» Family & Relationships » Sun Soaked Season, Chalen D. [english novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «Sun Soaked Season, Chalen D. [english novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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this time I was ready for his grip. I stood Up and let him lead Me outside. I held out His jacket and He shook his head. I pulled the jacket on and got into His car. We got our coffee and drove to the next two getting something to eat. After we got something to eat we headed back. Before I wouldn't of trusted Levi. But yet again it wasn't before. It was after, and the first day of the future. I looked over at Levi, who had His eyes glued to the road. I kicked My shoes off, and scooted across the bech seat. When I first curled up against Levi, He froze. He slowly relaxed and put an arm around Me. He was right before. Silence could be full of peace. Right now I felt at peace, and I didn't want it to change. By the time we got back it was three in the morning.
"Do You want Me to drop you off?" He asked, as We pulled up to the bike shop.
"Nothing else to do?"
"I have stuff to do."
"Then I'll come with You."
"I don't know if-"
" Come on. Take Me With you."
I Put My arm around His stomach as He started the car.
"What's wrong?" I asked the next morning.
Izzy and Marilyn where both crying.
"I don't know Where He is and She won't stop crying. He went down for a bottle and never came back. I'm so tired I just Need some Sleep." She sobbed on.
"Here, Give Her To me."
She handed Me Izzy and High tailed it out of there. I swaddled Her and Went down stairs. Darren was sitting on a stool, sleeping, while the microwave beeped, letting him know the bottle was ready. I Grabbed The bottle and went back Up stairs. I fed Izzy and rocked Her, but She kept crying.
"Okay, That's it."
I got up, and buckled her into Her stroller. I walked down to the store, as she stopped crying. Sam hurried and opened the door, and I pushed Izzy into the store. Sam bent down and scooped Izzy out of the stroller. She walked behind the counter, and Tori held her arms out. Sam handed Izzy to Tori. Tori rocked back and forth, patting Izzy's butt.
"She's so tiny." Tori said.
"Where's Marilyn?" Sam asked.
"She was tired, so I took Over Izzy. Izzy wouldn't stop crying So I took Her down Here. She stopped crying once We were walking."
Someone Came in and looked around.
"Can you guys watch her so I can Get a coffee?"
"Yeah sure, Go. We got Her." Tori said.
I Pushed out of the store and walked to the gas station. I got My Coffee. and left.
"Hey Dakota." Stark pulled Up Next to me. "You going to the store?"
"Wanna ride?"
"On that?"
"Get on the Handle bars."
"Come on."
He took My coffee and I got on. I put the coffee Between My legs, and he began to pedal.
"You don't fall do you?"
"When I jump."
"Please don't jump."
"But it's such a rush."
"Please Don't."
"I won't."
He pulled Up to the store. I got off and waved Him away. I went back in and took My seat on the counter.
"You look tired." Sam said.
"Cause I am."
"Did you sleep last night?" Sam asked.
"Cause She was out With Levi." Tori said.
I looked over at Her.
"I saw you guys skip town, and Stark saw you come back."
"We didn't see you."
"Stark made eye contact with Levi."
"Why do you guys make Me feel guilty?"
"Why do you feel guilty?" Tori asked.
"Are you doing something you Feel Guilty about?"
"No." I took a drink of coffee.
"That no sure sounded lie a, I'm lying My ass of right now, you guys." Tori said.
"We both couldn't sleep. We went out to eat. stop making Me feel guilty!"
"We're not!" They said innocently.
"Whatever. I'm taking Izzy home."
"But what about Marilyn?" Sam asked.
"I'll give Izzy to Daren."
I brought Izzy to Darren and then went to My room. I tried to sleep but it wasn't working. I checked My E-mail, and then walked back to the store.
"You busy?" Cam asked, stopping next to me.
"Cam. Leave Her alone." Levi said, tossing a Bike frame into the back of His truck. "I mean it. Don't bother Her."
We watched Him go back into the Bike shop.
"See you." Cam pushed away.
"So Do you go to the beach?" I asked, later that night.
"Not really. The beach gets boring. You?"
"I haven't been to the beach."
"You live on the beach Dakota."
"I mean in the water Levi."
"We should go."
"Uh. Okay."
He got up, wash his hands and turned out the light. He took My hand this time and led Me outside. I watched as He took off his shoes, and Jacket, and put them in the car.
"Give me your shoes."
"My shoes."
He held his hand out, and I gave Him my shoes. We walked away and I followed Him. He walked to the beach, and layed in the sand His arms behind His head. The water came up soaking His clothes. His eyes where closed. I sat next to Him and the water came back wetting My pants.
"Whoa! That's cold." I sat on My knees.
"You get used to it." He muttered.
