» Fairy Tale » Swiss Family Robinson, Johann David Wyss [tools of titans ebook txt] 📗

Book online «Swiss Family Robinson, Johann David Wyss [tools of titans ebook txt] 📗». Author Johann David Wyss

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galloping at full speed

up to the fire.


Mercury was evidently excessively discomposed at finding us gone; he

gnashed his teeth, and chattered, as though in fear, looking

hopelessly at the water, through which he could not venture.


The dogs planted themselves by the fire, gazing fixedly landward, with

ears erect, and occasionally uttering a barking challenge, or a

suppressed howl.


Meantime, the horrid roarings approached nearer, and I concluded that a

couple of leopards or panthers had been attracted by the scent of the

boar’s carcase.


But not long after I had expressed this opinion, we beheld a large

powerful animal spring from the underwood and, with a bound and

muttered roar, approach the fire. In a moment I recognized the

unmistakable outlines of the form of a lion, though in size he far

surpassed any I had ever seen exhibited in Europe.


The dogs slunk behind the fire, and the lion seated himself almost like

a cat on his hind legs, glaring alternately at them, and at the great

boar hams which hung near, with doubtless a mixed feeling of irritation

and appetite, which was testified by the restless movement of his tail.


He then arose, and commenced walking up and down with slow and

measured pace, occasionally uttering short, angry roars, quite unlike

the prolonged full tones we had heard at first. At times he went to

drink at the brook, always returning with such haste, that I fully

expected to see him spring.


Gradually his manner became more and more threatening; he turned

towards us, crouched, and with his body at full stretch, waved his

tail, and glared so furiously, that I was in doubt whether to fire or

retreat, when through the darkness rang the sharp crack of a rifle.


`That is Fritz!’ exclaimed everyone; while, with a fearful roar, the

lion sprang to his feet, stood stock still, tottered, sank on his

knees, rolled over, and lay motionless on the sand.


`We are saved!’ I cried. `That was a masterly shot. The lion is struck

to the heart: he will never stir again. Stay on board, boys. I must

join my brave Fritz.’


In a few moments I landed: the dogs met me with evident tokens of

pleasure, but kept whining uneasily, and looking towards the deep

darkness of the woods whence the lion had come.


This behaviour made me cautious; and, seeing nothing of Fritz, I

lingered by the boat, when suddenly a lioness bounded from the shadow

of the trees, into the light diffused by the fire.


At sight of the blazing faggots she paused, as though startled; passed

with uncertain step round the outskirts of the illuminated circle; and

uttered roarings, which were evidently calls to her mate, whose dead

body she presently discovered.


Finding him motionless, her manner betokened the greatest concern; she

touched him with her forepaws, smelt round him, and licked his bleeding

wounds. Then raising her head, she gnashed her teeth, and gave forth

the most lamentable and dreadful sound I ever heard; a mingled roar and

howl, which was like the expression of grief, rage, and a vow to be

revenged, all in one.


Crack! Another shot: the creature’s right forepaw was lamed; and the

dogs, seeing me raise my gun, suddenly gathered courage, and ran

forward just as I fired. My shot also wounded the lioness, but not

mortally, and the most terrific combat ensued.


It was impossible to fire again, for fear of wounding the dogs. The

scene was fearful beyond description. Black night surrounded us; the

fitful blaze of the fire shed a strange, unnatural light on the

prostrate body of the huge dead lion, and on the wounded lioness, who

fought desperately against the attack of the four gallant dogs; while

the cries, roars and groans of anguish and fury uttered by all the

animals were enough to try the stoutest nerves.


Old Juno, staunch to the last, was foremost in the fray. After a time,

I saw her change her plan of attack, and spring at the throat of the

lioness; who, in an instant, raised her left paw, and at one blow the

cruel claws had laid open the body of the dog, and destroyed the life

of the true and faithful companion of so many years.


Just then, Fritz appeared. The lioness was much weakened, and we

ventured to go near enough to fire with safety to ourselves; and

finally I dispatched her by plunging a hunting-knife deep in her



Ernest and Jack were summoned from the yacht to witness the completed

victory; and I regretted having left them on board, when I saw how

greatly the noise and tumult had alarmed them, unable as they were to

ascertain what was going on.


They hastened towards us in great agitation, and their joy on seeing us

safe was only equalled by the grief they felt on learning of the death

of Juno.


The night was now far advanced; the fire burnt low; but we piled on

more wood, and, by the renewed light, drew poor Juno from between the

paws of the lioness; and, by the brookside, washed and bound up the

torn body, wrapping it carefully in canvas, and carrying it with us on

board the yacht, that it might be buried at Rockburg, whither, on the

following day, it was our purpose to return.


Wearied and sorrowful, but full of thankfulness for our personal

safety, we at length lay down to sleep, having brought all the dogs on



Next morning, before quitting Pearl Bay, we once more landed, that we

might possess ourselves of the magnificent skins of the lion and

lioness, whose visit, fatal to themselves, had caused such a commotion

during the night.


