» Family & Relationships » At The Lake House With Dad, Hannah Wells [good romance books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «At The Lake House With Dad, Hannah Wells [good romance books to read TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Wells

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Chapter 1

Mom and Dad divorced when Madison (Maddy), my twin, and I were eleven and our sister Carrie was nine. Even though Dad always traveled a lot for work, up until then, our lives had been normal. But what is normal? After the divorce, Mom dated several guys, but they all had kids, mostly bratty boys, and other issues that made them poor choices for being a stepfather. Then Mom met Alicia and things became normal again, at least a new version of normal. At first, it was weird seeing Mom in bed with Alicia instead of Daddy, but now it's good. Alicia makes us feel like a complete family again.

Looking back now, I realize that when Mom sent us each off for a special weekend with Daddy at the lake or to Grandma's, what she really had in mind was having some “private” time alone with Alicia. But at eleven, I didn't care. I loved going to the lake. The tiny house on the secluded lake about three hours from home had been in Daddy's family for almost one hundred years. It wasn't much, just two small bedrooms, a little kitchen, and a trailer-sized bathroom. We had our own beach with a dock and a floating raft we could swim out to.

Daddy always made me feel like I was his favorite. Of course, I knew he made Maddy, and Carrie feel the same way too. He was great when he had all three of us together, but I really loved it when we could spend time alone. So that first Spring after the divorce when Daddy came to pick me up for our weekend at the lake, I was ready with my backpack stuffed with extra shorts and tee shirts, another pair of sneakers, a hoodie, and my new bathing suit. A few months earlier, I had started to “develop”. You know, just the slightest swelling of little bumps on my chest and the beginning of hips. Maddy and I are twins, not identical, but our bodies are so much alike that looking at Maddy naked is like looking at me in the mirror. We had spent lots of time in the store trying on bathing suits that would show off our new figures to their best advantage. As we drove to the lake and I filled Daddy in on all the things going on at school, I wondered to myself if he would be pleased with the way I had grown since we had last been together.

When we got to the lake house, I put the groceries away while Daddy checked the house and turned on the tiny hot water heater so we could shower after we went for a swim. I could tell that Daddy wanted to go swimming right away too, so I grabbed my backpack and headed to my room to change. There is a big mirror on the dresser, and I was looking forward to modeling my new bathing suit in front of it. I pulled out my bathing suit, took off my sneakers and as I unbuttoned my shorts and slipped them off, I had the oddest feeling in my tummy. I glanced in the mirror and felt like instead of me in the mirror, it was my sister Maddy! Of course, we look alike, so that's not unusual, but at that moment, I wished she was in the room with me. Maddy and I have always been close. I mean, we're twins, right? We share a room at home; even share a big double bed. Mom always bathed us together, and now, even though we are eleven, we still shower together. Of course, we dress and undress in front of each other and on hot summer nights; we sleep naked in our bed together. In the last few months though, something has been "different". A couple of weeks ago, we were in our room getting ready for bed. As I got undressed, Maddy was just sitting on the bed looking at me. I slipped out of my shorts and looked up at her and said, "What"? She gave me this little smile and I had that same feeling in my tummy. I walked over to her and started to take off my tee shirt, but hesitated and said to her, "what do you say"? She gave me a confused look and then laughed and said, "High in the sky". That's what Mom always said to us as she undressed us while we were small. I looked at Maddy and slowly pulled off my tee shirt. Maddy has seen me naked every day, but somehow, undressing in front of her now was so exciting! Then, I turned around slowly and inched my cotton panties down and kind of pointed my bottom at Maddy as I bent down and took them off. I felt a little chill as I said, "last one in the shower is a rotten egg"!

Now, in the tiny bedroom alone at the lake house, time sort of stopped as I said to myself, "high in the sky" and slowly pulled off my tee shirt. I didn't know the word then, but now I know I felt aroused as I looked at my puffy little bumps and my tiny nipples. I reached up and touched them lightly and felt a glow all over my body. I almost jumped as I heard a sharp knock on the door and Daddy saying, "Hannah, are you ready"? "Just a minute Daddy", I called out as I quickly pulled off my panties and grabbed my bathing suit.

