» Family & Relationships » Hate To Love (Completed and Editing), Amber Foster [best ebook reader android TXT] 📗

Book online «Hate To Love (Completed and Editing), Amber Foster [best ebook reader android TXT] 📗». Author Amber Foster

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The First day back home


"Give it to me, Zane." I said aggravated."Nah. I'll just keep it." He said as he shot a smirk at me. I groaned and jump on top of him trying to grab my phone from him. "Oh so your trying to rape me now."He said. "Yes Zane I was trying to rape you."I said saracastic. "Haha you admited it." He laughed. "It was Sarcasm You idiot." I got off of him and saw Josh standing there leaning against the wall."I leave you guys for five minutes and you can't even get along." Josh said while he crossed his arms. "It's been ten minutes not five." I corrected him. "What was you doing up there anyway?" Zane asked as he raised his eyebrow and smirked. "Psh nothing." He said as A blond head girl walked downstairs and kissed Josh on the cheek. She then told him goodbye and walked out of the front door. As soon as I heard the door close. Zane and I were laughing. "Shut up Love birds." He said with a smirk. "As if I would date that." Zane pointed at me. "And I wouldn't date a Man whore like him." I said as I rolled my eyes and pointed at Zane. "Man whore? I'm not a man whore, Chris." He said pissed off now. Yeah I know Chris is a boys' name but it can also be a girls' name. I love my name and it fits me. I'm no girly girl as you can tell. I'm more a tomboy with Black hair and blue eyes. As for Zane, he had dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes that's porbably why all the girls wants Zane. Then theres Josh, he had dark brown hair with blue eyes just like our father but our eyes come from our mother. About our parents they're on a tour somewhere in Africa. I don't know why but thats them. I snaped out of my thoughts. "You never listen do you." Zane said even more pissed off. "Sorry. I dosed off into my thoughts again. I guess anything you say is boring because as soon as you get mad I go into my thoughts." I said as I grabbed my phone from his hands and got up off of the couch. I turned to Josh. "Control your best friend or I will." I said as I walked upstairs to my room. I laid down on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I heard the front door slam and car start up. When the car drove off I heard footsteps coming toward my room. I sighed as Josh pushed the door open and sat down beside me on my bed. "It's your first day back home, Chris. Give Zane a break. He hasn't seen you in a year." Josh said looking at me serious. "He doesn't even like me, Josh. So why would I care? He's a no good man whore, who sleeps with the whole entire cheerleading squad." "Your wrong, Chris. He hasn't slept with any cheerleader and he practically stayed here for a year when you was gone." " my room on my bed for a year?" I said a little mad. "Don't be mad at me, Chris. He had a family problem. Anyway he only slept in here for two days the rest he slept on the couch." "Ugh. Don't ever leave me with Zane again for a blond girl. Got it?" He nodded and patted my head as he stood up. "You can hate him, dislike him, or even not talk to him but if you ever judge him please just keep it to yourself." Josh said as he shut the door behind him. I stared back at the ceiling. The first day of school is tomorrow and If Zane is pissed at me. What will he do? I lookd at my alarm clock and it said 6:46 p.m. I sighed and looked at my phone. I'll text Hannah and see if she can come over. I set up and text,"Hey Hannah I'm Home. Do you wanna come over and stay? Josh will drive you to school. If your up to it." I sent it to her and waited for my phone to buzz. I stood up and walked downstairs to Josh laying down on the couch. "Hey Chris. Zane is kinda staying with us." Josh said without hesitation. "OK. By the way Hannah is staying with us." I lied and my phone buzzed. "OK but that won't change the way I fell about him." Hannah texted back. I text back,"I know. See ya soon." I put my phone in my pocket. "Who are you texting?" Josh asked. "Hannah." "What she want?" He asked me as he got up and sat in the chair. "She texted me that she would be here any minute." I lied. There was a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Of course it was Zane. "Zane." I said. "Chris." He said back. He bumped my shoulder with his as he walked into the living room. I shut the door and sat down on the couch beside Zane. I heard another knock and Josh walked over to the door. He opened the door and said,"Hannah it's so not good to see you." "Shut up Josh." She said as she walked over to the couch and sat down beside me. I laughed as Josh zombie walked back to the chair. "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you Josh. You have to take Hannah to school tomorrow." He's smile went to a serious look. "Fine..." He groaned and got out of the chair. "Come on Zane." He said as he walked to the staircase. Zane got up and looked at me with his darken chocolate brown eyes. A chill went down my back as he followed Josh upstairs. What the heck was that? I never felt something like that ever. Hannah grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs into my room. She shut the door and sat down on my bed. "Is there something between you and Zane?" She said raising her eye brows. "NO...Why?" I asked her. "No reason. Anyway what are you wearing to school tomorrow?" She asked me. "I dunno yet." I said sitting down on the bed beside her. She looked me with curious eyes. "Are thinking about the 'IT' Crew?" She asked me. That's the name we give this group of mean popular girls, who think there all that. I shake my head no. "Then what are you thinking about." "About how we're gonna rock tomorrow." I lied. She smiled. "We should get some sleep for tomorrow." I nod and stand up to turn the lights off. I walked over to the light switch. I heard Zane agrueing on the phone with someone. I turned the lights off and walked over to my bed. I slid under the covers and hannah did the same. I listen to Zane as Hannah began to fall asleep. I can always tell when shes asleep because she breaths deeply in her sleep. I get up and tip toe to the door. I open the door slowly and shut it quietly were I don't wake Hannah. It was silenty for 20 seconds but when I reached the staircase I heard Zane yelling from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and ran downstairs to the living room. "Zane. Shutup Hannah is asleep and probably Josh is to." I whispered. He didn't hear me at all. "Oh really?! Then why don't you tell that to my face!" He yelled into the phone and hanged it up. He threw it down on the couch. He looked like he wanted to punch something. "Now will you be quiet." I whispered, which made him jump. "...Yeah." He said. I turned to go back upstairs when he grabbed my arm. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked me. "I just came downstairs when you yelled Oh really? Then tell that to my face." I said. "Oh...haha sorry." Oh my god Zane just apologized. I can't believe that man whore. He is hiding something and I'm going to find out what. "I would let you punch me but I'm not in the mood for explaining the bruise to Josh." I said as sweet as I could. "Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked curious. "No reason." I said with a smirk. "uh-huh sure. Anyway you should get some sleep for school tomorrow." He said raising his eyebrows and smiling. What was he thinking? "OK....." I said walking up the stairs slowly.

