» Fairy Tale » Swiss Family Robinson, Johann David Wyss [tools of titans ebook txt] 📗

Book online «Swiss Family Robinson, Johann David Wyss [tools of titans ebook txt] 📗». Author Johann David Wyss

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spoke it

fluently before we were released from our captivity.

Chapter 18

Many wondrous tales were told or read in turn by the boys and Jenny

during the long evenings as we sat drawing, weaving and plaiting in our

rosy study. In fact this winter was a truly happy time, and when at

length the rain ceased and the bright sun again smiled upon the face of

nature, we could scarcely believe, as we stepped forth and once more

felt the balmy breath of spring, that, for so many weeks, we had been

prisoners within our rocky walls.


All was once more activity and life; the duties in field, garden and

orchard called forth the energy of the lads, whilst their mother and

sister found abundant occupation in the poultry-yard and house.


Our various settlements and stations required attention. Falconhurst,

Woodlands, Prospect Hill, Shark and Whale Islands were in turn visited

and set in order. The duty of attending to the island battery fell to

Jack and Franz.


They had been busy all day repairing the flagstaff, rehoisting the

flag, and cleaning and putting into working order the two guns. Evening

was drawing on and our day’s work over; the rest of us were strolling

up and down upon the beach enjoying the cool sea breeze. We watched the

lads as they completed their work. They loaded and ran out their guns

and, paddling off with an empty tub in the cajack, placed it out to sea

as a mark for practice. They returned and fired, and the barrel flew in

pieces; with a shout of triumph, they cleaned the guns and ran them in.


Scarcely had they done so when, as though in answer to their shots,

came the sound of three guns booming across the water from the



We stopped, speechless. Was it fancy? Had we really heard guns from a

strange ship? Or had the boys again fired? No! There were the lads

leaping into their canoe and paddling in hot haste towards us. They,

too, had heard the sound.


A tumult of feelings rushed over us—anxiety, joy, hope, doubt, each in

turn took possession of our minds. Was it a European vessel close upon

our shores, and were we about to be linked once more to civilized life?

Or did those sounds proceed from a Malay pirate, who would rob and

murder us? What was to be the result of meeting with our fellow beings;

were they to be friends who would help us, enemies who would attack us,

or would they prove unfortunate creatures in need of our assistance?

Who could tell?


Before we could express these thoughts in words the cajack had touched

the shore, and Jack and Franz were among us.


`Did you hear them? Did you hear them?’ they gasped. `What shall we do?

Where shall we go?’


`Oh, Fritz,’ continued my youngest son, `it must be a European ship. We

shall find her. We shall see our Fatherland once more,’ and, in an

emotion of joy, he grasped his brother’s hands.


Till then I knew not what a craving for civilized life had been

aroused in the two young men by the appearance of their European



All eyes were turned towards me. What would I advise?


`At present,’ I said, `we can do nothing, for night is drawing on. We

must make what preparation we can, and pray for guidance.’ In the

greatest excitement we returned to the house, all talking eagerly, and

till late no one could be persuaded to retire to rest.


Few slept that night. The boys and I took it in turn to keep watch from

the verandah, lest more signals might be fired, or a hostile visit

might be paid us. But about midnight the wind began to rise, and before

we reassembled to discuss our plans a fearful storm was raging; so

terrific was the sea that I knew no boat could live, and had a

broadside been fired at the entrance of the Bay we should not have

heard it through the howling of the blast.


For two days and two nights the hurricane continued, but on the third

day the sun again appeared, and, the wind lulling, the sea went rapidly

down. Full of anxiety I readily complied with the boys’ desire to put

off to Shark Island and discharge the guns; for who could tell what had

been the result of the gale; perhaps the vessel had been driven upon

the rocky shore or, fearing such a fate, she had left the coast and

weathered the storm out at sea; if so she might never return.


With these thoughts I accompanied Jack and Franz to the fort.

One—two—we fired the guns and waited.


For some minutes there was no reply, and then an answering report

rolled in the distance. There was no longer room for doubt; the

strangers were still in the vicinity, and were aware of our presence.

We waved the flag as a signal to those on shore that all was well, and

quickly returned. We found the whole family in a state of the greatest

excitement, and I felt it necessary to calm them down as much as

possible, for neither could I answer the questions with which I was

besieged, nor could I conceal the fact that the visit of the vessel

might not prove so advantageous as they expected.


Fritz and I at once prepared to make a reconnaissance; we armed

ourselves with our guns, pistols and cutlasses, took a spy-glass,

seated ourselves in the cajack and, with a parting entreaty from my

wife to be cautious, paddled out of the bay and round the high cliffs

on our left. For nearly an hour we advanced in the direction from which

the reports of the guns seemed to proceed. Nothing could we see,

however, but the frowning rocks and cliffs, and the waves beating

restlessly at their base. Cape Pug-Nose was reached, and we began to

round the bluff old point.


