» Family & Relationships » So...., babeinblack [e novels to read online TXT] 📗

Book online «So...., babeinblack [e novels to read online TXT] 📗». Author babeinblack

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“Anna, Get your ass up here. NOW!”
“Coming!” Hi. I'm Anna, and yes that command was directed at me. The best part is that it is my mother giving the command. Some of you maybe be waiting for the 'note sarcasm', but I'm not being sarcastic. My mother screaming at me to get my ass up there is great. You see my mom(and dad)always ignore me if they're home, which they never really are. Anyway let me fully introduce myself then I'll tell you my story. I am a sort of medium height at around 4'9" to 5'3". I have black hair that is cut choppy, brown eyes,a light tan(from which I have no idea how I have) and I wear black alot. My parents don't pay any attention to me what so ever and believe I am a Mistake. Why? I don't know. They just do. I am a senior in highschool and I do great but nobody really cares but me. My only friend is the stray cat that sits outside my window of my basement room. This is all sounding pathetic I know but it's my life and I deal with it. Oh and this maybe the only time you will see me happy. "ANNAAAA!!!!" Oops got to go otherwise she'll send dad down. I DO NOT want that to happen. Anyway see ya!

Back to hell: Aka highschool

'Beep''Beep''Beep''Beeeee-' The annoying sound coming from my alarmclock stops as soon as it hits the wall across the room.Uugghh! Why? Why does school have to start so early? I groan in my head the whole time I'm getting ready for the day. I put on a pair of good fitting black shorts,baggy black tank,a couple bracelets, and put my hair into a messy bun. I run down the stairs and grab my black jacket and bag. I grab my shoes and run to the bus stop. I get there, slightly out of breath, and the bus is coming around the corner. Sitting down I drag on my combat bootsover my strippy kneehigh socks and jump up in time to step onto the bus. I step up into the sights of my class mates and I'm emediatly hit in the side of the head with a paper ball. Laughs errupt all around the bus. Walking to the back of the bus I sit and open my book trying to ignore the laughs and whispers that I have to indure every day.

As I walked into spanish the bell rang, but the teacher wasn't in the room so I got out my book to read while I waited. About five minutes later I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. Being me, the outcast, I ignore the person. Then they tap me again and I get irritated because, well I'm reading here. Anyway I'm irritated so I growl, "What?" and look up at the person who tapped me. But in doing so I look into the most gorgeous misty gray eyes I have ever seen. "Miss Bell?.........MISS BELL!?" I snap out of it realising that one, I was staring. Two, Gray Eyes was talking to me. And three, everyone in the class was giggling. " Huh? What?" The giggling turns into full out laughter. I hang my head down, trying to hide my embarrassment. " THAT IS ENOUGH!!" Everyone in the class jumps, including me. I look up at Gray Eyes and see the anger in his face and how his eyes are now black. I try to hide my flinch by looking away but he sees it anyway. I look back at his face to see that his eyes have gone back to normal and are a little confused. " Miss Bell if you don't mind I would like to see you after class." I look at him with confussion on MY face now, and thats when I realise that we wouldn't be getting our original teacher Mrs. Jan. I look up at the board and see the name scribbled across the white board, 'Mr. Brandon Checkler.' I look back at Mr. Checkler," Sure Mr. Checkler." "Thankyou" he smiles at me and I blush. he walks back up to the front of the room and starts talking about how to pronounce the alphabet when talking in spanish. I am too worried about what he will tell me later after class to really listen fully.

Meeting Mr. Checkler

I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I almost walk out of the room when the bell rings instead of staying after like Mr. Checkler asked. The ironic thing about that little problem was that I was thinking about what Mr. Checkler was going to say to me after class..........hhhmmmpp. Anyway, the only reason that I didn't keep walking was the deep annoyed voice," Miss Bell." I froze wondering who was calling me by my last name......or calling me at all. I hear it again," Miss Bell." Then....I remembered,'Oh yeah.' I turn around and walk back to the teachers desk." You wanted to talk to me?",I say not really looking at him.
"Ah, yes. I wanted to fully introduce myself to You, let me finish.-" He says holding up a hand when I start to ask why he didn't just do this to the whole class."-Since you were so caught up in your book when I introduced myself to the whole class." it takes a second for what he said to fully sink in. When I understand what he had said I look down and blush heavely. Mr. Checkler chuckles softly as if trying to not let me hear, but I do and this only causes me to blush harder. He abruptly stops chuckling and I look up wondering why he got quite. He's No, behind me. I look behind me thinking he might have seen something there but there's nuthing. I look back at the teacher, clear my throught and ask tentivaly, " Umm. Can I go now? I'm going to be late for class." He doesn't move. I shift Uncomfortably and that seems to get his attention. He looks at me and opens his mouth to say something, but right as he is about to talk there is a crash from behind me and out in the hall. I turn around fast and see a huge black dog had come though the window and was staring straight at me. The dog growls and I take a step back right as a huge white dog comes bursting through the door. This causes me to be able to hear all the screams and cries from out in the hallway. Then there is another growl and this one came from behind me. I look back at where my teacher is and find that the last growl came from HIM! I look at his eyes and see that they are now a bright yellow. Brandon(Mr. Checkler) jumps on his desk and then over me. He tackles the dog by the door which is closer to me and this really suprises me.*Note: when I said the dogs were Huge I mean HUGE, like bear size* Anyway, he hits the white dog and they crash into the doorjam. The black dog jumps at me, and I am so stunned That I can't move. I'm pushed out of the way by something or someone and hit my head on the side of the desk and blacked out. The last thing I remember seeing was Mr. Checkler pushing the black dog back out the window from the other side of the room. Then the darkness consumed me.

You do know this is kidnapping,right?

Darkness surrounds me. It's like I'm standing in a black hole. I turn left, right, in a complete circle but there's.....nothing......just darkness. then all of a sudden there is a lght. it looks so far away but starts coming closer. Its moving so fast I start to think it's a person. “Hello?....Is someone there?” I wait but no answer comes. Then suddenly the light is not even two feet in front of me and it stops. Nothing happens for what feels like hours but is more than likely only seconds. I reach out to touch it and then.....I hear voices, “ I think she's waking up.” This comes from an unfamiliar voice. “ Mrs. Belle? Anna? Can you open your eyes for me please?”
“uuugghh!” I groan. “is she OK?” This comes again from the unknown voice. “Anna? Wake up.”
'Mr Checkler?'
“Yes Anna. It's me.” >Thwap!

Are you letting me go?

I just stare at him. "What?" He asks with a raised brow. "I'm trying to figure out why I'm not spazzing

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