» Family & Relationships » Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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called up.

My breath hitched in my throat as I felt my heart beat against my chest rapidly, and I slowly put my phone back into my small bag, trying to distract myself from the feeling of my stomach exploding inside my body, just as the biddings on Sally began. What if Adrian didn’t ‘take care of it’ and I had to go home with a complete stranger? What if no one bid on me at all?

People gasped as Suzie banged the wooden gravel and called out, “SOLD! FOR $38,500! Sally has had the most generous contribution so far!” People clapped and the dreaded moment finally came. “I’d like to call up our 7th volunteer for the night, Ms. Emily Johnson!”

I knew it was coming yet I still froze at the mention of my name. I stayed glued to my position until I received a light push from someone behind me. “Go!” she hissed, bringing me back to reality.

I stumbled out from behind the curtain and instantly began blushing as I clumsily attempted to straighten myself. Once I was standing up straight, I looked up, and my eyes widened in shock. There had to be at least 300 people here!

“Emily is new to the staff list as Mr. Kingston’s new assistant,” said Suzie in a playful tone, “I’m sure some of you may have heard of her. This girl is not only beautiful, but smart, caring, funny and feisty.” I gave her a look of horror, receiving a small smile in return. “Shall we start the bid at $10,000?” she asked, glancing around the large venue.

My eyes scanned the room and instantly found Adrian. He was staring at me with the same expression he had on when I wore the black dress. When I looked around, I found that most of the men in the room also had the same look on their faces, adding to my grief.

Someone cleared their throat, breaking the silence and the trance the room was in.

“$10,000.” My eyes flew over to find the man who had spoken. He had a bald spot on the top of his head, making his skin shine in the light. I tried to keep my disgust hidden as he smirked in my direction, and I went to look over at Adrian again. He was still staring.

This was his definition of ‘taking care of it?!’

“We have $10,000 from Mr. Blackford. Can I get a $10,500?” Suzie called out, and another man instantly put up his number. “$10,500.”

“$11,000!” Another man shouted from the back, slightly jumping out of his seat when he announced it.


My blood turned cold as I recognised the voice, and my eyes met David Walter’s. He looked as smug as ever. I swallowed nervously and looked down at my shoes. Adrian wasn’t going to do anything, by the looks of it.

“$16,000!” The man who previously placed a bid on me from the back called out, wiping David Walter’s smug expression off his face.

“$17,000.” David stated, frowning slightly.

“I have a bidder on the phone who couldn’t make it tonight and likes the look of this one. $20,000.” It was a new voice, a woman’s. She was tall, with a raven black mane surrounding her pale features. She sent a small smile in my direction and I briefly returned it, trying to mask my tears.

“I’ll put $30,000.”

It was another familiar voice, and my eyes widened at the sight of Allen’s grin. He waved at me and I almost fainted from relief – until I saw Adrian’s death glare directed to the back of Allen’s head. Allen noticed me staring at Adrian, and his smile instantly slipped off his face as he turned around to meet Adrian’s harsh gaze. Adrian said something and he scowled at Allen, before turning his attention back to me.

“$35,000!” A new voice called, and my eyes landed on yet another rich man in a suit, who was staring at my chest. I glared in his direction and covered the area with my bag.

“The feisty side is coming out. I like it. I’ll put down $40,000.” It was another stranger, smirking in my direction.

“You’re not the only one, Liam,” David Walter chuckled, before his gaze landed back on me. “$50,000.” He declared.

“$52,000.” The man – Liam – countered, glaring at David.

“$55,000,” David said, the same glare crawling onto his features.

“Oh my,” I heard Suzie mutter from beside me. I looked over at her shocked expression and grimaced. I was done for.

“$60,000!” Liam exclaimed, his eyes narrowing even further.

“$100,000,” David announced, smiling smugly at Liam, whose eyes widened at the statement.

“150,000!” The bald man who first began the bid announced, taking everyone by surprise.


A collective gasp echoed in the venue, and everyone turned in shock to the woman who was speaking on behalf of whoever was bidding on the phone. “And my client is willing to top off any other bid that may be announced after that,” she added, her eyes narrowing slightly as if challenging the others in the room.

My eyes widened as my lips parted in shock. Half a million dollars?

Suzie cleared her throat after a dragging silence, and stepped back up onto the microphone. “Uh…” she began, still in shock. “$500,000. Going once…” No one said anything.

“Going twice…” My eyes flickered over to David Walter, whose hand clenched and flinched around his bidding number.

“SOLD TO THE BIDDER ON THE PHONE!” Suzie announced, banging the gravel three times before letting out a long breath. “Wow. Half a million dollars. Ms. Emily Johnson, ladies and gentlemen! Our highest bid so far!” The room had erupted into thunderous applause, continuing on as I got off the stage. I made my way over to the lady with the phone.

