» Family & Relationships » Trippin over you, junique [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «Trippin over you, junique [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author junique

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No one paid much concentration to me; it was as if I was imperceptible.
So it was there I sat in my chemistry class, watching everybody’s movement as the class began to fill up, everyone was contented to be here on the first day of our senior year, I mean who wouldn’t. Imagine you wouldn’t have to spend no more years in a school full of drama, hatred and most of all deception. To me that’ll be my number one wish.
I watched as my best friend walked towards me, her golden hair swinging back and forth, she wore a huge smile on her face, showing her baby dimples. Then all of a sudden I was clutched into her embrace, literally, not being able to breathe.
“Oh, Gabby! I missed you so much!” she squeaked.
“Me……too.” I choked out.” But Miran-“
“I was so bored not having you around.” She said as she squeezed tighter.” It’s like I can hug you to death!”
“…that’s because….you are!” I manage to let out.
“What.” Miranda said.”Oh! Sorry about that.”She said loosening her grip on me.” You know I can’t help it. I just miss you so much! You know how those summers are in London, I was petrified!” she said pretending to make a scared face.
I let out a little laugh.
“Yeah, right! Now tell me did you meet any one, you know, special!”I said wiggling my eyebrows up and down.
“I met my aunt’s cute little puppy, Skippy. I’ll show you the picture, he’s the cutest thing ever…..” she said reaching in her pocket.
“You know I’m not talking about a dog.” I said nudging her.” Tell me about that cute lifeguard with the British accent you told me about. You know, the one with the amazing abs and cute dimples that you told me was on his-“
“Okay!”She said cutting me off.” Maybe a little too much information, Gab’s. “She said. “ His name is Keith, he is a lifeguard and we met on the beach…well I should say practically me spilling my chocolate mulka all over his uniform!” she said and burst out laughing.
“Oh! Miranda you didn’t!” I squeaked.
She began shaking her head, and began saying between laughs.” It…..was so……funny, you should of…..seen the way he looked at me!” she squeaked.” He was both horrified and trying to check me out…if you know what I mean.” She said giving me a mischievous glare.
“Miranda this isn’t the 1600’s; I know what exactly you mean.”
“Anyway, right now we’re just friends, I’d get his emails and he’d get mines and were just on this long distance relationship thingy but just as friends though!”
“He sounds like a nice guy!” I said.
“Yeah I know, you should meet him in person.”
“How are my two best girlfriends doing?” Came someone,
I knew that voice anywhere, it was Nathan. He was just another one of my pals I’d hang out with. We’ll I should say the most annoying, easygoing, adorable, and most laughable friend I have, he brighten up your dark days and just so likeable.
“Hey Nate!” I said giving him a hug.” I missed you so much!”I squeaked.
“I sure didn’t.” said Miranda. “You should have felt how it was not to have some brown hair ball always annoying you to death.”
“And you should know how it felt to be in so much peace, when I didn’t have to put up with your constant drooling over me!” Nathan said with a smirk
Miranda’s mouth drooped. “Keep dreaming Nathaniel Emmanuel Edwards.”She hissed.
I burst out laughing, Nathan never liked anyone to call him by his real name, and it was so funny. Miranda begin join me as well.
“That’s one heck of a name!” she said between laughs.
“whatever.” Nathan said.”At least I’m not in love with someone who knows I don’t exist.” With that Nathan walked away giving me a kiss on a cheek and then smirked at Miranda’s pissed off face.
As soon as he took his seat at the back I turned to Miranda.
“What was that all about?” I asked her.
“Nothing.” she muttered.
Before I can plead her to tell me, the professor walked into the class.
“Okay!” he shouted.” Everyone calm down! I know your thrilled about your senior year but there are some things you need to know in order to graduate .So let’s start talking about the qualifications-“
The whole class began to groan.
This was going to be one long, long period.

Lunch time had come in a blink of an eye. Miranda and I strolled down the line as we asked for this and that until we reached the end and paid for our lunch. We searched the crowded lunch room for tables to sit at.
“There’s one over there!” Miranda pointed.
I looked at the empty table, and then I realized it was right next to the cheerleader’s and jocks table. Miranda noticed my uneasiness,
“Don’t worry about them, you do as if there God for heaven’s sakes!”She snapped and dragged me towards the table.
“It’s not that! It’s just that I hate to be noticed by them, is all!” I explain.
“Whatever!” she hissed. “Right now I’m hungry, not in the mood for arguing.” With that she lunged at her pizza.
It was about fifteen minute later when Nathan plopped down in the seat next me.
“Hey, lady!”He said to me.”…and Miranda’s!” he said turning towards Miranda with a smirk.
“Look Nat- brad I know I may not be a lady but I’m better off being myself.”
“Gabriella’s being herself and acts like a lady, why can’t you!” he shot back.
“This is so not Gabriella!”She said matterfactly.” You just don’t know her like I do, besides she doesn’t show her true self to everybody, unlike you who were suppose to be her friend, you know nothing about her!”