In about a couple of hours we returned to the yacht, leaving the

flayed carcasses to the tender mercies of the birds of prey sure to be

attracted to them.


`Homeward bound,’ sang out the boys, as they cheerily weighed anchor,

and prepared to stand out to sea. I could see, though he did not

complain, that poor Jack had not yet recovered from the boar’s rough

treatment, and moved very stiffly.


`You must pilot us through the channel in the reef, this time, Fritz,’

said I; adding, in a lower tone, `and then is it to be “farewell”, my



`Yes, dear father—Au revoir!’ returned he, brightly with a glance full

of meaning, while he threw into his canoe a cushion and fur cloak.


`Thanks, Fritz! But I’m going to honour them with the care of my

battered bones in the yacht here. You are awfully considerate though,

old fellow,’ remarked Jack, not for a moment doubting that his brother

expected him to return, as he came, beside him in the cajack.


Fritz laughed, and commended his decision. Then, springing into his

skiff, he led the way towards the open sea.


We followed carefully and soon passed the reef; after which the boys

were very busy with the sails, putting the vessel on the homeward

course, when, waving his hand to me, Fritz turned in the opposite

direction, and quickly vanished behind the point, which I afterwards

named Cape Farewell.


When missed by his brothers, I said he had a fancy to explore more of

the coast, and if he found it interesting, he might, instead of only a

few hours, remain absent for two or three days.


Towards evening, we sailed into Safety Bay.

Chapter 17

My wife and Franz, though somewhat startled by the unexpected absence

of Fritz, were delighted to see us return safely, and listened with

eager interest to our adventures. My wife shuddered, and scarcely

suppressed an involuntary scream as she heard of our desperate

encounter with the lion and his mate. Jack’s danger and providential

escape, too, made her tremble; and so pale did he still look, that she

could scarcely believe he was uninjured.


Tears came into Franz’s eyes when he heard of the sad death of poor old

Juno; and he inquired most tenderly whether her remains had been

brought back, that they might be interred near the house which had been

her home for so many years.


Next day he saw her buried carefully; and Ernest, at his request,

produced an epitaph, which was inscribed upon a slab of stone above her





‘A servant true lies here:


‘A faithful friend,


‘A Dog,


‘To all most dear;


‘Who met her end


‘Fighting right bravely in her master’s cause.


The flesh of the wild boar and the truffles were handed over to my

wife, who received them with delight, promising us therefrom many a

savoury dish. She would fain have had the boar’s head too; but my word

was pledged to Ernest that it should adorn his museum, and, though my

lips watered to taste it baked in Hottentot fashion, I would not break

my promise. This splendid head, therefore, together with the lions’

skins, we carried to the tannery on Whale Island, where they were

cleaned and dressed.


Five days passed, but Fritz still remained absent. I could not conceal

my anxiety, and at length determined to follow him. All were delighted

at the proposal, and even my wife, when she heard that we were to sail

in the pinnace, agreed to accompany us.


The boat was stored, and on a bright morning, with a favourable

breeze, we five, with the dogs, stepped aboard, and ran for Cape



Our beautiful little yacht bounded over the water gaily, and the

bright sunshine and delicious sea-breeze put us all in the highest

spirits. The entrance of the archway was in sight, and thither I was

directing the boat’s course.


Suddenly, right ahead, I saw a dark and shadowy mass just below the

surface of the water. `A sunken rock,’ I thought to myself, `and yet it

is strange that I never before noticed it.’


I put down the helm in a moment, but a catastrophe seemed inevitable.

We surged ahead! A slight shock, and all was over! The danger was



I glanced astern, to look again at the dangerous spot; but the rock was

gone, and, where but a moment before I had distinctly seen its great

green shadow, I could now see nothing.


Before we had recovered from our amazement, a shout from Jack

surprised me.


`There is another,’ he exclaimed, `to starboard, father!’ Sure enough,

there lay, apparently, another sunken rock.


`The rock is moving!’ shouted Franz; and a great black body emerged

from the sea, while from the upper extremity rushed a column of water,

which, with a mighty noise, rose upwards, and then fell like rain all

around. The mystery was explained; for, as the great beast emerged yet

further from the water, I recognized, from its enormous size and great

length of head, the cachalot whale.


The monster was apparently enraged at the way we had scratched his

back; for, retreating to a short distance, he evidently meditated a

rush upon us.


Fearful stories occurred to me of the savage temper of this whale, how

he has been known to destroy boat after boat, and even to sink great

ships, and with a feeling of desperation I sprang to one of the guns.

Jack leaped to the other, and almost simultaneously we fired. Both

shots apparently took effect; for the whale, after lashing the water

violently for a few seconds, plunged beneath its surface, and



We kept a sharp look-out for him, for I was unwilling to lose such a

valuable prize and, reloading, stood towards the shore, in which

direction he was apparently making. Presently we

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