» Family & Relationships » Skinny Love, Paulina Zielaskiewcz [ebook reader below 3000 txt] 📗

Book online «Skinny Love, Paulina Zielaskiewcz [ebook reader below 3000 txt] 📗». Author Paulina Zielaskiewcz

Skinny love

Not all of us really understand what the meaning of true love is, Some of us don't know what love even is, not all of us had that one person that you might have though you would be, living together making a big grate family in the future,

Morning of Monday 17th 1948, This day was on of the most hottest days in years, I was getting ready to go to the beach with one of by best friends Lily, She is a blessing, so as I was putting on my new pretty swimming costume on with the most fine fabric ever, I looked out of my window at the two people on the bench kissing, And no it was not that French kiss as you all would call it, It was more of a slight kiss that i am waiting for, Yes i know I'm really young 15 your all thinking "wow that girl is mad", But I really do want one, And that long lasting hug you never want for it to end. Oh gosh my bad I never even Introduced my self, I'm Abigail, Abigail Kolbrah,Your all thinking what a surname, Very wired for a white family is't it? yeah it kinda is, But that's because my granddad is from Spain , Well he was before he had passed away in the year of 1945, I had such a hard time of getting over his death. Oh well never mind,

As I was saying Me ans Lilly are going to the beach, Hoping that there will be some fine boys swimming around somewhere anywhere. About two hours after getting ready we finally got there so we sat down and had something cold to drink i had water as always, And Lilly Hmm she had a grate big pepsi can, About an Hour later I wanted to go for a swim so a pulled Lilly up and asked if she was up for a swim to and she stood up and looked at me " Abigail oh please where 15 we don't swim anymore where not kids" and sat back down, I was just like well fine I'm going in, I ran crying remembering that one thought in my head " I want someone to love!" I splashed in the water, But it felt as though I almost was not really there, I closed my eyes and open them again i woke up In the arms of young gentlemen, His eyes where so beautiful, of the color Blue, But then I knew that touch on my arm I knew from that moment on His the one, But I mean I was half alive then, I Actually passed out in the water, I don't really know how and why, them questions will never be answered, But the question that will be, is who was the Young man that saved me?

About one month after the accident, Me and Lily where walking down claving street In London, The rain was poring down, Lilly looked at me and asked me " Abigail have you ever stopped thinking about that guy that saved you? I replied with a smile on my face, No his stuck in my head, his blue eyes I could look into them all day long, As we walked i i tripped over into the puddle, Lilly helped me out, and so did a young lad with the same blue eyes, He replied to me "We really need to stop meeting up like this" And i replied with my loved up voice " Ahhh yeah we really have to" He asked so whats your name? And Lilly knowing her said " How about i leave you to it? See you later Abii" Yeah ok err See you later? So as I was saying, He said how about we meet up her on Friday Next month? Yeah yeah sure that would be grate fun, But you never told me your name? Oh yeah right its Gabriel Tompsons, And I really need to run! See you there Abii" He winked I smiled and walked down Oxford Street, It was getting late and dark I was scared, And o don't worry nothing happen to me that night I got home safe. I run up to my room and looked up at the picture of Jesus and asked " Hm what do you think? will Gabriel be the one? Will he be the 1st to give me that soft kiss that i linger for? Or will he be that one I will regret?

The following day Lilly came knocking on my door, With her mascara dripping from her eyes, I asked Darling Lilly whats wrong? She replied " I don't want to go, Tell then I wont leave! But tell who? Lilly what are you... No look at me Abii they want me to move to the South!, Who whats to you to move? My mum and dad ( she replied) Why What? No you cant be?

About a weeks later, I went to Lilly's house helped her pack her bags before she had left. Lilly make sure you don't forget our picture! Oh yeah thanks for reminding me 'she giggled' Ah Lilly I will miss you so much! Abii I will miss you even more, they both ran into each others harms and hugged for the last time, The taxi out side her house was waiting, her mum called "Lilly come downstairs" she replied "I'm coming mum! I guess this is it then, 'they cried' Lilly's mum came running, Abigail we will miss you so very much, We will come visit from time to time.

About five days after that I seamed all so very lonely without Lilly, Well I have to walk to school alone every day I have no Lilly to make me happy when I'm down, There was about six more days until we are done with school for this year, And I'm just thinking about Lilly and that boy that I was going to....Oh no! The date is today, Its today that date the one with Gabriel! And it is in 1 hour Oh no what am I going to where, Oh wait i know let me... Yeah you know u guess it I was just going to say let me get Lilly she will help me, Well she is not here, Hmm... guessing I will have to pick something out my self.

It took me about 30 min to get something on, I ran out from the house jumped on to the 25 buss and looked at what street I have to get off at,...It was Oxford Street, Hmm, Oh there it is, I jumped of the buss and rushed to the fountain where we where going to meet.

I waited and waited for about 40min He was late, It was starting to get cold, I slowly started to walk of, to the buss stop, And as I was waling he was standing there with ...No it can be Lilly!? What on earth, I went round the corner and looked a bit closer to see if that was actually her, And guess what! It was Lilly, Lilly was there with the boy of my dreams! But he was going to meet me up, Not her and I mean how id all this happen?...

I waled to the buss around the corner, My face was smothered with my makeup, I still couldn't believe that even the most important person in my life would do such a thing to me. In my head I asked god why why id you take him away from me? My heart relied ' But dear he was just not the one'


Publication Date: 03-17-2012

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