I put my hands into the sand as The water pulled back. I swung My leg over Levi's body and sat down. His eyes flashed Open and He looked at Me. I bent My head and put My forehead on his.
"Thank you." I whispered. "Thank you for everything."
His eyes were closed as He put his hand On My head and gave it a soft Push until My lips touched his. The kiss was everything I thought it would be. He sat up, and put His hands on my legs. To be honest, Levi intimidated me. I never knew what He would do Next. People like that always get the best of me. He took a hand off my leg and took My chin, lowering my mouth to his. He stopped kissing Me and smiled.
"Your Shivering."
"Not because I'm cold." I said. "I said that out Loud."
"Yeah." He looked over My face.
"I got the chills is all."
His eyebrows pulled together.
I got off and stood. He stood up too and led the way to the car. I was debating to grab His hand or not when He shoved both into His jeans. We pulled up the back of a building. He got out, and walked up some stairs. I followed after Him. His apartment had a table and a chair, and a bed with a T.v. He walked to a basket of clothes on the bed and looked through it. He pulled out a shirt and two pairs of pants.
"Here." He gave Me some sweats. "I'm going to take a shower really quick."
He opened a door, and turned on the shower. I pulled on the sweats and sat on the corner of the bed. The apartment wasn't really big. Perfect for one person. Although it was hard to picture Levi, with His large size moving around in here, He had no problem with doing it. I folded my jeans and set them at My feet. He Came back out drying his hair with a towel.
"I didn't mean to kiss you it just happened." I blurted out. "I think The cold water Made Me crazy for a second."
He tossed the towel onto a chair and pulled his hair into a pony tail.
"So your blaming the kiss on you being Crazy?"
I nodded.
"And Here I thought you really wanted to Kiss Me."
"I did really want to kiss you." I said. "Okay, Here comes the truth. I did want to kiss you but said I didn't cause I'm afraid you didn't want to Kiss Me. You intimidate Me cause I can't read your movements, Like I can other People. I thought If I blamed the kiss on Me being crazy We could forget it, and Move on."
"Do you want to forget it?"
"No." I shook My head.
"Then why'd you blame it on you being crazy."
"Cause I just didn't want to Get rejected. Not By You too."
"Me Too?"
"I don't want to talk about it. It's stupid. I only brought it up cause it was a good point for the truth."
He pushed off the wall and sat on the bed. He lay back and put a hand behind His head. I felt His other hand on My back. It felt safe. That's probably why, I kicked My Shoes off and curled up against Him.
"You know, lot's of People get rejected."
"I know. But it wouldn't feel right if I got rejected By you. I'd rather Be your friend, then Not have you at all."
He rolled us over so he was leaning Over Me.
"You know for Someone that's so smart you can be a little dumb sometimes."
My mouth Popped open.
"You don't have any clue, how attractive I find you."
My Mouth shut. What in the hell could I say to that?
"Go on?"
"You Have no idea how much you mean to me already."
"So you wanted to kiss Me?"
"Are you forgetting I was the one Who pushed your head?"
Levi did something He never did Before. He smiled, and pushed some hair out of my face. The smile was full on, and filled with...Love. I bit my lip at this.
"What's wrong?"
"I like your smile."
"I like yours too."
He pressed His lips To mine, and it was like He was kissing Me for the first time all over again.
"Marilyn will Be waking up soon. I should Take you back." He kissed Me again.
"As Much As I hate to say this. Your right."
He kissed Me once, and Pushed off the bed pulling Me with Him. We drove back to My house. He lifted My face and kissed Me.
"Goodnight, Beautiful."
I kissed him once and then pushed the door open. I went inside and snuck to My room. I couldn't sleep, so I waited until they woke up. I walked into the kitchen pretending to yawn.
"Happy birthday!" Marilyn said, Pulling Me in for a hug.
"My Birthday!" I pulled My phone out of My pocket, and called Jason.
When He picked Up He sang Me happy birthday.
"Happy birthday, dork. I love you."
"I love you too." He laughed.
There was a noise then, "You guys are really weird for twins. Happy birthday Kota."
"Thanks Prestly."
"What No I love you?"
"I love you Prestly."
"I love you too."
I was quite as Mom came on.
"Happy birthday."
"Thanks." I muttered.
"I miss you."
I looked over at Marilyn, who smiled, and Picked Izzy up out of her car seat.
"Mom I have to get ready for Work."
"Oh okay. Happy birthday. I love -"
I hung up the phone and shoved it into My pocket.
"You want to say happy birthday to your cousin?" Marilyn asked, handing Me Izzy.
"Hi." I said looking down at Her.
She made a baby notice and Smiled.
"She smiles now?"
"What? Honey get the camera!" She called.
"What's wrong?" Daren came in camera in hand.
"She smiling at Dakota."
Daren turned on the camera
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