talk about feeling a rush. I never felt so alive.



Yeah well you would have felt a bigger rush if you went over this cliff. You scared the …



You both were amazing. Now I’ll teach you how to properly repack your parachute. We’ll take a break and then complete the rest of the course to finish the day.


Stike and Rev stood on the cliff overlooking their next exit point. The flight path looked twice as long as the last one.

They both grinned at each other.


Chapter 86



It was just about closing time for the magic shop. Vice stood outside the window display. He always liked magic and would come here often to purchase small tricks to practice on.

He entered the shop and to his surprise he saw Faze standing by the cashier.



I didn’t know you liked magic stuff.


Fazed smile warmly as Vice came over to her.



Yes ever since I starred in that movie about magic. I was hooked ever since.



I remember that movie. I loved it.



Well, why don’t you come over for a visit, Vice? We could share our magic tricks. It’d be fun. You need a break from your mother. I’ll send word to her that you’ll be staying with me for a few days.



What? Now?



Why not? I’ve made your favorite stew.



Mom always gets jealous when I visit you but she is acting crazy these days and I could use some time off from her.



Then it’s settled. A delicious stew, some magic and I’ll play my favorite movie. With me in it of course.



It’s a deal. I’ll instruct the drokes where I’m going.



Forget the drokes. You’re a big boy now. You don’t need them. Let’s go out the back door and down the alley to the bridge. They’ll figure it out. It’s more fun.



Okay. Sounds good.


Chapter 87



Rev, Stike and Mars made it back to the professor’s laboratory just before dark. Slane left them a message that Cyna and Kosni were visiting Wolfie. They ate and gathered around for a discussion about tomorrow’s plans.



Tomorrow a meeting with Razor has been arranged. Kosni and Cyna will be present. Along with Faze, Wolfie and myself. We will plead with Razor to leave Brix with her drokes. It’s a distraction. There is no way she’ll even consider it. We all know that. The real purpose of the meeting is to get her away from her fortress so you can access her compound without being seen.



Where will the meeting take place?



The same place I’ve met her before. She’ll stand on a flat rock on the narrow part of the river near her entrance. On the other side we’ll face her.



What about Klutch?



The last few times he came with her and stood by the elevator entrance. I’m sure he will be present considering the latest circumstances. Her drokes will be there too. She’s not taking any chances.



When should Stike and I start our flight?



As soon as you see the elevator light up. I figure it’s about a two-minute glide to the top of her island. I don’t know how long we can stall Razor, so timing and planning is vital.



So we replace Erik’s destructive chip with Razor’s main control chip? But how do we get inside her metal building?



With this. Follow me.


Mars led them into a special room in his workshop. He showed them a narrow syringe about half the size of his hand. He instructed them to stand back as he put his thumb down on the tube like device. A small amount of clear liquid flowed out on a piece of metal. A few seconds later a hole appeared in the metal piece. Some smoke evaporated in the air.



Wow. What is it?



It’s a special acid. When I looked through the telescope I noticed the door on the metal building had a key locking mechanism. If enough of this acid is squirted into the lock’s opening it

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