Chapter 2

Since we really hadn't started to develop, Mom let us get the little girl bathing suits we had picked out. You know soft stretchy material with no inside liner at all. Maddy and I are the same size, so we share all our clothes. We are slender but not skinny and look more like Mom than Dad. Our younger sister Carrie looks more like Dad. She is rounder than us, and even though she is just nine, her bumps are bigger than ours! We bought four bathing suits and I picked the lime green and raspberry ones for my weekend with Daddy. When Daddy saw me in my new lime green bathing suit, he smiled and said, "Wow, my little girl is growing up"!

He handed me a towel and he grabbed a towel and blanket, and we walked the short distance to the shore. As we got closer, Daddy started walking slower and slower. I knew what he was planning, and I was right! Suddenly, he threw the blanket down and yelled, "Race you to the raft", and off he ran. Of course, Daddy is taller so he had to run further out in the water before he could swim, and I dove in almost immediately. I'm a great swimmer, so I easily made it to the raft before Daddy. He arrived out of breath and said, "You win, what do you want to play"? "King of the hill", I shouted. Daddy dropped lower in the water, and I climbed onto his shoulders. I still love the feel of being on Daddy's shoulders with his strong neck between my legs and his hands holding my thighs. The object of course is to throw me off, so I stopped thinking about how good it felt and held on tight!

After I won five out of six times, we climbed up on the raft to get some sun. I was lying on my back, propped up on my elbows with my legs slightly spread open. I didn't look down, but it was easy to tell that the cold water had made my little nipples hard! I wondered if Daddy would notice. But he was just leaning on one elbow as we talked about everything that had happened since our last visit. Soon, we were both ready for dinner, so we swam back to the shore and walked to the house.

We had food for dinner, but we both wanted a burger so we decided to go out to the lake store... Daddy said I could shower first but to remember to save some hot water for him. I told him he could go first. He said no you go, and I laughed and said, no you go. Then Daddy said, "Let’s just shower together, it will be quicker", I looked at him. He said, "What"? "I have given you and Maddy your baths plenty of times". I said, "Daddy, that's when we were seven. We've been taking our own showers since we were eight"! Daddy looked at me and said, "Would you like to shower with me"? I looked down at the floor and nodded my head yes. Daddy saw that I was hesitating about taking my bathing suit off. He said, "Let’s make this easy. We'll both turn around and take our bathing suits off and drop them on the floor and turn around again". I smiled and turned around and quickly slipped out of my bathing suit. When Daddy saw me, he just said, "oh my" and kept looking at me. I had never seen his thing before and I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Finally Daddy said, "It’s not polite to stare at your father's penis. Come on, let's take our shower". We got in the shower and Daddy turned on the water. He told me to turn around so he could shampoo my hair. The warm water and Daddy's hands on me felt wonderful! He used a washcloth to wash my back and legs and told me to turn around. I closed my eyes while he washed my face, then my neck, then my little bumps and my nipples! I almost fainted from the feeling of his hands gently rubbing me.

He said, "Now you do me" and turned his back to me. I washed his shoulders and his back. When he turned around again, I reached up to wash his face and neck, then his chest, and I noticed with a start that his thing was all big! I said, "Daddy, what happened to your thing"? He said, "Oh that's nothing sweetheart. It will go down in a minute. It's like that because it feels so nice to shower with you. I said, "Can I...."? He told me it was OK, so I washed his thing all over. Then I took his thing in my hand and held it. It felt hard and soft at the same time! I slowly moved my hand up and down the length of it. I looked up at Daddy. His eyes were closed, and he gently held my shoulders as I held his thing in both hands and rubbed it all over. That funny feeling, I had in my tummy before felt even better now and I didn't want it to stop! Daddy opened his eyes and gently took my hands off his thing and said, "

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