» Family & Relationships » life ??, chelsea johnson [the false prince .txt] 📗

Book online «life ??, chelsea johnson [the false prince .txt] 📗». Author chelsea johnson

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I woke up and ran down the stairs “Dad, Mum” I shouted nobody answered i ran around the house and then I realised that they had left me I was home alone no one was coming back, I shot up from my bed “just a bad dream” I whispered I put my hands in my head until my breathing and heart was back to normal, I stood up and walked over into the shower, I let the hot water wash away my dream and all my insecurities when the water stared to get cold I got out the shower and walked into my room to see what i could wear today.
After looking in my draws I found my skinny jeans and my brothers hoddie and my favourite blue top I got dressed and put on my high tops, I walked into the bathroom and put on my make up
“Flaws” I whispered to my self as I put on my final coat of mascara I brushed my teeth and straitened my hair then I grabbed my bag and walked slowly down the stairs.
“Sasha” someone shouted
I didn’t answer I just walked into the living room and sat down at the table
“There you are, you ready for school” the head care worker (James) said
“Yes” I whispered
“Do you need so much make up” he said sitting opposite from me
“Yer” I said looking down
“Can you take a little bit off please” James said
“No point in trying no one has seen her with out make up except Rick” Maddi said
“So” I whispered
“You ok hun” Rick said coming behind me
“Im fine” I whispered
“Awww big bro to the rescue” Maddi teased
“Yer you’re just jealous that you don’t have one” Rick spat at her
I couldn’t deal with fighting not today so I stood up and walked out and sat on the chair by the window and just stared off into space.
“Sasha” someone said shaking me by the shoulder
“Sorry” I mumbled and stood up
“We need to go to school” Rick said looking at me with concern
“Great” I whispered sarcastically
“S’okay trust”
“It’s not YOUR fist day” I said
“You will be fine” Rick said just as James came in the room
“You guys ready” he asked us I shook my head
“You will be fine” he reassured me
“I know but...”
“But what” Maddi said
“Go away” I mumbled
“No, you should be scared school is the worst” she said smirking at me
“MADDI that’s enough” James said to her
“Sasha im taking you to school today and you will only be their for half the day”
“No” I said looking at him in the eyes
“What why”
“Because ill be different from everybody else” I stated
“But you have an appointment with your counsellor” he said
“No I don’t want to go” i whispered
“Fine today you don’t have too but you will have to go next time”
“Fine” I grumbled.
10 mins later...
We pulled up at the school and my mouth dropped like 10ft
“It’s not that big” James said looking at my worried expression
“No your right it’s massive” I said he laughed and I smiled I loved his laugh it reminded me of my dads laugh
“You coming” he said opening my door
“I would love to say no but yer” I said he smiled
I grabbed my bag and got out the car. We walked in silence over to the office when we finally got their James opened the door and I walked in and stopped dead in my tracks
“Wow” I said James laughed
“You and art” he smiled when he saw I was looking at the picture on the wall I giggled and he relaxed
“Miss Johnson I expect” she said looking at me
“Yes madam” I replied she smiled and handed me some papers
“This is your time table and this is a map of the school” she said I smiled and then I opened the door looking at my list
“So what you got first” James asked me
“Maths” I sighed this is the one subject I couldn’t do
“You’ll be fine” he said I walked off to my first lesson only to get lost I walked around the school until I bumped into a teacher
“Sorry ...sir I.... didn’t mean to... bump into you” I said looking down at my shoes
“Are you bunking” he asked me my eyes shot up to his face in panic
“No, im new, erm I couldn’t find my class” I said looking at the map
“Well what have you got first” he asked
“Maths with Mr Wilson” I said looking at my time table he smiled and showed me the way.
When we stopped outside the class I took a deep breath and knocked on the door a tall old man about in his 40’s opened the door he was dressed in a gray suit and black shoes he looked posh
“Erm sorry to disturb you but miss....” the teacher started to say but stopped and looked at me
“Sasha Johnson” I said looking down he smiled
“Miss Johnson is new and couldn’t find her way around the school or find your lesson” he said smiling down at me
“Thank you daniel I mean Mr March” he said and Daniel walked off
“So are you good at maths” I shook my head
“Im rubbish sir” I said embarrassed
“Its ok ill help you come in Mrs. Johnson”
“Please call me Sasha” I said walking in.
“Well class this is Sasha Johnson” he said
