» Family & Relationships » The Horror of My Life, Shianne Ayers [best biographies to read TXT] 📗

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While my husband was driving he seemed so happy. He looks a me and our two newborn babies while he drives us home. When out of know where a driver hites us. Which caused our car to flip as we rolled we finailly came to a stop but I look over to my husband and he tries to help me out. He told me to run away from the car. Then we hear the babies start to scream and whine. He runs toward them, then he gets the babies out. As he is running the car explodes and a piece of shrapnel hits my husband in the back. I run to my husband and the newborn babies. I went to my husband to see if he was still alive sad to say he was dead. Suddenly I hear the babies began to cry again. I could tell Gypsy was different then Whisper and I. I don't know what it is about the child but she could bring the animals to her. It was like the animals were really talking to her and she was talking to them. That she knew what they were thinking. When Gypsy cried she caused a deer to run by.

Chapter 1

I was only a child I could tell I was different than sissy and mommy. I could talk to animals. I would always know where they were and what they were thinking. They were like my family but I wanted nothing else but my mother's love. Instead that love I would get abused. My father was never here to save me from this horror. My sister would help try to help me. She would make me go days with out water and years without food.  When the week was over she would only give me a little bit of water. One day I was hiding in the false closet and I hear my mother say,

"Oh Gypsy. I have some cake for you"

and I rush out of my false closet, ran down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Then she grabs me and said, "Your in trouble."

she started to squeeze my arm so hard I thought it would turn blue. Why does mommy hate me? What did I do wrong? Why does she hurt me? Will anybody save me from this horror? and I told her,

"What did I do wrong?"

she replied, "Something you should never have done."

I started to cry "You lied to me"

"So I can get you to come to me"

"You lied to me"


"You lied to me"


Then mommy grabs me by the hair, drag me to the basement where she has a lot of sharp objects and a fireplace. 

The room was heavy with the smell of blood. I would feel the blood running down my arms and I thought to myself Will this ever end? Why does mommy hate me? I began to cry then I cried out, "Daddy! Please Save me!"

Suddenly I feel daddy's arms around me than he said to me, "Everything going to be alright. I'm here for you Cookie." then I ask him,

"Why does mommy do this to me? What did I do wrong to deserve this?" there was silence from daddy. Finally he said,

"Here let me fix your wounds."


"Yes Cookie?"

"What am I?" I could tell that he was hiding something from me than he finally said,

"Your a Spiritborn."

than I ask him "What's a Spiritborn?"

"Spiritborns are people who can talk in the language of the animals and they can control Mother Nature to do their bidding but only for good along with controling the weather ."

"Is sissy and mommy a Spiritborn?"

"Only you and me." "Daddy?"

"Yes Cookie?"

"Does mommy still love sissy?"

"Yes she does."

"Does she still love you?"

"Yes she does."

"Does she love me?"

"She does. But she doesn't know it."

"How can she not know that she loves me?"

"I don't know baby"

Chapter 2

May 3, 2013

I was in the basement I feel the blood flowing from my side. The room was even heavier with the smell of blood. My pants or what was pants were covered in blood. I thought I was going to die. I call daddy again and he appears. Then I look into daddy's eyes and I ask him while I was crying, "Daddy. I want to come with you." 

"It's not your time yet babby girl."

"Why does this happen to me?" 

"I don't know baby"

"I can't stand it anymore"

"I'll to my best to help you baby girl"

"Promise daddy"

"I promise"

I go up to daddy and I hug him. I look at daddy and I said to him, "Daddy"

"Yes Cookie?"

"I'm cold"

"I'll get some blankets for you baby girl"

"Thank you daddy"

"Your welcome Gypse"

"Baby girl"

"Yes daddy?"

"You are more then a Spiritborn. You have Mother Nature's blood and soul in your body. You are a child of the earth. And for that you will always be in great danger"

"Why will I be in danger daddy?"

"Since you are Spiritborn and have Mother Nature's blood and soul part of you. That is rare and a great privlige to have her a part of you."


"I have to go baby girl"

and then he was gone

Chapter 3

Since daddy and the animals were my family; they would always come and visit me. The animals were my solace, they keep me company. They would tell me how there  day is going and they would ask how I am doing. The other day a wolf and her kits, yes I call them kits, came over to visit me. She let me play with her kits for a while. After a while she left with her kits and I am all alone now. Suddenly my sister Whisper comes down with food and cloths and she said,"Ssshhh. I got some food for you and some cloths."

I replied to her quietly, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I hate what mom does to.."


Whisper looks at me with shame I whisper to her, "Go sissy. We will talk later when mommy is asleep"

Once Whisper left mommy comes over to me with a hot knife and she stabs me in the side, "HOW DARE YOUR FUCKING COME NEAR WHISPER! YOU WORTHLESS CHILD!!!" 

I cry out in pain even though I was so use to it, "I didn't do anything mommy"

"I am not you mom.You stupid bitch!" she cuts my arm.

I start to beg and  cry out, "Mommy please stop"

"I will never stop. You done something you never should have done."

"I don't know what I done wrong"

"Shut the fuck up you stupid little bitch"

Whisper tries to tackle mommy than she said, "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!"

Mommy picks Whisper up and carries her to the Living Room; than mommy lockes the basement door and she starts to abuse me. I yell out for Whisper,and than whisper comes through the super secret entrance into the basement and she rambs mommy as hard as she could with all her strenght. Suddenly mommy picked sissy and took her to her room and she locked her door. Mommy comes back with and she tries to cut me agian and out of nowhere came sissy and she bites mommy so hard she drew blood from her hand and than mommy gets mad and she shoves sissy. I watch as sissy hits the wall, next thing I know I hit mommy square in the stomach and than mommy hits the floor. I rush over to Whisper to see if she was alright and thank God she was alright. 

Chapter 4

I was hiding from Mommy and Whisper was trying to find a way to help me but mommy blocked most of the hidden passage that lead to the basement except for the super secret entrance. But sissy didn't want to chance of mommy causing more pain.One day sissy was at school and mommy was hurting me even more and she goes to work. After a few hours I thought I heard mommy coming so I ran to the hole i dug underneath the porch. Then come to realise that mommy around found this. I see some one who look like mommy and then she said, "Come here please. What's your name?"

she reached for my arm and I bit her as hard as I could than she said, "FUCK"

and than she said, "You look like your hungry. Stay here and I'll be back with food."

she came back with a brown bag and she said, "Good your still here." she hands me the bag and I just stare at it. I look next to me and daddy was there and he said to me, "Eat the food she has brought you" 

She looks at me and she said, "Do you not want it"

she reached for the back and I growl at her like a wolf and I started to eat. The food was gone withing seconds this lady looks at me and said, "Come with

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