» Family & Relationships » Brothers of the Moon (first 3 chapters only), Tiffany Morris [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Brothers of the Moon (first 3 chapters only), Tiffany Morris [best thriller novels of all time .txt] 📗». Author Tiffany Morris

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in there kid.."


It seemed to take forever before he pulled up to the office and barged inside before slowing down for a moment.


He looked at the boy and could see the resemblance in his face. They shared the same black hair.. He


approached slowly and knelt down beside him "Drake.." He whispered in misbelief. Scott watched curiously. "So


you do know him?" Derek oulled the small male into his lap and nodded. "yes..he's my kid brother...what


hapened? tell me everything why is he like this!" The older boy growled protectively. Deaton knelt down beside


Derek. He studied his face. The man was tense, almost angry his eyes glowing with distress.


"Derek did you ever learn about 'Inner Grief'?" Derek nodded "it sometimes happenes to young werewolves after


they recall kiling someone." Deaton gestured towards Drake. "He is just at the age for his first shift..I suppose his


adoptive parents thought he was ill and tried to treat him..and he became worse..Until finally shifted and likely


without hesitation..killed them. When Scott took the picture he snapped awake and he was in an extrememly


distressed state it must have triggered his memories and realizing what he did he is lost in grief.."Derek stared


down at his younger sibling. "but he couldn't have meant to..he didn't have anyone there to help him control it."


Deaton nodded "I know..but you're here and you can save him...If he wants to be saved." Derek locked eyes with


Deaton nodding "tell me how."

Delving into the Heart

Deaton swallowed, “alright, but you have to remember, Drake can not be force back


you can‘t wake him up unless he is willing, and for him to do that you are going to need to gain his trust.”Derek


slowly nodded “how do I get him to trust me..we don’t even know each other.” Deaton touched his shoulder


reassuringly. “You did once wolves have remarkable memory beside its either you or Peter...actually Peter may be


better suited, he has more experience in mental connection and he was there when the fire happened, you were at


school.” Derek slowly nodded “do we have time to get him here?” Deaton nodded “The wolfsbane is out of his system


now...but I don't think Drake would have as good as a bond with him as he would with you, after all the two of you


do look quite alike." ” Dereks’ eye glew a bright yellow. “he got shot?!” Deaton sighed slightly. "yes I found him


passed out as the poison was spreading through his body but I brought him straight here..still he's not out of


danger.." Derek looked puzzle "what do you mean he's healed hasn't he? how is he still in danger?" The veternarian


looked at Derek, considering his worlds carefully. "I'm not sure how much time he has left.." Derek looked down at


Drake and noticed blood trickling from his ear. He touched the warm, red liquid and glanced up at Deaton. "what's


happening to him?" The vet examined the blood. "He's more upset than I thought..Drake is attacking his inner


wolf..trying to kill the part of him that caused all of his pain..but what he doesn't know is he is the wolf..he's killing



himself." Derek hit the table in frustration "Forget Peter, we don't have time tell me how to do the ritual! tell me


now!" Deaton sat Drake up "come help me put him on the floor I'll hold him up." The two grunted as they placed him


on the cool tile. The veternarian gestured with his hand as he instructed Derek . "Now crouch down in front of him as


if you're kneeling and press your forehead to his. Derek did so sighing slightly. "you sure this is going to work?" The


older male looked down at the beta werewolf. "you want the truth?" Derek huffed as he shook his head


"nevermind..what's next?" Deaton grabbed hold of Dereks' hands. "Sink your claws into the back of his neck then


relax and allow your wolf to take over."Derek hesitated a moment the thought of causing th kid even more harm


wasn't something he wanted to do, but slowly he slid his claws past the layer of skin and pressed the tips againnst


the spinal cord. His yellow eyes glowing dimly before he closed them. When Derek awoke he found himself standing


nearby his old home its white wooden frame ablaze with angry, red flames. His eyes widened so Drake really had


been there during the fire. He saw one of the small basement windows being punched out and he approached to


watch. Peter was coughing frantically and he held something in his hands. The older male shoved a small bundle out


of the window and managed to shout out to the young form despite his aching throat and panic. "Run Drake! run


don't stop, keep going!" From out of a small bundle emerged a white wolf pup dusted in soot. It wobbled forward on


clumsy legs clearly disoriented. He made it as far as to the side of the road well out of harms way, before collapsing


to the ground unconcious returning to his human from. Soon a car came by and two people who Derek assumed


were Drakes' foster parents, scooped the child up and took him to the hospital.Everything blurred around him but he


could still see the two kind adults' faces. Suddenly their expressions saddened as they dabbed at Drakes' feverish


face with cool rags and they glanced at each other worriedly. Derek stepped forward and looked to the right to spot


another Drake. The concious one he glanced at Derek for a moment before his gaze locked on his other self. The


memory he had of him laying in bed screaming in pain. He tensed as he saw his wolf eyes glow. Derek growled


protectively and grabbed Drake in a tight embrace. Pressing the youth against his chest to block out the gruesome


sight. "you don't have to see that anymore..I'm here." Drake calmed down and their surroundings became white he


slowly pulled away wiping the tearss eyes. "who,who are you?" Derek allowed his eyes to glow. "I'm like you I'm a


werewolf we are brothers we have the same mother..that's why you can become a full wolf its very rare." Drake was


skeptical "then what is your name "Derek Hale" Drake scoffed "we aren't last name is Wolfe not Hale"


Derek shook his head. "If your not adopted then how come your foster parents didn't know how to treat you? You


weren't bitten and turned into a werewolf were born one." Drake snarled "I didn't ask to be!" His eyes


glowing an angry bright blue,Derek grunted his nose beginning to drip blood he panted a bit and nodded slightly as he


gathered himself. "I know you didn't but, you stay in here and fight what you are'll die."Drake huffed and shook his


head. "no I won't come back..I can't control it." Derek approached him slowly, placing his strong hands on the his


younger siblings shoulders. "hey..look at me, I can teach you to control your new abilities. I know it's scary and


painful but I've been through it I know what it is like and I can help you you'll never harm anyone else


again..will you come back with me?" Drake thought for a long moment before nodding slowly. He closed his eyes and


blinked a few times his vision dark and blurry as shapes began to come into focus. He hissed in pain as he felt


Dereks' claws pull out of his neck. "oww!" Derek winced. "yeah sorry it was the only way I could contact you.." The


elder boy reached down helping Drake to his feet. The younger boy glanced around "whoa..where am I?" Deaton


stepped forward "an animal hospital I found you by the road, You were badly hurt." Drake nodded. "yeah I was shot


by guys in the woods.." The veternarian nodded. "you were poisoned by wolfsbane luckily they use common type


native to this area....or else well we wouldn't be having this converation." Drake held out his hand to shake the mans.


"thanks I owe you." Deaton chuckled. "it's not my first time rescuing a werewolf and I'm confident it won't be the last."



Text: Tiffany Morris
Publication Date: 07-22-2014

All Rights Reserved

This book would have never been written if not for the amazing Tyler Hoechlin and of course the makers of Teen Wolf

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