» Family & Relationships » Invisible, Chalen D. [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Invisible, Chalen D. [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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"You could of dressed a little better. Did you run a brush through your hair today?" My mother shot off.
It was Sunday morning. Every Sunday Mom has Tea with her Model friends. Today's bring your daughter, A.K.A future Model, to tea. It was way too early to deal with my Mothers constant criticism, yet some how I managed to answer her calmly, which surprised me.
"This is the only dress I have Mother."
She sighed, "What about the hair brush?"
"Yes, Mother. I ran a brush through my hair."
"When we're done here, we'll shop for a decent dress. I can't believe I'm taking you here, looking the way you do."
"Yes, Mother."
"Don't slouch!" She yelled, as if it where against the law.
She smacked my shoulder, and I sat up taller.
"I swear, it's as if you're a boy in a girls body. Not even you Father, has such poor manners."
"Yes, Mother."
"Are you getting an attitude with me?"
"Wouldn't dare Mother."
She cut her eyes to me, then turned her eyes back to the road.
First of all, it was the beginning of December, therefore it was to darn cold to wear a dress. Mother almost had a heart attack when she saw me pair the dress with leggings and boots. I had my hair up, and traded my beanie for a pink ribbon, that Mother lent me. I wasn't really looking forward to going to tea. Of course Mother wouldn't have it saying, 'No daughter of mine will not be going. Even if that daughter is you, Ronan.' I sighed quietly and looked out the window. Two kids where laughing, as they made a snowman, with their parents. I wonder what it'd be like to build a snowman. Mother always told me it wasn't lady like to play in the snow. Yet the woman was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Even prettier than Mother herself, which is saying a lot. The trees where bare. The branches looked, odd with out leaves. They looked as if they where reaching out to you, wanting help. Of course you would have no idea how to help a tree. I sighed again wishing I had my Ipod.
"Stop sighing. You have no right to. Didn't your Father and I give you everything?"
"Yes Mother."
No, Mother. You never showed me love or attention, like all the other Mothers. Mother and Father always made sure I had clothes and food, cause they didn't want to get into trouble. My older sister got taken away, by CPS. I don't remember much about her. I remember her name was Lexi, and she had the kindest blue eyes I'd ever seen. She used to stand in front of me as Father came home from drinking, even after she new she'd get struck. She would stand tall, chin up, and slowly reach for me, behind her. I would quickly cling onto her hand. At Five years old, Lexi was the strongest person I knew. She was so brave. They didn't take me cause I was at My Grandmother's, and they didn't know I lived in the house. Grandmother died when I was 12. She showed me love. I like to think Lexi had a decent life, and she's making money, and living her dreams somewhere. I also like to think she's looking for me. Mother pulled up to yet another big house. If you don't have money, Mother and Father refuse to look your way. If you didn't have money, I'd cling to you for the normality, only no one ever notices me. I used to be fat, but I lost weight thinking that my parents would notice me, cause being skinny is important to them. Only some how I didn't only lose weight, I lost myself. It's as if when I finally lost weight, I ended up withering away. At least when i was fat they'd notice me long enough to talk about my weight, and tell me how fat and gross I was. I know normal parents don't say those things to their kids, but at least they were talking to me.
"Now, try not to talk, or do anything. Act like your Invisible." Mother said.
She put on her purse and got out. She shut the door, and walked up the walkway. I was good at being Invisible. It's all I've ever known. I waited until she was inside, and got out of the car. The woman whispering, and shooting hateful glances at me, had me smoothing my wrinkled dress, and hurrying inside. Girls had cups of tea, and laughed. I wondered for a second what it'd be like having a best friend. Someone you can tell everything to, and you couldn't stay mad at them, cause you would have to tell them things that where going on. They'd know you inside and out, and they'd love you for you. The girls stopped and looked over at me. they looked back at each other and laughed, as if they didn't have to say anything, cause they could read one another's faces. What's wrong with me? I'm a person aren't I? I hid in the car, until, everyone slowly started to leave.
"Why did you stay in the car?" Mother asked, getting in.
"I don't fit in here."
"It's a good thing you stayed in the car. No one knew you where my Daughter. thank God." She said, as if I hadn't spoke.
I was used to this. I rolled my eyes, and gazed out the window. A blue bird flew by. I wish I was a bird. Then, I'd never have to stay in one place. I watched the bird, fly over the car and disappear.