“Hello Emily,” she said with a smile, as she slipped her phone into her pocket.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” I began nervously, gripping my bag like a lifeline, “Who am I going home to tonight?”

“It’s a surprise,” she said simply. She gave me a mysterious smile before placing a slender hand on my shoulder. “You need to sit next to your boss, for the time being. I’ll come collect you when the event is over.”

I nodded and waved at her as I slowly made my way over to the table where Adrian, Allen, two people I didn’t recognise and Adrian’s parents were seated. There was only one seat available on the table – and it was wedged in between Adrian and Allen. Great, two people I really didn’t want to talk to.

I took my seat silently, not making eye contact with either of the men I was seated in between, and placed my bag on my lap demurely. “Hey, Em!” Allen greeted, smiling. I glanced briefly in his direction, before turning back to Suzie, who was now announcing Courtney’s ‘qualities.’

“Shortcake,” I heard Adrian murmur into my ear, making me stiffen from the proximity. Regardless, I brushed him off by turning my shoulder so that he faced my back. It was his fault I was going home with a complete stranger who“Shortcake, please listen to me for a moment,” Adrian said into my ear once again. I realised he was keeping his voice low because we were surrounded by business people. I took a deep breath before turning around to face him, and gave him my fiercest glare. I hope it came across clearly that I was in no mood to talk to him right now. Not waiting for a reaction, I turned my attention back to the front of the venue.

Adrian sighed from beside me, and I saw him glace at Allen from the corner of my eye.

Suddenly, someone chuckled on the table, making me avert my attention from Suzie. My eyes landed on Adrian’s father, who was looking at me and chuckling, eyes twinkling in amusement.

“My, my,” he said. “My son is not one for rejection. I like you. If he ever fires you, let me know. I’ll give you your job back in the blink of an eye.” He winked, and I looked at him in confusion as he continued laughing.

Once he sobered up, he smirked at me, and I was taken aback momentarily because he looked exactly like Adrian – just an older version. “Mason Kingston. Nice to meet you, Emily.” He nodded, and his smirk grew. “You’re very beautiful.”

I began to blush as I looked down at my bag. “Uh…” I trailed off, trying to figure out Mason Kingston’s cheerful behaviour. “Thank you, sir,” I finally said, smiling slightly.

“I hope my slut of a son hasn’t been treating you badly.” My eyes widened in shock as the sentence left his mouth, and he burst into a fit of loud laughter, attracting gazes from the tables around ours.

“Mason,” Adrian’s mother snapped, “that’s quite enough.” She glared at her husband before she turned the glare to me. I frowned slightly at the harshness of her look, and looked down at the empty plate in front of me to avoid her gaze.

“Katherine, relax. I’m just having a little fun. Something you should try once in a while when we’re not in be-” Katherine shoved a carrot into Mason’s mouth, and he chuckled as he chomped on it, purposely loud.

Katherine turned toward her son with the slightest ghost of a smile. “Adrian, honey. I would like to speak with you after this is over.”

“What about, dearest mother of mine?” Adrian asked wryly. Her eyes travelled over to me briefly, narrowing a little just before they returned to Adrian’s face.

“Just something,” she said vaguely.

Adrian, however, noticed the brief look his mom gave me, and he glared as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I wanted to pull away – still angry with him – but I figured he was trying to prove a point to his mother.

“Sure.” He smiled at his mother tightly. “By the way, Emily and I are planning on going on a trip next weekend. Just thought I’d let you know.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise before I managed to mask it. I internally scoffed, thinking, You wish.

“That’s… interesting.” She finally said, glaring in my direction again. My blood began to boil and I gnashed my teeth together. What the hell was this lady’s problem with me? We’ve never met!

I picked up a carrot and took a bite before remembering Adrian’s arm around me. I disentangled my waist from his grip just as Mason spoke up.

“Emily, have you ever tried stuffing things in between your chest? I mean, they’re pretty huge. I see why my son has taken particular interest to you as his assistant.” He winked as I choked on the carrot I was in the middle of swallowing, and my face turned into a tomato as I felt the heat radiate on every corner of my face.

“Dad,” Adrian groaned, rubbing his temple.

I looked around us discreetly, hoping no one had been paying attention to Mason’s comment. I felt Adrian shuffling beside me and I turned to see him shrugging off his suit jacket.

He handed it over to me with a look of warning. Wear it, his face read.

I took the jacket off him and slipped it on, the sleeves covered my hands by a good few centimetres and the shoulder area was way too broad – sagging on my arms.

“I told you not to look hot, Shortcake,” he murmured into my ear, smirking once he pulled away.

I glared in his direction before turning over to Allen, who had stayed quiet this entire time.

“So, what made you bid on me?” I asked, my tone coming out bitchy.

Allen looked at me with surprise before a small grin broke out. He shrugged. “You’re hot.”

I didn’t believe him. “Is that all? No one told you to?” I asked, briefly turning to Adrian for a moment before turning back to Allen for my answer.

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