» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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did some damage far worse than they all first thought. It drove Wolf deeper into his Canine Army training sessions, her mother into seclusion with the young pups, and herself into thinking of what she was. She knew she was the first bi-breed Companion born in the Dream Realm. Half-feline, half-canine, Celine Stargazer was different from her feline or canine friends in many ways. It scared her friends away at times when the Companion Magic from each were out of control, not to mention her Ancient Mystic magic.
She was confused, lonely, and depressed.
“May I ask what bothers you, Princess?” Came the gentle male voice of Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer, the Page of Stargazer Castle and a close friend of her father’s. He was a Mountain Wolf Companion who used to be a Warrior in the old Dominionite Army.
She looked down to see him standing below her, looking up at her with hands on his hips. Celine beckoned him with a hand, telling him to climb up to her. Once he settled himself on a branch, he spoke again. “Why do you hide in this tree, Princess? Does something keep you from the rest of this Realm?”
Celine shook her head. “Nay, Page. Nothing but thoughts keep me from the Realm.”
“Care to tell me?” Red Wolf asked softly. He didn’t want to sound disrespectful of her title, she could sense it.
After a moment, Celine asked. “What am I? Am I feline or canine?”
“You are both, Princess.” Red Wolf supplied. “Feline and Ancient Mystic from your mother and canine from your father. You know this as well as any of us.”
When she didn’t answer back, she was deep in her own thoughts.
“Questions like that are best asked of your parents.” Red Wolf shook his head.
“I have tried asking them of my parents.” Celine announced. “Mama is too busy with Lovell and Raulf, and Papa is too busy with the Canine Army.” She looked at him, and wondered. “Why is it you are not with them?”
“Your father has seen to it I have a day off to rest.” Red Wolf smiled, making her smile as well. “There is that smile I know and love.”
The statement made Celine blush. “You love my smile?”
“Princess, your smile brightens up a dark room.” Red Wolf said. “When others are in pain, that smile of yours makes them feel better.”
She sensed something different, and strangely comforting in Red Wolf Moondancer. It made her feel good to know he paid attention to her. When she smiled at him, he frowned.
“What are you thinking, Page?” She dared to ask. She knew it was none of her business, but it bugged her that he was now the silent one.
“I am in need of a Spirit Quest.” Red Wolf announced before jumping down with ease. “Are you to follow?”
Celine nodded, and jumped down as well. “What is a Spirit Quest?”
They walked back to Stargazer Castle.
“In the Kin-Clans, if a Hunter is confused to the point no one can help or save him, he leaves on a Spirit Quest.” Red Wolf said, watching the path ahead. “He must find answers within himself in order to find peace for the rest of the Kin-Clans.”
“Maybe that is what I need?” Celine asked aloud, not meaning to. “Do you think Papa would let me join you when you go?”
Red Wolf stopped in his tracks, staring at the Young Companion. “Your troubles are about your inner self, are they not?” Celine nodded. “I do believe you are in need of your first Spirit Quest. I could ask Sire Wolf if you could join me.”
Celine hugged him, conveniently forgetting all rules about her title. “Thank you, Red Wolf!”
Red Wolf hugged the girl back, his heart thumping at the act. Reluctantly pulling himself away, he said. “Now, Princess, none of that.” He teased in a soft voice. Once she met his eyes, he continued. “Time to return to the Castle. Would not want to appear suspicious, would we?”
Celine smiled, shaking her head. She raced ahead of him to the Castle. When she turned around to see where he was, he was nowhere to be found.


