» Family & Relationships » jaiden & aiden, Raquel LeAnne Lampkin [fb2 epub reader txt] 📗

Book online «jaiden & aiden, Raquel LeAnne Lampkin [fb2 epub reader txt] 📗». Author Raquel LeAnne Lampkin

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aiden and i lay on the floor. we were breathing really hard, he looked at me with a big smile. i smiled back he moved over to me again but just put his head down on my stomuch i listen to our breathing thats when i noticed he was sleeping. The floor started to vibrate i grabbed aidens pants that were beside me and checked the pockets and found his phone. it was from annabelle ryan. i typed in his password and read.

i had a lot of fun yesterday. maybe we can do it again?? you bring the condom this time..... are you going to dump the hoe yet??

my heart was pounding in my ears. i was so mad i got out from under him slowly and put my clothes back on. then i went back over to aiden and hit him with a pillow. he woke up and looked at me he smiled i didnt.

"whats wrong?"

"whats wrong? whats wrong? annabelle thats whats wrong!"

i walked over to the conner of the room got my phone and started walking to the door. i got half way down the stairs when he yanked my arm.

"you shouldnt have been reading my text messages!"

"well i wouldnt have known i was aparently a 'hoe' and that you guys fucked yesterday! so fuck you and have a good life!" i yanked my hand away and walked.

he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and threw my to the floor and sat on top of me.

"i would have told you!"

"what that i was a hoe?! thanks. now get off me!"

"No! not tell you tell me what i can do?"

"do to what?"

"get you to forgive me!"

"get the fuck off of me and leave me the hell alone and maybe!"

"No, your not fucking leaving!"

"what the hell?"

a guy with black shaggy hair and saggy skinny jeans comes around the conner.

"what are you doing here?"

"get off of her dude."

"get the fuck away jaiden!"

"okay... whats going on?"

"non of your buissness you gay fag! now go away!"

"in not gay and not a fag."

"please just get him the fuck off of me!"

"shut the fuck up!"

jaiden came over and hit him right in the face. aiden looked up he was really pissed, then he hit me and every thing went black


i turned over to see a dark room, blue curtains a desk with a laptop set up on it 4 different dessers. wow they have a lot of clothes i turned to see someone sitting in a window seat looking out on the yard. it was jaiden he turned and looked at me i sat up my cheek hurt. i rubbed it.

"does it hurt?"

"yes. didnt he hit you?"

"yeah once."

"where is he?"

"on the floor in the hallway."

"you knocked him out?!"


"wow. hes really strong."

"im 2 years older then him i think im stronger."

"so your 18?"

"yup, turned 18 yesterday."

"and your aidens???"

"big brother."

"exsplains a lot. why are you here i'v been her over a hundered times and never seen you."

"i just moved back in. i didnt want to stay at my dad's any more. why were you with him?"



"i dont know to tell you the truth i think i only wanted the sex."

"oh so you two were sexually active?"

"well yeah. we were like an hour ago."

"wow okay."

"yeah im going home."

"i'll drive you."

"why are you being so nice?"

"my little just punched a pret... i mean girl in the face. i think i should be little nice." Teehee he was going to say pretty girl.


then there was a soft knock on the door. jaiden jumped up and went to it i just sat on his bed.

"where is she?" he moved to the side and aiden looked at me.

"kylie? im sorry baby. i should have never hit you. or messed around with annabelle i dont want to lose you. you know your really flexable shes like a bored."

"okay dont want to hear this." says jaiden.

"shut up fag."

"little boy i will pound your face in."

"kylie? please come out?"


"why? i said i was sorry."

"so i dont care. you cheated we're done now leave me alone."

"now listen here you ungreatfull bitch. i treated you like a prinesses and this is what i get?"

"im not ungreatfull! you cheated! your ungreatfull now some one else can be greatfull to have me because im not coming back." i walked past both of them. aiden came up behind me and threw me over his shoulder and ran down the stairs litarly threw me in the back of his car got in the drivers seat and went speeding down the road.

"let me out!"


"yes! i swear to god if you dont let me out of this car!"

