» Family & Relationships » My Horrible Life, Clarity Monroe [red novels .txt] 📗

Book online «My Horrible Life, Clarity Monroe [red novels .txt] 📗». Author Clarity Monroe

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My life


 'Ugh, why did school have to start today?! ' I thought inwardly. Ok, so I'm going to catch you up on my miserable life. My name is Joy, I'm 16 years old, I have chestnut hair, dark blue eyes, and I have a slender yet curvy figure, and I go to Tampa high school. I live with my 36-year-old dad, and my mom died 4 years ago at age 35. I have no siblings so that makes me the only child. We moved to Orlando, Florida because my dad got an offer to play one of the actors in some upcoming movie.

Yes, my dad is an actor and he's a pretty famous one too. He is always getting job offers for multiple movies. He used to be happy and always gave me souvenirs from the places he's been to, but that all changed when my mother died in a car accident. He didn't want to be reminded of her death so we packed up and left.

One week after the move my dad started getting violent and would beat me constantly. Ever since I was born I was homeschooled, and I never had any interaction with people. The only interaction I did get was at the store or birthday parties. I convinced my dad to let me go to public school since I was 16 and needed a social life. I was also scared that he was going to tie me up by the wrists and beat me with any torturous device he could find.

 So here I am, turning off my alarm clock and getting dressed before my dad to wakes up and does something else to me. After I eat breakfast consisting of eggs, orange juice and bacon I head out to my car and off to school. "Here goes the first day of public school," I said with a sigh when I saw the school come into my line of view.

First day of high school

I park my cherry red mustang convertible in a parking space, go to the front of the school and walk to the main office to get my schedule. I'm so excited and nervous that after sixteen years of being homeschooled I finally get to meet other people! My first class of the day is calculus, ok now I just need to find room 218. As I'm looking at the door numbers I bump into someone which causes my earbuds and schedule to fall. When I look up I see the most gorgeous guy on earth! He has a great looking six pack, short jet black hair, chiseled jaw, tan skin, and the most breathtaking ice blue eyes.

 "I'm soo sorry I should look at where I'm going" I said not wanting to have an enemy my first day of school.

 "It's ok really. So are you new here I never seen you before" he said.

 "Umm yea I moved here a month ago" I replied.

"Well, welcome to Tampa high school, my name is Aiden." Man, even his name was sexy.

"Thanks my name is Clarity, Clarity Monroe" 

"Hey, are you by any chance related to Blake Monroe the famous actor?"

"Umm yea he's my dad" I said a little terrified by my fathers name.

"Cool! Well I got to go to calculus, see ya around!"then he turned to leave but I caugt his arm making him look back.

"Do you mind if I follow you-

"You could stalk me anytime you want" he smiled.

"No! I mean l...just nevermind I meant to say that you and me have the same class right now and I didn't know where the class is but since your going..."

"Sure,ill be your escort from now on, how does that sound?"he said with enthusiasm.

"Sounds great! So shall we?"I asked making him lead the way upstairs. 

Just as we were almost there one of(I assume) Aiden's friends came up and said "hey bro,what's happenin!"man was this one as much of a hottie as Aiden. He had dirty blond hair, hazel eyes,chiseled jaw, and of course a six pack.

"Hey Dawson!Nothin much though I just saved this damsel I'm distress"he then looked over at me and winked! Today is the best day ever!

"Hey who's the chick?"Dawson said, his eyes roaming up and down my legs."hey, my name is Clarity Monroe nice to meet you"I said with an award winning smile.

"Wait are you-

"Yes I'm Blake Monroe's daughter"I said with annoyance,but was shaking in fear,scared of what my dad had in store for me after school.

"Awesome, are you cold your shaking" Dawson and Aiden looked at me with concern. When Aiden went reaching for my arm I backed up one step recoiling at the sight of a hand coming up in the air.

"Well I gotta go inside before I get tardy on my first day of public school so bye"I said quickly zipping inside the classroom taking a seat in the back. 



My new best friend


Finally, second period biology is over! I thought inwardly.Next was choir, but I wasn't good but Im getting better well I hope so. I made it to the class record time but when I got there the only seats were inthe back. As I was walking up the aisle I tripped on what obviously looked like a foot. When I looked up to see who it was i saw red shiny heels, a red mini skirt, hot pink press-on nails, a pink one shoulder straped blouse, brown eyes, and blond hair.

"oops sorry, oh wait im not because you should watch where your going" she said smiling at me coldly.

Then a girl with ruby red hair, a secondhand serenade t-shirt, black shorts, black and white striped tights, and knee high converse stood in front of me holding out her hand. I accepted her hand and she pulled me up off the floor.

"Just leave her alone Jessica! At least she dosen't look like a slut"the girl said

"you'll regret you ever said that, Olive"Jessica said scowling at Olive.

Olive and I got to out seats, but there was a substitute so all of us were talking." Thanks for saving me earlier you didnt have to do that" I said to her.

"its ok shes always a bitch so don't take it personally. Anyways im Olive Bullard, and you are...?"

"oh right sorry im Clarity, Clarity Monroe" i said shaking her hand.

Of couse we exchanged numbers and just then the bell rang for lunch."i just made my first real best friend"i muttered to myself, smiling. She did not even asked if i was Blake Monroe's daughter like Aiden and Dawson! I am awesome making a best friend on the FIRST day of public school! This day until school is out cannot get any better!

Im home!

School is done for the day,and as im driving home i start to get nervous.Then, im at home getting out the car. That's when i realize that he is not home yet, so i quickly get my house keys, open the door and up the stairs to my room. I then get my homework done and make tofo for dinner and leaving the leftovers for dad. Just as i'm halfway up the stairs i hear the door slam which causes me to jump.

"Clarity go to your room ill be there in a moment!" he says harshly. Then i go to my room and i only had to wait one minuet-literally, and then thats when he slaps me on the face which for sure will leave a bruise.All of a sudden im on the floor getting kicked on my side which causes me to whimper. When he hears the sound he smiles at me with disgust.

"you look to much like your mother you bitch!"with that he leaves my room leaving me crying and hurting. I walk to the the bathroom and cringe when i see the damage he has done to me. There is purple,blue,and black colored bruises, and on my cheek is a now forming blemish. When im done I go to my bed and cry myself to sleep. I cry for my mom hoping she didnt die so my dad wouldn't hit me for looking like her, and then i let the darkness consume me for a blissful sleep.


Im running through the forest from somebody. I look back but I quickly look forward again not wanting to fall on my face. Then there is a brick wall blocking the path, then three others come down out of nowhere trapping me in a square trap with my pursuer. There are shadows covering him so i can't see his face, then he steps out from the security of the shadows. He then brings up his fist and punches me in the face, and when i look up i see my father laughing at me with anger in his gray eyes. All of a sudden he brings out a whip and he brings it down-

I wake up panting and soaking my shirt with sweat as I end the horrible dream of being beatin by my father once again. My dreams have always been like this since he first started hitting me. I look at my clock and realize it is 7:30 and i have 30 miuets to get ready for school. I strip off my clothes and step into my shower letting the warm water massage my body. After 10 minuets of being in the shoer and washing up i step out and go to my room to pick out my clothes for today.After chosing my outfit I go downstairs to make myself breakfast like the day before. When I park in my usual spot i see someone coming up to me, and i then realize that the person is the one and

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