“Seth, what are you doing?” Scott Archer asked of his older brother. They were at a local roadside diner, waiting for their food. Seth was flipping through a phone book, looking for something. “You’re not going to find her in there.”
Seth frowned at his younger brother. “You don’t know that.” He growled, returning to his search. “She could be in here, you know.”
“We’re nowhere near Ray County.” Scott pointed out. He took the book from his brother’s hands and showed him the cover. “According to the book, we’re in Claire County.”
“I’m not looking for her in particular.” Seth remarked. “I’m searching for Reading Industries, the business her family owns.”
“How do you know they own Reading Industries?” Scott encountered. “Last we knew, she ran away from Shore Point, California, and that was thirteen years ago.”
“I know how long it’s been!” Seth growled just barely above a whisper. “I’ve been waiting thirteen years for my money. Now I intend to get it.”
“Stop acting like a jerk, Seth.” Scott dared to tell him off. “You’ll attract more attention than we need right now.”
Seth surveyed the diner. Few people had looked up from their meals and were giving them evil looks.
“You’re right.” He said, returning to the phone book.
Their food arrived minutes later.
“Anything else I can get you boys?” The waitress asked, smiling at each of them.
Just as Scott had said, “No, thanks,” Seth peeped up with. “Do you know where Reading Industries is located?”
The waitress tapped her pen to her chin to think. “Downtown Ray County, I believe. ‘Bout thirty miles west of here.” She looked from one brother to the other. “What do you want with that place? Got job interviews or somethin’?”
“Yes, that’s it.” Scott chimed before Seth could reveal the truth. “We need to meet with the owner, Mr. Reading himself.”
The waitress laughed. “Which one? There are three Mr. Readings running that place.”
The brothers looked at each other, shocked, then back to her.
Seth spoke. “I believe the elder, Mr. Alexander Reading.”
The waitress shook her head, keeping her smile. “Well, there are two of those, and both are called Junior.”
“I guess we’ll find out when we get there.” Scott replied. “Thanks, ma’am.”
“Good luck, boys.” She said. After setting the check at the end of the table, she left.
They started eating in silence, but Seth was too talkative.
“Great. Now what?”
“Now we go to Reading Industries, as you wish, and search for her.” Scott huffed. “Can we eat first, and plan later?”
“Fine. Eat now, plan later.” Seth mumbled, shoving a fork-full of coney dog into his mouth.
Scott watched his brother for a moment more before returning to his daydream. They, or rather, Seth, was searching for an old friend who owed him money. Scott, on the other hand, though he was younger than his brother by three years, was the smarter one. He couldn’t let Seth travel from Maryland to Michigan all by himself without a clue. Seth tended to be a little wild when it came to road trips, often getting himself lost and broke in a matter of days. Scott thought it would be smart to tag along, and keep track of everything. So far, the brothers had been on the road for two days, stopping at night when Scott thought it wouldn’t be good to drive. They took turns driving along the many stretches of highway. When it was Seth’s turn to drive, Scott was free to daydream about the only girl he’d really loved.
Something told him this particular road trip would take them not only to the girl who owed Seth money, but the girl Scott had often dreamed about over the years.

Young Guardian’s Other Secret

In no time, Ariana Reading was back to what she would consider normal. Lord Guardian commended her on taking his place, but scolded her for letting herself work hard enough to burn out as she did. She was back to just being her Young Guardian self, and couldn’t be happier.
In the Outer Realm, the Crusaders, with the additions of Julie, Jamie, TJ, Charlie, and now Sierra, were well in training with the Canine Army. The twins, Ariana and Luna, oversaw the Magic lessons of Julie and TJ, readying them for battle in the Outer Realm and the Dream Realm alike. Derrick, Jamie, Aaron and Shane worked on strategies against Orthos, should he strike at any moment. Jamie had even come up with an electronic palm-sized computer he called the Demon Indexer. The Demon Indexer would store entries of every demon known to the Dream Realm, from Orthos on. Even Aimee got into the act by keeping a watchful eye out for “baddies” in the Dream Realm at night.
Ariana was glad the emotional weight was lifted from her shoulders. It was good to know she had so many caring friends, who happened to double as brilliant fighters and detectives. At least she wouldn’t have to go at this new war alone. They’d be well prepared this time, no doubt about it.
Something was teasing her mind, though, and it had to do with Aimee’s own spell. It had been almost a month since she’d cast it, and so far, no results. She felt something within that reminded her of long ago. As she fed the baby Theodore, she stared at her right wrist.
Why am I thinking about the Blood Pact and the Three Musketeers now? What significance did it have with Aimee’s spell and our troubles to the Dream Realm? What did it all mean?
She would get her answers from a peculiar source.
Ariana had just shut the nursery door behind her when the phone rang. She knew her live-in Caretaker was outside with Andrew, Mark, and Melody, so she went to answer it herself.
“Reading residence, Ariana speaking.”
It took a moment for the caller to speak. “Just the voice I wanted to hear.”
The caller’s voice was familiar, but she couldn’t place it.
“Don’t you recognize my voice, Ariana Moon?” The male caller asked.
Ariana’s heart skipped, and she was scared. Very few people knew of her old name. Even fewer of those were men with strangely familiar voices. “Who is this?”
“You don’t remember me?” The man asked. “Shame. I remember you.”
“Just tell me who you are or I’m hanging up right now.”
“It’s Seth.” The man introduced himself, then waited a moment. “Seth Archer. Now do you remember me?”
The name clicked in her mind and the memories of thirteen years ago rushed to her mind. When she didn’t answer right away, Seth Archer continued.
“Look, Ariana. I’m on a mission, and I believe you know what it is.”
Yes, unfortunately she did know.
“Seth, I barely remember you. How did you find me?” Ariana asked.
She remembered why this particular Archer brother would contact her. Why did it have to be now? Of all times?
“I’ll explain when I see you.” Seth responded. “Scott’s coming with me, so behave.”
Ariana sighed inwardly. It was hopeless trying to keep him away any longer. Seth could be in trouble, and need what she had. Might as well go with it. Seth was harmless. At least, with his younger brother Scott around.
“I’m married and have five children. As long as your brother behaves around Amethyst, we should be okay.”
“The twins are with you?” Seth asked, amazed. “They were adopted after you ran off.”
“I know they were, into their own family.” Ariana explained. “If you don’t mind meeting my family, why don’t you come over for dinner?” She
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