“It’s just that I don’t see her as just a friend.” He said in a seductive voice and coming very close to my face.
“Nathan!”I scolded.
He burst out laughing.
But Miranda on the other had just smirked and rolled her eyes.
That was odd.


“Mr.Peter’s, can I use the restroom?”
I’ve been holding this pee in since lunch and I had to go now!
He arched his eyebrows at me in anger, and then he realizes I was one of his top students and smiled at me.
“Off course you may Ms.Brooks!”He said
With that I raced out of the classroom, I had to go now!
I raced down the hall naming each door as I passed,
Guidance counselor,
Science lab,
Vice principal’s office,
And then finally,
Girl’s bathroom.
I rushed into the stalls as quickly as possible, as I began to hear the drizzly, I heard them. At first I heard heels scratching against the floor and the person’s came to a stop at what I thought was a mirror.
There were only two names that popped into my head, Ashley and her backstabbing best friend Vanessa.
“Mom told me about these neighbors’ that came from London, and they’re staying with us for a while I guess.”
“And….” Vanessa said I guess waiting for the good part.
“They have an amazingly handsome son!”Ashley squeaked
“Get Out! You mean as in Shawn level handsome!”
“OMG! When is he starting school here?” Vanessa asked.
“I’m not sure but I’ll ask him tonight.”
“Dang! You’re so lucky!” Vanessa whined.
“Yeah, but not yet!’ Ashley said. “His bedroom is right across from Gabriella’s room and you can see everything and I mean everything. But her room is way too small for me so I can’t take it, so guess she wins that point, but it’s no biggy!”
“Who is Gabriella?”Vanessa asked confused.
“Some girl my parents found on the streets. They felt sorry for her and adopted her, I guess.”
I almost choked when Ashley said that, and I thought for sure they heard me.
“What was that?” I heard Ashley said
Suddenly I stopped in my tracks.
“It’s probably your stomach growling.” Vanessa teased.
“What kind of friend says that?”
“The best one!”
And just like that they went out of the bathroom. I made sure they were gone for sure and came out, and for a second I wondered, why did Ashley think I came off the streets and who the hell was this hot boy from London!
Looking at the time, I rushed back to my literature class before I’d be too late.


By the time school had out I reached to my, what you’ll call a mansion, the security let me in and I walked up the stairs to the door.
When I got inside the maids and servants were rushing everywhere.
“What’s going on Nina?”
Nina was like a best friend to me, even though she was about forty-five, I know it’s weird but you’ll see why.
“Your father’s long time best friend and family is coming, and we have to make sure everything goes right.”
I learned that dad’s best friend was also a billionaire like him and they both owned a successful company.
How Nina talked, this was very important, and I wanted nothing to do with because if you put me with dinner, business and really hot people from London that’s call for a lot of trouble.
I quickly ran upstairs to avoid anybody, but I was caught up with my father on the stair case. He stared steadily at me, and then cleared his throat.
“We’ll be having a guest over and you and your sister must be on your best behavior, this very important to me and you ant blow this for me! Understood.”
Too petrified to answer him I quickly nodded my head.
“Now! Be down for dinner in an hour that’s when we’d be having dinner.”
With that he strolled passed me down stairs.
I was way too shock to respond, first of all I was never worthy to eat dinner with my family, second my dad barely talks to me, and third I don’t know anything on how to act when you’re having a business dinner, I didn't know which hand or utensils to use or how to hold a knife and fork ,fourth, I felt like I was going to throw up. How do you expect me to have a perfect dinner with no embarrassment if a handsome boy from London with those sexy British accented is seated in front of me!
This was just my luck.
I scrambled upstairs, I need help and I needed it now, so I called the one person who could solve this. I put in those seven digits and waited patiently,
“Miranda speaking!”
“I need your help!”


If there was anyone who knew about fashion was Miranda!
So that’s why I called her.
So it was after thirty minutes of hot

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