» Family & Relationships » Sun Soaked Season, Chalen D. [english novels for students .txt] 📗

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There are three Children Of Mark and Elizabeth Mortin. Mark is a best selling thriller Author and his wife Lizzy, a best selling Romance Author. Jason the eldest son is into Music and art. He's skilled highly in the piano. The only daughter they had is a dream for them. Dakota can read a novel in a couple of hours. The youngest, Prestly is into sports. He's tall for His age and strong. All three of them have one thing in common. They're loners. Dakota and Jason Have one More thing in Common. They're twins. Although Prestly would never say it, He admires His older sister. The way She sits back and watches everyone, while There's a fight or something with big emotions is going on. She hides Her emotions well, with blank eyes and a blank face to match. Jason locks Himself in his room, with his paints and piano. Dakota, even though She's a loner, she likes to Be out in the open, so she can observe people and their reactions. Prestly can't help but wonder what goes through His sisters quite mind. Prestly, even though He's fourteen, is protective over his siblings. Dakota and Jason both not being fighters, Prestly has to Be.
First thing First. I told Myself that I wasn't going to go over what I'm about to go Over. I'm not very trusting and I Don't like to talk about what goes on in My head. But good things did come from the bad. I think.The longer you stay in My head the harder it is to get out. I'm used to being hated, unwanted, useless. So When your reading this and You feel the need to judge or make fun of Me, I only ask that you come Up with something creative. Like My older brother says, Why try to do something if it isn't something you feel passionate about? Can you tell He's an artist? My younger Brother most likely would yell beat them Down. Can you tell He has anger Issues? I'm not going to Lie to you. No matter how bad, embarrassing, or painful things get, I'll tell you the truth. This; is My promise to You- Dakota.
"Look all I'm saying is that Everyone likes a good thriller." Prestly said, on behalf of My Dad.
"People like Romance novels too." Jason said, for My Mom.
"Only you would Like those. No offence Mom, but I'm a guy I like Dad's books."
"I'm a guy too." Jason said.
Prestly snorted, "Dude, Dakota's more of a guy than you. Right Kota?"
"No comment." I slid lower in My recliner and held My book up to My face.
They we're setting the table for dinner. We don't really talk as Normal families do, so at Dinner everyone starts to talk to each other non stop to make Up for the time We didn't talk. Mom thinks it's a good way to learn to love each other. Dad thinks it's a good way To get our opinions out in the open. Prestly looks at it as time to pick on Jason, and Jason looks at it as time to run and hide. I think it's annoying.
"What are your reading?" Dad asked.
"No Comment." I said.
Not a romance of thriller novel, that's for Sure. When They do talk they talk about thier books. Don't get Me wrong, Mom's books are good if your a mushy person, and Dad's are good if you like a Thriller. I'm not a mushy Person. I can predict the end of Dad's books by the Tenth chapter.
"Well can you at least come and eat No Comment girl?" Mom asked.
I Got up, pulling My sleeves down. I took My place next to Jason.
I looked up to Dad, Who hand his hand held out. A normal girl would whine, roll Her eyes, or sigh. I committed the page to memory and handed over My book. Dinner was served, and the debate of witch thriller and Romance novels were Their best pieces of all time began. I Honestly don't care. I tried to read one of Mom's books and lost interest on the third sentence. A week later, I thought it would Be fair to give the book a fair run. I picked it up and read the first chapter. Longest three minutes of My life. I read one of Dad's books all the way through, the one He dedicated to me cause We tossed back ideas. The others, are to predictable for Me. I like stories with twists. Or at lest I used to.
"Well?" Jason Elbowed Me.
"Yes?" I asked not looking up at Him.
"What's your answer?" Prestly asked. "Who's Better Mom or Dad?"
"And Don't say No comment." Jason said.
"Yeah." Prestly laughed, for once agreeing with Jason.
"They're equal. That's Why they worked out as a Couple So Well."