In a moment all our doubts were dispelled, and joy and gratitude to the

Great Giver of all good filled our hearts. There, in the little

sheltered cove beyond the cape, her sails furled, and anchor dropped,

lay a brig-of-war with the English colours at her masthead.


With the glass I could discern figures upon the deck and, upon the

shore beyond, several tents pitched under the shelter of the trees, and

the smoke of fires rising amongst them. As I handed the glass to Fritz,

I felt a sudden misgiving. `What,’ said I to myself, `can this English

vessel be doing thus far from the usual track of ships?’ and I called

to mind tales of mutinous crews who have risen against their officers,

have chosen some such sheltered retreat as this; have disguised the

vessel, and then sailed forth to rob and plunder upon the high seas.


Fritz then exclaimed, `I can see the captain, father, he is speaking to

one of the officers, and I can see his face quite well; he is English,

I am certain he is English, and the flag speaks the truth!’ and he put

the glass again in my hand that I might see for myself.


Still keeping under the shelter of the cliff, I carefully surveyed the

vessel. There was no doubt that Fritz was right, and my fears were once

more dispelled; all was neatness and regularity on board; the spotless

decks, the burnished steel and brass, and the air of perfect order

which pervaded both ship and camp, betokened that authority and

discipline there reigned.


For some minutes longer we continued our examination of the scene, and

then satisfied by the appearance of the camp on shore, that there was

no chance of the brig quitting the coast for several days, we resolved

to return without betraying our presence, for I was unwilling to appear

before these strangers until we could do so in better form, and in a

manner more in accordance with our actual resources.


We again landed at Rockburg, where our family awaited our arrival in

eager expectation, and as fully as possible we told them of all we had

seen. They thoroughly approved of our caution, and even Jenny, whose

hopes had been excited to the highest pitch by our description of the

English vessel, and who longed to meet her countrymen once more, agreed

to postpone the visit until the following day, when, having put our

yacht into good order, we might pay our respects to the captain, not as

poor shipwrecked creatures begging assistance, but as lords and masters

of the land, seeking to know for what purpose strangers were visiting

the coast.


The rest of the day was occupied in making our preparations. Our

dainty little craft was made to look her very best; her decks were

scrubbed, her brass guns burnished, all lumber* removed and put ashore,

and the flag of England hoisted to her peak.


* Junk, things stored but not in use.


My wife overhauled our wardrobes, and the neatest uniforms were put

ready for the boys and me, for though neither my wife nor Jenny had

ever dreamed of appearing otherwise than they would have done, had they

been at home amongst civilized people in Europe, yet we, accustomed

daily to rough and often even dirty work, had adopted just that costume

which best suited our comfort and inclination. We should indeed have

surprised the smart man-o’-war’s men, had we appeared in our great

shapeless wide-brimmed hats, our linen coats and trousers, our broad

leathern belts and hairy buskins; so we next day readily donned the

more becoming costumes.


At the break of that eventful morn, when we were destined once more to

set our eyes upon our fellow men, and to hear news of the outer world,

from which for so many years we had been exiled, we assembled in our

little breakfast-room. The meal was eaten hurriedly and almost in

silence, for our hearts were too full, and our minds too busily

occupied, to allow of any outward display of excitement. Fritz and Jack

then slipped quietly out, and presently returned from the garden with

baskets of the choicest fruits in fresh and fragrant profusion, and

with these, as presents for the strangers, we went on board our yacht.


The anchor was weighed, the sails set, and with the canoe in tow the

little vessel, as though partaking of our hopes and joyous

expectation, bounded merrily over the waters of Safety Bay, gave a wide

berth to the Reef, against whose frowning rocks the sea still lashed

itself to foam, and kept away for the cove, where the English ship

unconsciously awaited us. The Pug-nosed Cape was reached, and to the

surprise and utter amazement of the strangers, we rounded the point and

brought up within hail.


Every eye on board and on shore was turned towards us, every glass was

produced and fixed upon our motions; for of all the strange sights

which the gallant crew may have looked for, such an anomaly as a

pleasure yacht, manned by such a party as ours, and cruising upon this

strange and inhospitable shore, was the furthest from their thoughts.


Fritz and I stepped into our boat, and pulled for the brig. In another

minute we were upon her deck. The captain, with the simple frankness of

a British seaman, welcomed us cordially, and having led us into his

cabin, begged us to explain to what good fortune he owed a visit from

residents upon a coast generally deemed uninhabited, or the abode of

the fiercest savages.


I gave him an outline of the history of the wreck, and of our sojourn

upon these shores, and spoke

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