» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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told him the address.
“No problem, Ariana Moon.” Seth said. “See you then.”
Before she could correct him on her name, he hung up.
Throughout the rest of the day, she silently did her housework and chores. Her mind was on what Seth Archer wanted. She knew, but didn’t know what to do about it.
It was almost fourteen years ago when Ariana Moon, thirteen-year-old orphan at the Shore Point Home for Children, found she was pregnant. Seeing no choice but to run away, she sought the help of two brothers who lived across the street from the Home. Seth and his younger brother Scott were close friends with the Three Musketeers, Amethyst Theresa, Aaron Theodore, and a lone child with special powers named Ariana Moon. At the time, Ariana and Seth made a deal. He lent her some money so she could run away and save the baby’s life. She was to pay it back ten years later, when she was settled in to her new life.
Thirteen years and five children later, Ariana had forgotten all about it. Her marital and familial bliss was about to be interrupted. Trouble was, could Derrick handle another male from Ariana’s past without letting his temper get the best of him? She would only hope so, and find out when the Archers arrived.
By the time dinner was ready, she made sure the entire family was there, save for Jamie, Julie, TJ, and Charlie, who were across the street, resting from their magical studies. Juliet and Sierra watched the children, Mark, Andrew, Melody, Theodore, Caleb, Meredith, Logan and Angel with the two older children Kelly and Bradley. Shane, Derrick, Aimee, and even Aaron were suspicious of Ariana’s behavior, but Luna was the only one to say anything.
“Why the family get together?” She asked her twin as she helped Ariana carry food from the kitchen to the table.
Ariana caught the eyes of Aaron and Aimee, saying. “Let’s just say I’ll need plenty of support.”
“Well, whatever is going on, we’re here for you.” Luna said. “You know that.”
Luna left to join her family, leaving Ariana alone in the kitchen to gather her thoughts.
Ariana stared out the window in a daze, fingering the scar on her wrist as a reminder. Sure, she’d told her family they were going to have unexpected company. Aimee and Aaron were the only ones who had a clue, as if reading into her thoughts.
She felt arms wrap themselves around her from behind, a warm and gentle kiss was placed at the nape of her throat. “What’s wrong, Love? I can sense your uneasiness.”
She sighed.
“Is it that bad you have to bring the entire family into it?” He whispered into her ear, holding her closer.
“You could say that.” Ariana quipped.
Her heart thumped when she answered the door a few minutes later. Derrick followed, curious.
She opened the door to meet eyes with two black-haired gentlemen with dark eyes. The taller she recognized as Seth. The shorter was Scott, with eyeglasses and a smile on his face.
“Well, we’re here.” Scott quipped, hugging her.
Seth hugged her next, pulling her back so he could get a better look at her. “Ariana Moon, you’ve not changed a bit.”
Ariana could feel Derrick seething behind her as Seth kissed her hand. She snatched it back nervously and invited them inside before shutting the door behind them.
Derrick cleared his throat. She turned to see her husband wasn’t smiling.
“Derrick, these are the Archer brothers, Seth and the younger Scott.” Ariana introduced. “Seth and Scott, this is my husband, Derrick Reading.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Derrick.” Scott held out his hand for Derrick to shake, but it was ignored, so he shoved it back in his pocket.
Ariana took the brothers to the living room, where Aaron and Aimee caught their eyes. When the four of them, not to mention Shane and Luna, were deep in conversation, Derrick pulled her aside.
“Who are they, and how do they know you as Ariana Moon?” He growled, just loud enough for her to hear.
“They lived across the street from the orphanage in Shore Point.” Ariana explained. “Seth and Scott befriended us.”
“What are they doing here?” Derrick asked. Thinking he heard someone coming, he thought to her. Did you love either of them as well?
Knock it off, Derrick James. She sent right back, and said aloud. “Seth only wants a word with me. That’s all.”
Before he could ask more, she turned on her heel and headed back to greet the family.
Dinner was a silent one, and for that, Ariana was grateful. Afterward, she had Juliet clean up and Sierra watched the kids with help from Bradley and Kelly.
You’re only delaying the inevitable. Aaron’s voice interrupted her thoughts when they passed.
Unfortunately, he was right.
Might as well get it over with.
She saw Scott and Aimee were catching up on old times, laughing and holding each other close. Ariana smiled at the sight. The two of them had been more than good friends when the Three Musketeers were at the orphanage. Seth was sitting with Aaron, Shane, and Luna, and heard him telling a story of their childhoods.
“Seth.” She got his attention. “What is this visit all about?”
He stood in front of her, frowning. “Have you forgotten your debt to me?”
“What debt?” Derrick growled from behind her. “We don’t even know who you really are.”
Without his eyes leaving Ariana’s, Seth answered. “She knows; why don’t you ask her?”
Ariana shook her head.
“No?” Seth asked. He met Derrick’s glare. “Better yet, why don’t I just tell you?”
Derrick folded his arms, ready to listen, but not believe whatever the guy had to say.
“Ariana Moon borrowed some money from my family nearly fourteen years ago. I’m just here to collect.”
“I’m begging you, Seth. Stop.” Ariana said firmly, placing a hand on Seth’s chest, and the other on Derrick’s, to stop either of them from advancing. “You don’t know what you’re doing by antagonizing him like that. Derrick is extremely protective over me.”