Like every time I said a full sentence Everyone was quite. The way I liked it. Then of course Prestly would tell some lame joke, and everyone would laugh, cause it was funny. I never really found His jokes funny. Trust Me, I have a good sense of Humor, but people find it Freaky. Freaky. I never really liked that word Before. Maybe it was cause I was called it a a lot, or maybe it was cause I didn't like the way it sounded when people said it. The populars' usually added a totally or like to the word. Oh, if I was lucky I'd get like and totally. I'm a really lucky person. Although I hinted it was dangerous to stay inside my head for too long, I find it the most comforting place in the world. Maybe if you pay attention, you'll under stand Why. For starters, No one would shoot you down or tear you apart, cause they're not in your head. I know you might be thinking, 'What about friends? People to talk to?' People don't Get a person. They Get Me as the quiet one. I don't mind really. People tend to shy away from Me, the way I like it. You could also be thinking " How could someone not want to talk to people?" Simple; I liked to Be alone. You could Be thinking, "Stop tying to guess what I'm thinking and tell the story already." Remember I said I'd tell the truth for you? For Me, be patient. So As they talked about the books and I pretended to listen I decided after this I would say I'm going to bed. I'd hide under my blankets with a flash light, and read My Book. Have You ever read a book and the main character is just like you? She act's like you, say's the same things you would, and even does the same things you do? No? Me either. Nine times out of ten, this is one of those stories Where I'm nothing like you. My Therapist, who I really can't stand, says I'm one of a kind. She said I have a hard time from knowing What's fact and fiction. That's not true. If you don't know what's going on inside my head, then you would as a human stereo type Me. Since no one know's what's in my head, I'm stereo typed. A lot. I don't mind thought. If it's not true then Why should I care? It's when they start talking about something that's true I should start to worry. You know that little voice in Your head that tells you to shut up? I don't have one of those. Then there's the teenage girl's biggest fear. Some fear losing their lip gloss, family or lover. Again, I don't really have one of those things. I know it sounds pretty bad to not be scared if I lost My family, but I promised I'd tell the truth. Besides, Are We really a family? Back to My Therapist. She also told My parents that I'm a really deep thinker. Should I start to worry? She said I take something and go over it until there's nothing left. I worried. She said that there was a slight chance that I could Shut down at any second and close everyone out. I got a New therapist.
"Congratulations, you Made it." Dad handed Me My book.
I took My book and hurried to My room.
"Goodnight." Mom called after Me.
I waved a hand before I turned the corner. There was a knock on My door as I was falling in and out of sleep. I ignored the knock. The door opened and closed. the blankets where pulled from my head and My cheek was poked. I sat up, and My mouth was covered.
"It's Me."
"What Do you want?"
Jason was someone I talked to, if at all.
"I have a question."
"So it couldn't wait til morning?" I lay back down.
"Do you want to Hear it or not?"
I could tell something was really bothering Him, "Sure."
"What's a Divorce Decree?"
"It's Divorce Papers."
"I was in Dad's study, to get one of his books so Prestly would leave Me alone. There was a yellow envelope on Dad's Desk. It had all kinds of notes on it, including our names. That's what caught My eye. So I opened the flap and saw divorce papers." he looked at Me wide eyed. "Dakota, You don't think Mom and Dad are getting divorced right? what you said at dinner was true Right?"
I stared at him.
"I don't know."
"What do you Mean you don't know?"
" I was trying to get you all to leave Me alone."
"Well We should ask Them."
"And Say What? Hey Dad, I was snooping through your paper work, something you taught Me not to do from When I was one, and I found this. Are you divorcing Mom?"
"Well what do you expect Me to do?"
"No comment." I tossed the covers over My head only to get them ripped off of My head again.
"Come on Kota-"
"Why Would I want to help you?"
"Cause your My sisters. Family helps each other." He said. "Don't they?"
The truth was I honestly didn't know. Did normal families Help each other? Our family was happy not talking to one another. We didn't get into each others business, they way I liked it.
"Besides. Your Dakota. I know you want to snoop as Much as I do."
He was right. I did. I had to know everything that was going on around Me, and If I didn't I'd go mad with annoyance. That trait is something Dad put in His book he dedicated to Me, although the character could control Herself. I tossed the covers off and crawled to the end of the bed. I untangled My self from the blankets and opened the door. I peaked out into an empty hallway.
"Fine. But if you

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