I looked up and gasped everyone was looking at me they all looked smart and I looked like a tramp i sighed
“Take a seat in the middle of the class next to jess” he said pointing to a girl I walked down and took a seat next to her,
“Hello” she said smiling at me
“Hi” I whispered, sir started talking about fractions and I gave up and sat in the chair and stared out the window until Mr. Wilson came over to me and touched my shoulder
“Yes” I said and looked at sir he raised his eyebrows so I explained why I wasn’t listening “Sorry you erm you lost me when you started talking about fractions” I said I herd some people giggled and I blushed a bright red
“It’s ok now what have you been taught at your old school” he asked me
“I haven’t” I said
“What, never been to school” he said in shock
“Nope” I said popping the p looking at him in the eye he looked shocked but sorted it out in an instant
“Fine erm let me pair you up with hmm.... mark you can teach her the basics” I herd him moan and I stood up collected my things and walked with my head down over to him
“So what DO you know how to do” he asked me
“Add and subtract that’s about it” I said looking at him he smiled and I looked down
“I know I must be stupid” I said
“Naa, naa that’s not what I meant” he said looking at me
“What did you mean then come on im 15 never been to school so I know nothing about maths” I said getting angry
“No you’re just different” he said I smiled then frowned
“Good different or bad different” I said
“good defiantly good” I smiled the rest of the lesson he taught me times table, and division and multiplication, he praised me when i got it right and explained it when I got it wrong we laughed and giggled for the whole hour, until the bell finally rung.
I got up and looked at my time table “English” I mumbled
“Room 7” mark said I smiled and nodded
“Good you’re with me”
“Cool” I said
“Are you good at English” he asked me
“Sorry to say, yer I am” I said with a smile he sighed
“Dam” I giggled and he smiled at me
“So you want to go to lesson” he asked me
“Yer” I sighed he laughed and put his hand around my waist we walked to lessons like this and I got stared at from all angles of the corridor
“People don’t like me much do they” I whispered looking down
“They don’t know you” he said, I smiled we walked into English
I stopped dead in my tracks the teacher was like 20 if that and he was amazing
“Wow” I whispered then I walked over to the teacher
“Hello sir im new” I said looking down
“Ok take a seat any where” he said smiling at me although I kept my head down I looked up and saw a seat by the window and took it, just then a girl came over to me
“What are you doing” she said angrily
“Sorry I didn’t know this seat was taken” I said standing up
“No, not the seat you and my boyfriend” she spat I looked taken back
“Excuse me” I said
“Don’t play dumb” she said
“Im not, I don’t know who your boyfriend is” I said looking at her
“Mark is my boyfriend, orphan” she spat I looked down ashamed and I grabbed my bag and walked out
“Wait i aint done with you” she shouted after me I stopped outside the class room and turned around, one thing I was told repeatedly was not to walk away when you are being spoken to
“Well you going to admit you was all over him” she spat
“Oh look the orphan is crying” she shouted I didn’t even realise that I was crying every one laughed including mark and I put my head down in shame
“THATS ENOUGH MISS JAMES” the teacher shouted
“Go and sit down now” he ordered her
“This aint over orphan” she whispered menacingly
“Yes it is” I spat back at her she opened her eyes wide and so did the teacher and the other students im guessing no one had stood up to her before well lets put her in her place shall we my subconscious was telling me
“What did you say to me” she whispered
“Yes it is, I am fed up with everyone picking on me just cause my parents walked out on me ok, its not my fault they did, now listen he put his arm around my waist I didn’t ask him to do nothing so go and take it up with him, I don’t like him like that love, get that into you pretty little head Blondie, or is it too complicated” I spat at her she looked shocked, and so did everyone else good I thought
I walked back into a silent class and took my seat. They all came in and took their seats and I looked at the front and tried to concentrate but couldn’t I herd the cow talking about me and saying I was going to get my head kicked in later, I laughed so she could hear me
“Is something funny miss Johnson” the teacher asked me for my random outburst
“No sir I just herd something so stupid that it was funny” I replied it looked like the teacher was trying not to laugh but you could see the amusement in his eyes
“Please get on with your work” he said I smiled and completed the task in 5 minuets
“Stuck?” sir asked me I laughed
“No, i am not sir, I have finished” I said he looked shocked and read my work
“Wow you know your

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