» Family & Relationships » Trials of Love and Motherhood, Brittany Johnson [bts books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Trials of Love and Motherhood, Brittany Johnson [bts books to read .txt] 📗». Author Brittany Johnson

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Chapter one


The wind whipped my auburn hair into frenzy. I tried desperately to push it away from my face but it was no use. The storm clouds raced across the sky, darkening the earth beneath it. I clutched my books to my chest and dashed under the porch. I loved watching storms, but being caught in them was another matter entirely. A sigh escaped my lips as I tried to smooth down my hair and tie it into a somewhat presentable shape. I could hear the crying of my baby boy just on the other side of the door. A small smile appeared on my face as I listened. Though he couldn’t speak yet, his cries always sounded like he was crying “Mama!” over and over. Still carrying my books, I entered the house.


My father, Jack, sat in his big lazy boy recliner, rocking back and forth, trying to soothe his grandson. I tried to shut the door quietly behind me but the wind caught the screen and sent it slamming into the rail of the porch. I cringed at the loud noise and shut it properly this time. I rolled my eyes. Damn ever changing weather. Give us a break mother nature! My sons crying had stopped and when I turned around, he had the biggest smile on his little, chubby face. His arms were stretched wide in my direction, asking for me to hold him. I grinned happily as I picked my little guy up and snuggled him until his laughter filled the room. “How was he?” I asked my dad. He visibly relaxed a little and let out a loud sigh in response. “That good, huh?” I teased. “ Riley, let’s just say that he’s definitely a momma’s boy.” He said with a wry smile. I smiled and crooned to my baby about giving grandpa a hard time. “You got to be a good boy for mommy, Liam.” I told him as I kissed him on his cheek.


“How’d the date go?” dad asked, running a hand roughly over his tired face. I curled my lips up in disgust. “I’m not ready for a woman with kids!” I said in a mocking deep voice; trying to do my best impression of the date I had just come from. The men I went on dates with were never ready for kids and they all left a bitter taste in my mouth when I thought about them. I shook my head as if trying to ward off the unwanted memories. I set the books I had brought home on the small end table and plopped down on the comfortable couch, snuggling Liam. “Maybe I should become a lesbian? Oh! Or maybe a nun? No guys seem to be interested.” I joked, half serious. I peered at my dad out of the corner of my eye. His face was priceless. I had to stifle a laugh. “I’m kidding dad.” I said to reassure him. “Mostly.” I added to see his reaction. He choked on his herbal tea and this time I laughed out loud. Hearing his mommy burst into laughter made little Liam laugh too and shove his tiny hands in his mouth. I looked at the books on the table. Looks like it’s going to be Liam and I with books again tonight. I let another small sigh escape my lips.


Straightening myself up and shifting Liam’s weight to one hip, I hopped off of the sofa. “Well, I’m going to the room. Its late anyway so Liam should be getting to bed.” I grabbed his little arm and waved it up and down. “Say bye bye to Pawpaw!” I crooned. As if to punctuate my statements, little Liam yawned quietly and nestled his head against my arm. I smiled warmly at him and snagged my books with my free hand as I left the living room.


I set the books down on my bed and placed a just about asleep Liam in his crib. Gently, I placed his pacifier in his mouth and stroked his head until his eyes closed completely. “I love you baby.” I whispered so I wouldn’t wake him up. I stretched my unusually tense muscles and yawned. So tired. Maybe I’ll skip the reading tonight. On cue with my thoughts, another yawn slipped out. I flipped off the lights and flung myself quickly but quietly into bed, not even bothering to get a shower or get under the covers. In the morning. I told myself sleepily, already feeling my body drift off into a dreamless sleep.



The sound of loud whimpering and whining signaled the start of the day. Nine a.m. . I yawned as I stretched my tired body. I really couldn’t complain, although he woke up four times a night to feed, Liam was pretty good at sleeping through the night. I rubbed my sleepy eyes as I pulled myself off the bed. Liam shrieked with delight when he saw his mommy through the crib bars. “Hi there! Did you sleep well?” I asked in a baby voice as I picked up a now smiling baby boy. As I picked him up I noticed black marks on my hands. My eyes widened a fraction. Don’t tell me I- I thought but stopped when I walked in front of the mirror on my dresser. “Oh my god.” I said with exasperation. Liam turned to look at himself in the mirror, quite happily ignoring the zombie reflected back in the mirror where his mother should have been. “I am an idiot. I can’t believe I slept in my make up! I look like an extra on The Walking Dead!” I complained to myself. Irritated at my own mistake, I sat down and breast fed my little guy until he was full, all the while trying to stealthily wipe away the mascara marks under his arms without interrupting him.


