» Fairy Tale » Rev's Odyssey, R. R. Kaufman [fun books to read for adults TXT] 📗

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should melt all the lock’s inner workings.


Rev and Stike examined it carefully.



Did you make this, dad?



Erik designed the syringe for me. The acid I made from the formula that was outlined in the book he gave me.



So if the acid melts steel than why doesn’t it dissolve this outside stuff on the syringe?



I asked Erik the same question. He called it plastic. It’s made from plant oil. The acid mixture that I used won’t puncture the plastic.


Mars placed the syringe in another plastic container and sealed it up. He then placed it in a leather pouch with straps around it. He demonstrated to Rev how it was safe as he momentarily attached it to her ankle.

They went to sleep.

It had been a long day. Tomorrow would be longer.


Chapter 88



They rose early the next morning. They ate well and climbed to Brix Ridge overlooking Razor’s island mountain. The professor went over the flight path that Rev and Stike must follow to land safely on Razor’s island compound.

He pointed out key landmarks in the steep valley terrain below at the same time moving his various body parts.



If there is a wind it will be coming from the ocean side. I’ve compensated for that outcome with my flight path. I’m estimating that it is a bit longer than two minutes.



When should we activate the parachute?



See that small ridge with three large trees perched on top? It’s a short distance from Razor’s big cliff.


Rev and Stike nodded.



Put your suits on well ahead of time and check and recheck if everything is functioning. When you see the five of us marching from the town square to the river, start to position yourself. With the telescope, keep an eye on Razor’s elevator. As soon as she enters it, jump.


They practiced the moves for a while longer. Then Mars put his arms around both of them and said a tearful goodbye.


Chapter 89



Mars and Kosni walked a few strides ahead of Cyna, Wolfie and Faze.

It was a quiet methodical walk as they made their way towards their meeting spot at the river with Razor. Everything had been discussed amongst the group for some time before.

They were prepared as much as they could be. But there could be no preparation for the unknown.

Their plan was to just stall Razor. But it had to look believable. If Razor sensed something off, anything, she’ll bolt and Rev and Stike would be in danger.


* * *


Studying the valley below, Rev took a deep breath. They had put their fly suits on and checked each other’s equipment several times.

Rev would lead the way. She was perched on the outcropping ledge waiting to hear the word from Stike who was looking through the scope directly at Razor’s top elevator.

Waiting was always grueling. And then it came.





Rev dove off the cliff with Stike behind her. She kept her head down to gain maximum speed. She focused intently on Razor’s island cliff.

This wasn’t a joy ride or a training mission. This was for real. The stakes were high. Not only for her and Stike but the people of Brix and Genus.

But how to remain serious without fear was the goal of any warrior or athletic champion. She visualized the professor’s moves and path that he had shown her only a while ago. She carried them out exactly.

She found the balance of calm and courage within herself to carry on. She had to. Stike was following her exact moves and if she got it wrong then he would be in jeopardy also.

The ride went so fast that within a few seconds she realized that she must eject her parachute. She did and as she floated to the ground, she looked back at Stike.

He was there. They landed close to each other and quickly folded their parachutes and helped each other return them to their back pouch.

They both looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

As risky as it was Rev knew that this was the easy part. All downhill. The task at hand would be an uphill battle. She had to take her game to the next level.

They didn’t waste any time as they ran over to the solid metal building.


* * *


Razor’s tall lean figure strutted confidently as she exited the elevator and approached the elevated rock ledge. Klutch, an impressive opposing force that displayed strength and grit, stood at the elevator’s entrance. Several drokes gathered close to Razor as she approached the group of five standing across the river from her.

She stared and sized up her opponents. She smiled and spoke.



I don’t see my little girl.



If you are talking about my daughter, she’s not feeling well.


Razor held her gaze on Kosni.



I don’t think we’ve met.



I’m Rev’s father.



Quite the spitfire she is.


Kosni held his anger back. He needed to appease her longer. Rev and Stike needed as much time as they could give them.



Wolfie … I see you’re getting a little greyer. And Faze. I’ve never seen you look so old.


Razor laughed with despicable pleasure.



So why are you disturbing me? My time is precious. What do you want?



Just one thing. Please leave Brix.



Or what? There’s nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing. Zilch. Zero.


Kosni spoke in a calm voice and as slow as he could.



We are asking you for some compassion. Some respect from you to us. We’ve cooperated with you for over three years but our worlds are being destroyed with your pollution. You must understand how distraught we feel.



