» Family & Relationships » About My Life, Megan Mathis [ebook reader that looks like a book txt] 📗

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My name is Megan I was born on the west side of Chicago. I grow up around Laramie and Division right next to the store called “Super Jim’s”. I am now 19 years old. I have a twin sister and an older sister. When I was staying on Laramie I went to John Hay Elementary School all the way up to the 5th grade. Laramie is a very good area. I went places with my friends all the time. It was a friendly neighborhood I loved it over there.
I believe it was 1994 that a fire had broken out in the house. But, all I could remember that I was 4 years old when this happened. I was watching TV late at night in my room with my older sister. But, my twin sister went to bed. There was a heater in our room. Later that night it caught on fire. I didn’t have enough time to throw the blankets off of me. So, I was caught up in the fire. The way I remember it was, that my grandma had come into the burning room to get me. I believe my older sister was already outside. My grandma grabbed me and had me on her side. So, she ran into the kitchen to get some water to pour on the fire because, she couldn’t fin my sister. But, come to find out she was sleep like it wasn’t no tomorrow. My grandma put me down by the back door. While she and the firefighters went in the house to get my sister and to check was anyone else in the house.
I decide to walk outside by my self. My feet were hurting every time I walked on them. But, when I touched the outside my feet and skin really started to hurt. I was put into the ambulance. They put some mask on my face, at the time I didn’t know what it was. Before I went to sleep I remember them putting some water or something on to my legs. That hurts to but, by then I was sleep. I went throw surgery and everything. I don’t remember how long I was in the hospital or how long I was out of school. But, I was finally able to go home. I had to where something over my body that looked likes overalls. We stayed in Naperville for at least a year. But, when the house was rebuilt we were able to move back in. I was able to go to school. But, I use to have to wear something under my clothes. As, I got older I didn’t have to wear the thing that looked like overalls.
I never showed my leg to anyone. I was always too scared to show my legs. Thinking people would talk about my 3rd degree burns. I had a missing toe on my right foot so that only left me with for toes. When I made it to the 3rd grade I decided I wanted to wear sandals to school and so I did. When I made it to class people use to stare at my toes. No matter where I went in the school people called me four toes. This really hurt my feelings. Because, they don’t know how it felt to have go through what I have gone through. I had very little friends because of it. My real friends didn’t mind it. They always had my back know matter what happened. I use to always hang out with my older sister and cousins. Everywhere the went I went.
One day my older sister Victoria, my cousins Quisha and Monique sent me to Super Jim’s to get bread. But, when I can back they said it was something in my hair. So, I ran around the grass with the bread in my hand crying. Five minutes later I was done running around so, I went back on the front porch. My cousin, my older sister and their friends was laughing. I say “That’s not funny” with my lips poked out. On Christmas day, we would wake up to a lot of gifts under the tree. On Christmas Eve, my cousins Monique and older sister Victoria were playing on the couch. They fell on top of me and knocked out my two front teeth. At the time I didn’t find it funny at all. But when I look back I do find it funny now.
Every year after Christmas I and my older sister would walk all the way to North Ave just to go to the store to buy my dad a birthday card, cake mix to make cake and a bear. I went home to make the cake and put everything together and my dad would come get it the same day. That’s when his wife started doing my hair. She mad my hair really long. My dad bought us whatever we wanted.
I shared my money or anything that I have gotten with my twin sister. I even bought her things all the time. But, she wouldn’t do the same for me. When I made it to the 5 grade I met the kindest person ever and their name was Andriana and Ariel. I always loved talking to them. Then, my mom met her friend suppose to be husband. I will not say his name But, I’ll call him Colby. My sister use to always go to Colby’s job. I never knew why though. So, we had to transfer to Jonathon Burr for the 6th – 8th grade because, at the time John Hay only went up to the 5th grade. We started school there. I made friends really fast. All the teachers liked me because, I was nice and friendly. So, during the school year I never whore short or sandals.
By the time I graduated the 8th grade I mad a nice amount of friends. On September seventh and eighth we finally we moved off Laramie. We moved to Gladys and Cicero. Which was the block behind the gas station which was kind of ghetto. When we were staying on Gladys so much drama went on over there. But, first drama started in high school. Over some he says she says stuff. I am guess my sister use to go around the school telling her business. People would come to confront me about it in class. I would say “Do all of you actually believe her?”
They all walked off. From high school I met my friend Bria, Marco, and Marcus. I met them freshman year. But, toward the end of freshman year I met another friend her name was Andriana. My mom picked us up from school. She asked my sister was wrong with her face and she gone say “Megan going around the school telling people that I go out a 35 year old men.” And like I told my mom “People were coming up to me telling me she said that. All I said was do you actually believe her?” The next day my mom had to go up to the school. I was pulled out of class for something I didn’t do. Come to find out she was putting her own business out around the school. So during summer break I noticed all of the things that people were telling me in school was true. To me and everybody that saw it was sick. A grown man named Colby was old enough to be our dad.
My mom was so stupid that she didn’t even notice it. But, I believe she didn’t care if she was or not. Because, all she did was buy other people else kids stuff and always left us hanging with nothing. Until this day she still does that. By then my sister came up pregnant. When I found out I and my older sister told me mom about it. This kind of made her mad. I could tell when I was sitting at my friend Kyra’s house. During my summer break I met a boy named Danny from He was nice and cool but, I knew he was a liar from the beginning I was just playing him at his own game. But, he broke up with me later on down the line. I really didn’t care. Once summer break was over it was time to go back to school.
I never liked being late. I liked being on time. During sophomore year the drama with my sister got worse. My sister use to start stuff all the time. She use to tell Colby but he was a bitch anyway. Because, the other guys that walked up on him didn’t even have a gun. But, he pulled out on them and then left. My sister kept giving this guy the finger every time we went to the store. Then we had to move again but, this was after we where done with sophomore year. Then we moved to Maywood. I met a couple of friends. But, they were cool. As the years went on my mom wanted to spend all of my money. She took my car and everything. Now she got some girl driving my car. She let Colby threw my across the porch. He’s always picking on little kids. But, when someone his age get’s in his face he acts all scary. He’s the sickest person I know. He still messes around with young girl’s. That’s from the age of 16 years old and up.
My sister messes it up for her self the only person she has to turn to is my mom and no one in the family wants anything to do with her. She’s too much drama. But, Danny had gotten back with me. He always had my back just like my family did. He never used me for anything. Danny love’s me for me. Not once have he ever downed fall me. He treats me with respect at all times. When he gets money he buys me things. Just like my grandma and daddy. They buy me whatever I wanted. I love who I am and no one is going to chance that.
People can say whatever they want about my leg. Because they wouldn’t know how it feel until it happens to them. My future dream is to become a model and a singer. I want to make something of my self. I don’t want to be like my twin sister always hoeing around just to get what she wants. She only go’s out with people for their money. She never wants to watch he child. But I feel sorry for my mom, Colby and my sister because, what goes around comes around.
Now, this part right here is about me. I only listen to Pop, Rock and Reggaeton because that music keeps me going in the right direction. I am never mad. I am always walking around with a smile on my face. I thank God for waking me up every day. I also thank my grandma, my dad, older sister, my cousins, my auntie, my stepmother (my dad’s wife), Angela and my boyfriend and his family. They keep me happy and they always make me laugh. I love them with all my heart. I really thank my boyfriend for giving me a place to stay when my mom disowned my in front of the whole family. Thank you all so much I couldn’t have done it

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