» Family & Relationships » bedtime, shelby vick [classic novels for teens .TXT] 📗

Book online «bedtime, shelby vick [classic novels for teens .TXT] 📗». Author shelby vick

So I’m sitting watching couples retreat with "the wife".Which a friends wife informed me is wrong or a least in poor taste. And when I say watching with , I mean she is sitting comfortably in one chair and I of course am sitting in my recliner ready, ready for what you may ask, well at any moment one of us will be, not maybe called into action as one of our children will most defiantly explode.
There will inevitably be a huge mess and we not them shall be expected to clean it, because we have of course excepted that any and all messes fall under the jurisdiction of good or at least reasonable parenting. Well know one having exploded yet and only the mildest of hassle getting three of the miscreants into their pj’s I calmly settled into my second pint , when the fourth and I mean that quite literally declared "dinosaurs, no tiger".To any one in the know this is reference to his pajamas .We kind of won this argument since at two you generally cannot dress yourself ,undressing is another story all together but that’s not what we are talking about, like I was saying we kind of won, no tiger meant that for the next half-hour would be filled with screaming and running; if you did not know I will inform you that the most swivel hipped running back to ever to grace the gridiron has nothing on a small child determined not to go to bed.
"The wife" having coaxed the youngest two of the four to bed with the promise of bedtime stories ,it would seem this day had indeed settled into evening but no sooner then she had come around the corner from having read chicken little for the 400th time and of course resuming her well deserved seat across the room to join (me) in watching the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy did I hear the sound of commando babies. I of course do not draw but this is what it both sounded and eventually looked like. First of course is that shh , shh, sound and I don't mean them shushing each other, I am referring to the sound those footy pajamas make when on bar floor and then there is of course the very incoherent babble that goes on between a three year old and her two year old brother. She of course doing a horrible but cute job of being the older more responsible sibling all the while egging him on, they are of course now running full steam through the house again.


Publication Date: 08-27-2010

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