Distraught? I’ll tell you all about distraught. Your little girl pulverized one of my drokes, stole my gold chip, sank my ship and wrecked my train. She should be locked up. All of you should be punished because of her wickedness for generations to come.



What can we do to bring peace between Brix and you?



Nothing. Anything else? You’re wasting my time.



We have Vice. If you leave peacefully we’ll return him to you.



What! Now my own sister has kidnapped my son. What’s next?


Just then a loud beeping noise came from inside Razor’s pocket. She looked up at the tower.



No! No! No! You lied to me. All of you. Your little monster is running loose on my turf.


Razor turned and was about to dash for the elevator when Faze yelled at her.



What about Vice?



Keep him. He’s all yours.


Razor reached in her pocket and brought out a sizable stone and threw it at her sister, striking her in the forehead. Faze collapsed.

She shouted at Klutch as she entered the elevator.



Bring the train around! Now!


Chapter 90



Rev and Stike heard the loud siren down below in Brix. That was the signal if anything went wrong to get out. Razor was on her way back. They heard the elevator rising.

She returned the acid syringe to her leather pouch strapped to her ankle. It had worked. Just as Mars had said. They were inside the metal building.

Only a large table occupied the room. Rev and Stike stared down at the thick glass tabletop.



There it is.


Rev pointed to the tiny gold chip that was sunk deep in the smooth glass tabletop.



Now what? My dad never mentioned this. How do we get it out?


Rev tried to move the table but it wouldn’t budge.



We can’t smash it. The professor said not to damage the chip’s housing.



I know. I know. I thought I could use the acid to free it but then there wouldn’t be anything left to put our chip in.



We’ve got about thirty seconds before Razor reaches the bridge.



Stand by the door with your flexion. Every second counts that we can stall her.


Stike did as Rev suggested.

She tried to slide the glass top off the table. Didn’t work.

There were no wires to cut. No switches or buttons to press. Nothing.

Rev wanted to scream. Nothing could have prepared her for this.



The elevator is almost at the top.


Panic rushed through Rev’s veins. Frustration was close behind followed by rage. Rev slammed her fist down hard on the glass top above the gold chip.

To her surprise the glass top over the chip rose up in the shape of a small cylinder. A small drawer in the cylinder containing the chip slid out.



Razor’s on the bridge.


Rev was quick to react. She replaced Razor’s chip with her destruct chip. She pushed gently on the top of the cylinder. It glided back down. A few lights flashed on the table screen beside the chip. Letters and symbols travelled fast and endlessly across the screen. Rev had no idea what they meant.

Rev yelled at Stike who was still guarding the door.



We did it! Let’s go!


But Razor was quicker than they realized. She shot across the bridge at lightning speed and grabbed hold of Stike, with one arm around his throat.



This time I kill both of you.


Chapter 91



An army of drokes surrounded Cyna, Kosni, Mars, Wolfie and Faze as they returned to town after their meeting with Razor.

Razor had acted quickly. According to her, winning followed by punishment were her most admirable qualities.

The group of five froze. They knew the consequences. They had crossed the line. Time to pay. Rev and Stike didn’t succeed. How was Razor going to punish the young children, the group thought?

The drokes closed the circle tighter as they moved in.

But suddenly they stopped. They grabbed their own heads and started yanking them off. Within seconds they tumbled to the ground. Their detached heads rolled in all directions.

A pile of scrap metal littered the streets.

The whole town erupted in cheers. Every droke in the town was down and out.

The group looked up at Razor’s mountain.

Rev and Stike did make it happen. But where were they? Did they escape to safety?


Chapter 92



Stike was choking violently as Rev withdrew her flexion and attacked Razor. But Razor rotated around using Vice as a shield. Rev couldn’t get close to her as Stike continued to gasp for air.

Rev tried a desperate move as she slammed herself to the ground, at the same time lashing out at Razor’s ankle with the flexion.

The pain was too much as Razor released her stranglehold on Stike.

Rev grabbed Stike away from Razor. Furious, she attempted a final blow to Razor. But Razor was quicker. She not only stopped the blow but also knocked Rev to the ground, lunged at her and dragged her by the hair back to the bridge.

Stunned, Rev tried to get to her feet but Razor overpowered her and threw her over the bridge.

Stike caught his breath and came after Razor on the bridge. He gave her a high kick to her stomach and released a blow to the back

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