» Family & Relationships » I Dont Want To Love, Nyree [ebook and pdf reader TXT] 📗

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friends.Lets just be partners in this class.yeah sure what ev'.

Chapter 4 :Classes

okay come on Fara it's time for period two science.
Science,okay lets go..okay his name is seriously his name is i would keep telling you how each period went or goes but i'm getting board talking about my self and him lets fast foward.

Fith period okay Fara it's time or lunch lets go.okay lets.Hear we are fara...WHOLEY SHITTTT THIS FREAKING PLACE IS HUUUGE!!!This place is like a palice,huge,nice tables.Are we in a college cafe or something darren? no oure school gets donations for our great acedemic,reading and you're tellig me that you get all theses nice things for a great school.yep thats exactly that i'm saying.okay??

"HI Darren how are you" says a calm sweet girly voice.Hey Jenny,this is my friend fara.darren like i said befor were not friends.Oh hi nice to meet you fara whats you're last name.Mackavie,my last name is mackavie.Wow are you related to a mt mackavie?who? i'll take that as a no.Hey darren will you sit with me today.Sure okay jen.

Hey fara do you want to sit wit us.Naw i'm good.Can one of you show me where no one sits.Sure in the far corner of the room right there.thanks Darren,no sure fara plenty of room...well i wouldn't say plenty of room darren alot of people sit wit us.No no they don't Jen.Naw it's cool darren i will tell you something jenny i don't want him so there is less compition for you so by..

yeah you think i'm going to let some wanabee chica call me out.i'm one person who can take a hint.yeah i don't need to like him chica and if you want to hold a convo in spanish lets go,i can get him if i want.Jenny what are you talking you already have me.

you're dateing her,wow i thaugh a guy like you would fall for something better.well guess what trick he did.jenny i don't like you being this way.

I'm sorry baby give me a kiss.sure come over hear.How do you make puquing noises trust me i wish i could but i tryed not to care.I just walked way and weht to the corner before more people came down to lunch.the thing about sitting in the corner is that you see everything.

Darren come on stop looking at her and more at me.Sure okay.Darren who is that?fara faraganda mackavie you asked her her name.yeah but i don't like you hanging out with her.... He's stareing at me and i think his girlfriend is to obssed in her wird to notice.Darren are you listening to me? A little.Listen to me Darren you only new this girl for a few periods and i don't like you staring at her.Stop it or were through !!!Well then jenny i guess were over done.

WAIT WHATTTTTTT !!!! YOU ARE NOT BREAKING UP WITH ME NOW ARE YOU!!Well jenny we are over wit,i'm outa hear.

Hey dude nice to have you back.we all missed you.A group of guys said.I see that you and jenny broke up.Yeah Dereck,everyone heard our breakup.Dude who's that fine ass chick in the black sirt in the corner,one of the guys said.Dude se probubly can hear who is she??Thats Fara,Faraganda Mackavie.She new? Duh if she wasn't you prouble would have asked me who she was a while ago boy....yeah yeah what ev,don't snippy wit me.Igh't.

Dude think that she will be my new girl friend by the end of the day.the thing they didn't know about me is that for some reason i had great hearing is if i focused well enough i could probubly hear ever conversation in this room.So dude do you know her? do a little i'm showing her around the school and to all her classes that i have with her.

Cool can you maybe help a dude out?Naa i don't think you to would make a good couple and besides she is a keep to herself kind of person.Well i think i can change that!!Dereck leave her lone.Why you like her? No,well just as a friend at so you won't mind if i ask her out,right now.Naa go right a head.

Is this guy serous,he's really going to try and ask me out.Okay time of some fun with Dereck."HEY Fara" he says in a loud tone as if he's trying to get my attention.You,me friday night,movie.what do you have to say to that???I hesitate for a moment and listen to Darrns table talk "5 bucks say she laughs and walks away.No dude 10 dollars say she says yes like the rest f the girls.No you guys i kinda know her and i bet you she laughs,looks at him,and says no get you're corney thinking he's a player ass outa hear."okay what one am going to choose,i might choose Darren's.I laughed,look at him,and said no the exact words he said.

Are you turning me down,me Dereck Mason.Any girl would be happy to go out with me.well then why don't you ask those girls out.those girls who need a reound,a one time thing.yeah thats it walk away dereck by by now."OOOOOOOOO BURN" Thats all you hear from the boys table is laughter,and ooo you got burned.It's dum funny seeing thee expresions.