"Oh shoot!" Mother said hitting the steering wheel then cutting her eyes to me. "Why didn't you remind me about the mall?"
"I forgot."
"You forgot. see, this is what i get for having a stupid daughter ." she said, throwing a hand out.
She turned the car around and we got clothes.
"Now go put this dress on." She said. handing me the dress.
I took the dress and went into the bathroom. Truth be told, i hate the dress. It's white, and looks like a nigh dress. I shoved my other dress into the bag, and we put the bags in the car. Since we where already at the mall, Mother took me to the hair dresser. A man in black made his way too us.
"As you can see we have a big problem." Mother said, picking up a magazine.
The man looked at my pony tail tied with a ribbon.
"Well your hairs up, so is this problem gum?"
"No. it's her hair, all together. I want this cut for her." Mother said, showing him a magazine.
"are you okay with this?" the man asked me.
I opened my mouth.
"Mother knows best. get to cutting."
"This way." he said, leading me to the back.
I didn't see the hair style so I was completely at my Mothers mercy. I just hope for my sake she doesn't butcher me. I already have problems at school. I got a rinse and the cut.
"I love it." I said, running my hands through it.
"See? Mother knows best." She said, holding out her card.
She got her card back, and led me to the car by my hand. This is new, she never touches me.
"Honey look!" mother said, pulling me into Father's office. He circled me with his hand to his chin.
"Meet me in the Sun room. I'd like to take some pictures of you for work."
I hate the sun room. It was all white. Maybe it was the color white that i hate. It's seems so empty. I walked to the sun room. Mother closed the door, and I heard their hushed voices behind it. Their voices were to low to make out. I walked into the sun room and to the window. i pulled the curtain back and looked outside. A rabbit was hoping through the snow, making holes . I sighed and let the curtain fall. As I pulled my hand back i heard a click. My head snapped up to Father, who had his camera in front of his face.
"Look out the window again Ronan." He said.
I looked out the window, this time seeing a bird was following in the rabbit's wake.
When I got home from school Fathers office was open, and I could see the point of a black frame. I looked around and tip toed into his office. The black frame held a picture of me. The picture was smeared a little as if I where disappearing. Grate. Even in photos I'm invisible. I looked down at my hand to see i was holding my keys to tightly. I loosened my hand, and saw a key indented into my hand. I looked at the roof.
"Help me keep myself together."
I left Fathers study, and jogged up the stairs to my room. i shut my door, and tossed my bag on my bed. I plugged in my Ipod and turned up the music. I tossed aside my neon orange curtains and pushed the window open. the chilled air felt nice on my hot face. I painted a canvas black and with neon purple wrote LOVE? I stood back and admired my work. I picked up my small fan and dried it. Once it was dried I brought it to my walk in closet. I nailed it next to my painting that said Invisible. so far i think that one's my favorite.
I hurried from my closet to face Mother. she looked a little pale.
"It's for you." she said, holding out the phone.
I took the phone and she crossed her arms. When i knew she wasn't going to leave, i pressed the phone to my ear and turned down my music.
"Ronan?" A girl asked.
"What's up?"
"It's me. Lexi."
I looked at mother, who cocked her head.
"Do you remember me Ronan?"
"I was just talking with Mother. She said if it was okay with you, that I could come get you for a while."
"Can you give me some space Mother?" I asked, going into my closet. "When can you come get me?"
"Not until Christmas vacation."
"I can wait."
"Are you sure? I live far away from you, so you won't we able to go home. You'll have to stay the whole vacation."
"I'll be fine."
"Perfect." She said, sounding relieved. "How-how you doin'? you okay?"
"I'm doing okay."
"I know that means your doing pretty bad."
"No really, things have calmed down around here once you left." I didn't need her worrying about me.
"Really? Wow, what cooled off?"
I liked how she was talking to me as if we're close. I tried to mimic her tone. I leaned against the wall.
"Oh you know, Father quit drinking, Mother got her model carer going. I have nice clothes and stuff."
"Well that's good. You sure you want to visit me?"
"I'm sure." I said to quickly.
"I'm just kidding." She chuckled.
"Oh." i laughed with her.
"Well let me talk to Mother again so I can arrange your flight, and things."
I opened the door, and Mother flew back.
"Were you listening?" i demanded.
Mother rolled her eyes and took the phone.
"What?" she asked, closing the

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