» Family & Relationships » I Dont Want To Love, Nyree [ebook and pdf reader TXT] 📗

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lolly pop.i snickered a little bit and then we started kissing again.

We were kisssing for about 3 hours straight.But it felt like 3 minutes..Just in the moment haveing fun and next thing we both new was my alarm clock going off.I i new what that ment,time to get up to go to school.But i kinda didn't want to i just wanted to stay there for a few more hours but i could hear Flow makeing my breakfast.I new he had to go home,change clothes and a showere but i could tell wih the look in his eye he injoyed the make out sesh we had andhe wanted more.But school always has to ruien the fun doesn't it.

I came out my room with Flow and she had that face.You know the face when you're parents think you're doing it and they say use protection and all that crap.I kept on nodding no nothing happened but i think she new a little bit.Darren kissed me good by and said see you at school bu that was about 1 or 2 hours away so i couldn't wait that long,could i????

Well Flow,go ahead and say it already.Say what? the safe SEX talk.Saying that word or words made chills going down my spine.Well Fara i don't want to have this talk with you.All i need to say is that you need to use protection and make sure it's with the guy that you love.The 2 hours passed by very slowly.I ate breakfast,took a shower and go dressed with an hour to spare.I don't know if i should go early and wate for him or practice some of my spells.Iam so happy with my self,i just mastere the power of telepotation.What i don't belive you Fara,thats a level 15 spell.Yeah watch me lave and go to school,peace!!!!

Wate don't forget you have the level 10 exam tonight so come straight back after school okay.Yeah yeah you got it Flow,i'll try and be hear after school.Bye,i couldn't wate pop right next to Darren.Trying to learn how to teleport isn't the easiest thing to learn.For one is because you're body parts can go different places or you're could leave a peice of you.There are meany conplicatins with teleportation.

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!Hi honey sorry if i scared you i just wanted to practice something.Like what,giving me a heart attack.Please when you do that move you remind me of that girl jeannie from that show "i dream of jeannie".She popped up just like you just then.Well i'm sorry honey,does this make it better.I kissed him on his lips and pulled back quickly.So does that make you feel any better honey?Well you know you scared me pritty well,i think i need more kisses to feel better.Okay come hear then come hear so i casn make it all better.

Hey Fara and Darren,hows the new most likely to stay cutest couple.Fara this is my friend ashley,she works for the yearbook.Corection i don't work for the year book the year book works for me!Hi ashley it's nice to meet you.Like wise,i wanted to meet the person who took my bestfriends boyfriend away from her.So ashley is that all you came over hear to day or did Jenny send you over hear.No not at all Darren,you know i'm just trying to put people in the right electives.You know like cutest couple and best dreesed stuff like that.I just wanted to let you know that it seems like you two are going to be best couple.

Darren before it would have been you and jenny again but it seems like people like you two better so congrats.I have to go now and try not to break up any time soon.Because i don't want to redo this hole thing all over again.You hear that baby,were going to be cutest couple.Normally women are all jumping and happy.Well i could care less,but one thing i wanna know is when ashley said you and jenny would be best couple again.What did you mean bye that.

Oh i was kinda hopeing you didn't catch that part.well dod you want the long version or the short version.I want theversion that gets me my answer to the agina part of what she said.Well honey i guess that means the long version then.We both have all day so lets go.Well it all started with the first day of high school and i saw her and she saw me so i asked her out.We both had complacation with the whole relation ship so we took seporation time from each other.Well she did the sporation thing.i would have did it to but every girl in school was afraid of her so no one came near me that was a girl.

Especually if she was pritty.But when it came time for electives she would get back with me.We were pritty much on and off.So every year we both would win.Well i guess i gave you the short version.Thats the short version?Yes it was,the one i thaught i was telling you was the long one but i guess not.Well i'm glad you told me this instead of acting like nothing happened.Well i love you to much to lie to you..shhhhhhhhhhh less talky more kissy.As we were kissing i started to go to my happy place.But when i was zoneing the stupid bell rang.Which ment happyness go bye bye.I have my stupid test today and it's not a normal test it's the stupid magic test.And that test can make or break a witch.You fail you go all the way back to level 1.Trust me you don't want to go all the way back to 1 because you have to lear to levatate things.But if you do surpurb on the test you can gain about 5-10 levels.