“Anything like Aaron here?” Seth remarked.
“Come on, bro.” Scott said. “Don’t start. We’re having such a nice time.”
“I can handle him, Scott.” Aaron growled to the only Archer brother he liked. He turned to Seth. “Leave me out of it. The debt is between the two of you; not Derrick, not Aimee, not Shane or Luna, and especially not me. You got that?”
Seth put his hands up in surrender. “Yeah, I got it.” He looked to Derrick and Ariana. “Look. All I want is my money and I’ll be out of your lives forever.”
“Fine.” Derrick said before Ariana could reply. “How much does she owe you?”
“Two hundred dollars.” Seth said simply.
Luna decided to get into the conversation. “What was it for?”
“To live on while I was pregnant with Kelly.” Ariana told her twin without looking away from Seth’s eyes. She shook her head. “It was a long time ago.”
Seth’s tone of voice went from commanding to pleading. She could sense something was wrong with him, but she couldn’t tell what.
“I really need that money, Ariana Moon.” Seth said softly.
“Stop calling me that.” Ariana remarked. “I’m no longer an orphan. I don’t need to be reminded of it.”
Seth was back to his nonchalant self, huffing. “Whatever.”
Derrick moved, but was caught by Shane while Ariana cried out. “Protector, no!”
This got his attention most of all. To be called his Dream Realm persona by her in this world meant serious business. He relaxed, backing off.
Ariana turned back to Seth. “Now, then.” She said. “I know you really need the money, but I have none to give.”
“You owe me!” Seth cried.
“Yes, I know, but Derrick and I are raising five children.” Ariana pointed out gently. “We just had Theodore not too long ago, and you know how expensive children can be.”
“What about our debt?” Seth asked.
“While I can’t give you money, I’m willing to make you another deal in lieu of it.” Ariana took his arm and led the small group back to the living room.
Seth eyed her once the others sat down. “I’m listening.”
She stared deep into his eyes and read his mind. Deep inside were demons unheard of. They wanted to come out, as all inner demons do. It was just a matter of time and the weak spirit named Seth Archer would let them. The end result wouldn’t be pretty.
“I’ll rid you of the demons that haunt you at night. I’ll rid you of all nightmares that keep you awake and plague your dreams. I’ll take away the inner demons that are threatening your very sanity during the day.” Ariana explained in her Young Guardian’s tone. “Would that be enough to settle our longstanding debt?”
Seth and Scott both stared at her.
Derrick watched silently, finally seeing this guy wasn’t a threat. Scott’s hand was in Aimee’s, so she squeezed. Shane was fingering his Pendant-Locket, frowning as he nodded in understanding. Luna held her head, eyes closed, for the emotions she felt from Seth were overwhelming. Sierra, who came in from outside, wrapped a loving arm around Aaron’s waist as if reading his mind-call for her.
It took a while, but Seth croaked. “How did you know about that?”
Ariana smiled, erasing the scared look off his face. “There’s something you forgot about me, Seth Mateo. I’m an Ancient Mystic, and a powerful one at that. Since we last saw each other, I’ve learned a lot about what kind of powers I have. I’ve learned them, controlled them, and even let them grow.”
“So...” Seth said.
“What I’m saying is this.” Ariana began. “I can heal you, from the inside out. Before, I could only heal your body’s cuts and scrapes.”
“It took you a long time to do it, too.” Scott supplied.
“It did, back then.” Ariana kept her smile. “My healing powers have grown in thirteen years, gentlemen. Ask any of my family. They’ll tell you. I can do anything in my ability to heal your mind and be sure you’re never bothered by inner demons again.”
Seth looked around the room. Derrick, Shane, Sierra and Luna nodded. He only believed her words when he saw Aimee and Aaron nodding as well.
She continued seriously this time. “It’s up to you, Seth. I can make your life a living hell, or one of peaceful happiness. Am I making myself clear?”
Seth frowned, suddenly serious. “Perfectly.”
Derrick put a hand on Ariana’s shoulder. “Are you sure about this?”
“As sure as I am my own name.”
“What about your magical strength?” Derrick asked. “You’ve been through hell lately. Are you okay to do something this big?”
“Please, Derrick. Don’t worry about me.” Ariana touched his cheek, forcing him to feel her love. “I owe him my life.”
“Fine.” Derrick sighed, giving up. He knew there was no stopping her once she was on a Healer mission. Even if the one she was healing appeared to be a complete scoundrel. He kissed her lips, savoring the flavor. “Let me know if you need anything, Love.”
Ariana nodded, shooing him away. She took command immediately. “Grand Magus, take them out of here. I’ve got work to do.”
“Right, Young Guardian.” Luna announced, nodding.
“Young Guardian?” Seth asked once the rest of her family was gone.
“That’s who I am in the Dream Realm.” Ariana took him to a guest bedroom in the rear of the house. “You remember our escapes, don’t you?”
Seth nodded. “Uh, what are you going to do with me?”
They stopped in the doorway.
“Exactly what I said I’d do. Heal you.” Ariana responded. She gestured to the bed. “First thing I want you to do is lie down and relax.” Once
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