"you'll do what? if i cant have you no one can!"

then he floored it and then hit some thing and i jerked forward and fell in the front seat and hit my head on the dash bored. i looked over at aiden he had hit his head on the stering wheel. he had blood coming from his head i sat up in the passenager side. i put my hand on my head and looked down blood. damn it! i put my hand on his neck, he's still alive. my head hurt so bad i looked forward he smacked right into a huge tree. well neither of us are died at least, i hear sirens i try to hold on. am i dying?? it felt like it. there was soon men all around the car they pulled aiden out first then me the layed me on a streatcher i was going in and out. they kept repeating stay with us come on you can do it. i tried to say im trying but i was drifting. then jaiden was by my side in the ambulence. then i started getting blurry.

"kylie wake up. you have to stay awake come on."

they put this breathing thing on me. then i felt it going i looked over to see aiden still unconsious.

"he's going to be okay. your the one dying, but you wont if you stay with me."

i always thought dying would be painful. but its actually peacefull, i wouldnt mined dying. i closed my eyes.

"nurse her eyes are closed!"

"wake her up! she cant sleep were almost there!"

"kylie! kylie!"


"you have to open your eyes you have to stay awake. look aidens waking up."

i opened my eyes and turned to look at aiden. his eyes were open he was staring at the nurse. then he looked over and looked surpised to see me there. i looked back at jaiden.

"were here."

they opened up the back doors.

"get the girl first!"

then i was moving. there was bright lights.

"we need a doctor!"

"what do we have?"

"car accident. head banged on dashbored she's going in and out."

"okay. hi sweet heart lets get you a room."

then every thing went black. when i woke up.

jaiden was beside me. i looked at him i could never see his eyes but nw i could they were a very bright blue aidens were a mossy green. He's there every time.

"why are you every where i look?" i gave a small smile i was still very tired.

"because i make sure your okay."

"you went there when your brother wrecked."

"i was right behind you. who do you think called the police??"

"i see."

"can you tell me what happend?"

"um... he lost control."


"he was going to fast and didnt notice."

"kylie my brother is very smart and knows what hes doing what happend."

"we were yelling, he wouldnt let me out off the car then he said if he couldnt have me no could he went even faster and slamed right into the tree."

"so he was trying to kill you?"

"i dont know what he wanted." i felt tears going down my face jaiden took his thumb and wiped them away.

"are you okay miss?"

"yes. just got a little emotional."

"oh okay. people are here to see you."

"oh okay." jaiden was pulling his hand away. i grabbed it.

"you cant tell anybody. promise?" it took him a while.


then people showed up one by one in my room. jaiden never left my side though and every body would look at him every now and then and what surpised me aiden was there. he just got stiches thats all i got they did something then stiched it up. they brought tuddy bears and flowers of course aiden got my favorite flowers. lily's. it was my mom, dad older sister and brother then my 9 month old sister mercey. then aiden his mom, jaiden and they're yonger sister kyra and my 2 bestfriends abby and dalton. aiden would get jelouse of him all the time. i noticed me and jaiden were holding hands thats what aiden was staring at. jaiden noticed to but he didnt move his hand so i didnt care.

"so jaiden wheres melody?"


"the girl you brought home last summer?"

"oh she's in town."


"the apparments accrosed from caseys."

"oh are you to still together?"

"off and on."

"oh i see. you should bring her by the house next weekend. the killers are going to gone."

"killers?" asks his mom.

"nothing mom."

"we get our stiches out next weekend to babe."


"i thought you guys broke up?" says jaiden staring at aiden.

"so did i." i said.

"nope. we got back together remember?"


"oh well we did." he had this mocking look.

"oh yeah."

"yeah you dont think you have a chance with jaiden do you?" im glad the other family's left. i looked down my and jaiden were still holding hands.


"that's right and he has mel."

"whatever aiden shut up."

"whatever hmmm who says that? girls. and you which states your gay! it's okay you can come out of the closet."

"i have a girlfriend!"

"then why are you holding mine?"

"she's not yours."

"im tired of your ass."

"well its tired of you to."

"good. get out."

"no i think im going to stay with her."

"kylie tell him to get out."


"yes. im your boyfriend and i dont want you around my older brother. you know he rapes girls."

"i do not."

"yes you do not from what mindy says."

"i didnt rape her and she knows it."

"okay. whatever you say. now get out."

"do you want me to go."

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