But first period was okay weire watching a movie for the next couple of weeks left of school.i can't belive were almost done with school.just one more year and college.Keep on asking Darren about what college he's going to or if he's going at all.But i see this sad look on his face when i ask.So i just try and change the subject.The first movie we were watching is that west side story.We all ways watched it in music at least once a year.The movie is mainly about a different take on romeo and juliet.But with the ending juliet doesn't die so i guess thats a plus.

I'm not that much of a romeo and juliet person.I like
that there was a no happy ending but if you see it from a different point of view,they still wound up togther.In heaven or hell.The teacher really didn't care if we talked or if the class broke into a huge fight.I guess thats what happens when a teachers gets a boyfriend.Me and Darren in the back of the class room trying to stay away from the people who were yelling and screaming.

Darren kept on telling me just circle around them, don't listen.Is it just me or is it like he is always right.I didn't want to stay in the classroom with these people.Especually when we couls atomatically tell that people were stareing because one everyone shut up and two everyone just starred.Normally i wouldn't care but even the teacher stared.Darren you want to walk around the school for a while,i'm kinda board hear.Sure i know this perfect place for us to go to and chill till the end of the period.Okay lets go.Hey Maddy if the office calls for one of us or they need us just let them know were in the bathroom and text me okay.Yeah sure Darren just don't do anything i wouldn't do.Yeah what ever Maddy thanks.

Okay lets go i got a friend looking for us.So Mr.secreative were are we going.Well a special place were it's just you and me.Okay i'm kinda likeing were this is going so were would that place'll see in a few minutes.He started walking then he started walking faster.Then it didn't turn to walking any more,just running faster and faster.So fast that it seemed like he was pulling me.Then the next thing i new i was in his arms and he was holding.Running faster and faster every second.I finally realized where he was taking me.To the beach or a place that looked like a beach.

Well hear we are honey.My back yard or part of it.You're back yard is a beach of part of a beach.Yeah my family wanted a house with many perks.So you live hear?Well kinda not hear hear like where you're standing hear.We live up there on the mountain hear.Way up there on the top?No just a little bit farther down.Well can i go and meet you're family,you met mine.well when the time is right okay and plus they know you're hear anyway.Okay,well i think we might have to go back to school i have a feeling that the bell might ring any minute.

But Darren i have one question..Wait i know what you're talking about how i ran you hear.Yeah how?Fara i know you're kinda down with the super natuarl butthis is different.As he was speacking i could hear a quiver in his voice And he tryed to continue.Fara you know i ove you soooo much that my hearts starts to beat after so many years.What do you mean by so many years Darren?I'm a,I'm a VAMPIRE!!!

Chapter 10: Sorry For This

For the first five minutes i was trying to prosses the whole i'm a vampire thing.How gould i not understand,not know what he was or is.He could be in the sun.What was i missing,i guess important peices.It seeme like he was different.To everyone he was normal or human,even to me.Fara plese say something,don't stare at me like that please say something.Darren i don't know what to say about any of this.But te one thing i can say is that i'm happy you're telling me this.But i don't kow what to say.We have to Fara,the bell rang.Its time for lunch.Lunch whatr do you mean lunch we've been hear for a few minutes.Well now you've been kinds zoned out for about an hour.Darren i'm not going back to school,i Gatta go home.

Many things were running,no raceing through my mind.One i'm dateing a freaking vampire!!!I guess i should have none because he always seemed a little cold.But i never actually thaught about it.But i cn't stay mad at him,i lovehim way to much.Even though he doesn't have a soul i still feel something.He still feels human and i love that.Most people would freak out by maybe screamming and running away but i watch movies.There is no sense in running away.It's pritty much a no brainer.they have supper speed,enhansed smell and vision.There a killing machine.

Thats how they get the food with ease.But the one thing thats on my mind is what they eat.No i'm not that stupid,i know what vampire eat but what type though.Human,animal what.Beacuse if it's human this might not work out.It seems like what i did know about vampire might be wrong but who knows.Wait i don't even know anthing about then really,no more than someone who watches vampire movies and shows.

I spent the hole day walking around the city,trying to think and try and collect the
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