Chapter 5: Pets

End of the day finally.Teachers are a bore,people tring get with this why?i don't know.Flow keeps on randomly keeps on randomely apears telling me i'm getting to close to these peoples but i can't help if there atracked to me.

For the people who are wondering who's flow,shes me pet bat.The only one who i love that can handle any problem,crisis know to man,plus anything that would hert anyone else dosn't hert her.It's like shes made out of indistructable skin material.Shes like any other bat but she can talk,with stand any pain.I get afraid sometimes about calling her out in pubic places but...what can hearm her.

One day after school flow came out and told me it's time to train.At first i was like train what train,till i though about it,magic.My grandmother always said practice makes perfect,but sometimes i dought that.Flow teaches me many spells,such a telapotaion and the power of levitation.But no go.Many,many failors.some of the times she doesn't let me go to school untill i master the easyest of spells.

I am tired out of my mind right now.All weekend flow had me practicing spells.I can't believe that i'm actually excited to go to school tommorow.I use to hate mondays but with flow teaching me these spells and me kinda haveing a crush on Darren makes me want to go to school.Flow tells me that i'm getting to close to this guy but i try not to admitt it.

I know that i'm supose to be not kinda likeing peope but i can't help it.comon i am still a teenage girl who wants and needs love.Don't even take it ther you perves...Each day it seems like the world gets britter and britter each time i see Darren.the wierd thing about this is that i never felt this way about a guy before.I always had the feeling like oohh that guy is cute.But Darren is so different.He's nice,cute,sweet funny thats definitly different.He actually cares about me.he doesn't think i'm a freak..

Hey faraganda wate up!!! Hey bobby how have you been??yeah yeah great faraganda did you do the math homework for Ms.Blotch,please tell me you did it ???OOOOOOOHHHHHH shoot i forgot all about that i was caught up in something all weekend.

Maybe you should ask Darren,he normally does all the homewok in class.Yeah i already talked to him,he said i need to stop being lazy and do it,right before he said ask you.Speaking of the dude, hi darren hows you're day?Bobby please stop acting like you're interested in my day or life bobby.okay then let me cut to the chase then please please please please please let me borrow the homework or copy it.Ms.Blotch told me if i don't get every answer right on it i fail the quarter.Well bobby i guess that you haven't been copying the smart people,like the jocks..

I laughed a little but i tryed to laugh loud enough so that darren would laugh as well.To me it seemed like he was haveing a bad day.Seeing him crack a little smile was good.So Fara and Bobby,are you ready for the the math final."Final,what finaly? I WAS NEVER TOLD ABOUT A FINAL !!!" I said in a panicky tone.ohhh yeah i totally forgot about the final oh well i try and copy the person next to me.Yeah good luck with that Bobby."Fara how did you forget about the test" said Darren in a harsh tone.So thats why you look like there a huge pain in you're head.

You noticed my painfull expression?? yeah,well you didn't look a happy as usual.well you're right all weekend i did nothing but study,well ecept for shower,use the bathroom and sleep.My brain is fully of math like pi and equlateral triangles and more.Well i see that you to are kind of kicking me ou of the group so i gata go.Wate,What did you say Bobby.Yeah by.stay kinda smart Bobby.yeah yeah don't get lost stareing at each other.

What ever bobby,don't mind him he's a little bit....yeah sorry to inturupt you darren but i don't care about him and besides we have to go to class now any whay.yeah you're right man i hate school !!! you're not alone Darren,there are alot of people who feal the same way.In my head i was thinking that school isn't so bad when you have the right people there but,yeah it was the truth.

Math,Math,Math i hate it so much.before we started the test the teach went on about check yo're work and try you're best blah blah blah.I zoned out after Ms.Blotch saiddoes everyone have a number 2 something.i wasn't sure if it was pencil or paper.Well if it was paper then it would make any sense.After i took the test,i was finished before everyone. the suckish and kinda good part about the test is that was that it was suppose to last till 5th period.

I would be happy about lunch but me trying to be a keep to my self kinda person is failing.I have friends like Bobby and Darren.well i guess you you can't really count Bobby to be a friend.oh yeah Darrens friends as well are starting to sit with me because he wants to sit with me.Even his annoying friend Dereck.

Here they come. some of darrens friends are cute but not all of them.Thing about jocks is they normally only date cheerleaders.The thig about it is that you would never guess that he plays football.Especually when it comes to cracking on the dum jocks.Darren is the smartest out of all of them.

i'm serious he
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