Once he was burped and changed, I lay him back down in his crib while I ran to the bathroom. I had hoped to avoid coming into contact with anyone before I at least had the chance to wash my face, but life had other plans. I managed to run smack dab into a rather broad chest. “Whoa!” a deep voice chuckled. I looked up startled as I backed away with a bright red face. “I’m so sorry!” I apologized loudly. “Way to go Riles! That’s a new record for you! Embarrassing yourself within literally 10 seconds of coming close to a guy!” my little brother howled with laughter. “It’s not like I meant to do it! What are you even doing up this early? Let alone inviting some weird guy into the house!” I said a little harsher than I necessary. I took a second to look pointedly at the other guy and felt my face go crimson. Wow, I thought. Chestnut curly hair, strong jaw line, chocolate brown eyes, just the right amount of scruff, glasses that actually complemented his face, I had to mentally check to see if I was drooling. He looked like he walked out of a freaking catalogue. Who the heck is he and why have I never met him? And since when does my brother have hot and clearly older friends? I wondered. “Yo! Earth to Riley! Quit eye raping my friend and maybe go wash your face. The drowned raccoon look isn’t a good one for you.” My lovely little brother teased. I didn’t think it was possible, but I felt my blush spread even further. I immediately looked down and retorted, “I was tired, okay?” as I shoved past the both of them. My brother snickered as he and his friend walked away


I hurriedly shut the door behind me as I entered the bathroom and sank to the floor. “Why, today of all days, did I have to leave my make up remover in the here?” I asked the empty bathroom as I put my head in my hands. I will never live this one down. Corey will use it against me for the rest of my life. I sighed in self derision. And I’m sure I will just be the drowned raccoon chick to his friend. “Ugh!” I groaned loudly and pushed myself up off the floor. “No time to sit around doing nothing, Riley. Liam’s got a doctor’s appointment.” I scolded myself. I removed all of my makeup and washed my face again for good measure. All traces of the raccoon girl from earlier were gone. I sighed happily as I curled my hair in soft waves. I felt so much better after getting cleaned up some. I’ll just have to get a bath later tonight when Liam falls asleep for his last nap. Hopefully. One thing I completely forgot about when pregnant was how little time I would actually have to shower. I had learned to tolerate at least 2 days between showers before I was begging my little brother to watch him, but I still hated waiting that long. I turned off the curling iron while brushing my teeth and shook out my hair as I exited the bathroom.


When I opened my bedroom door, little Liam was on his tummy chewing on his plastic dinosaur. His big blue eyes turned to me and an unadorned, bright smile covered his tiny face. “Hey there little man! Hi there!” I said with an equally bright smile as I picked my little man up. “Good morning, little man! Are you ready for an adventure?” I crooned while smothering him with kisses. His high pitched laughter filled the small room in answer. “Alrighty then! Let’s get you dressed and going!”


I set him on his changing pad and went about changing him when I heard a knock on my door. ”What’s up?” I asked the person outside my room. My little brother, Corey, opened the door and smiled seeing his nephew. “I was going to tell you some good news, but got distracted by the potato.” I glared at him as I picked my son up. “Stop calling my baby a potato! He’s the cutest baby ever!” I held the poopy diaper out to him with a smile. “Since you want to call your nephew a potato, then you get to throw away his diaper!” Corey gasped in mock horror but took the diaper all the same. He poked Liam’s tummy and smiled. “So, listen Riles. I kinda forgot to pick up the power steering fluid for your car. I still have the money you gave me and I already asked Jessie If he would take you.” The smile slowly faded from my face and I gave a short sigh of mild frustration. “Okay. I forgive you, but please try to remember next time. I can’t even turn my car without that stuff. And I have a question.” “I may have an answer.” He said, curiosity coloring his voice as he looked up.


“Who’s Jessie?”

“You don’t know who Jessie is?”

“If I did, would I really be wasting time asking?”

“Good point. He’s my friend that you ran into this morning.”


My mouth involuntarily dropped open. “Why would you ask a total stranger to take your sister and her six month old to a doctor’s visit?!” I whisper-yelled. “He’s not a stranger, he’s my friend. And you seemed pretty pleased with him this morning.” Corey teased with a knowing smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”I said while ducking down to get a onsie and hide my scarlet cheeks. “Oh, please! I was tempted to hand you a towel to catch all the drool that was coming out of your mouth Riley.” He said exasperatedly. When I didn’t answer he continued. “Riley, it’s okay to be interested in another guy. Liam will understand. So, it didn’t work out with

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