My phone starts buzzing so I pick it up and walk down stairs. I push the talk button and put it to my ear. "So you have the nerve to call me." I said in a rude voice. "Come on, Zane. I'm sorry." Stella said. "You can tell me sorry a million times but I won't forgive you." "Please Zane. How can I make it up to you?" She asked me. "Tell James off in front of everyone at school." I said. "Haha your kidding right." She said. "Nope." I said popping the P. "I hate you Zane. I will never do that to James." She said. "Oh really?! Then tell that to my face!" I yelled into the phone and hung it up. I threw it at the couch. "Now will you be quiet." Chris whispered. I saw Chris standing there at the staircase, which made me jump. "...Yeah." I said. Chris turned to go back upstairs when I grabbed her arm. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked her. "I just came downstairs when you yelled Oh really? Then tell that to my face." She said. "Oh...haha sorry." I apologized to make her think I wasn't up to anything. "I would let you punch me but I'm not in the mood for explaining the bruise to Josh." She said it nice to me. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked curious. "No reason." She said with a smirk. "uh-huh sure. Anyway you should get some sleep for school tomorrow." I said raising my eyebrows and smiling. I have a great plan to get Stella back."OK....." She said walking up the stairs slowly. As soon as she disappeared out of sight I sighed and laid don on the couch. "Stella Johnson." I whispered closing my eyes and falling asleep.

The feeling of Hatred

"Chris! Hannah! Wake up!" I heard yelling coming from my door. Hannah covered her head with her pillow. "Don't make me come in there and kiss you Chris!" I heard A familiar annoying voice. My eyes shot open. "NO! Don't even try zane!" I yelled as I fell off my bed. I hit my face on the floor and heard the door swing open. Zane began laughing at me. "Did I do that?" He asked and I knew he had

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