» Family & Relationships » I Don't Want To Love 3 : The Final Call, Nyree [most read book in the world TXT] 📗

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is he saying.So you just a sume that i know what it's saying.He kinda,i flashed him my pretty please smile.Well your right i do know what it's saying.

Chapter 2:Guess Who's Back

Then what is it saying.It said "Master i am your humble servant.I am not worthy of you presence.".Master what master.Honey what are you doing when i'm not around.Nothing.I heard a small voice comeingh from thje didstance calling my name.But i didn't pay any attention to it.I started to hear the flapping of wings and yelling get closer towards me.I looked at the sky and saw a bat flying towards me.Darren stared at me in curiosity.

I waved into the sky.Flow,whats up.I held my arm out and she landed on top of it like a bird.He seemed out of breath.Breath Flow breath.I have been looking for you all over this city,were the hell have you been.Oh young master Darren what are you doing hear.Um well.Flow i have to tell you a lot that's happened in the past seven of eight years.As do i Faraganda.She stared at the creature mumble the words i am not worthy in welsh.And yes people that is a real languge aparently.Weird i guess i got to learn welsh now.Flow gasped at the sight of the creature.She mumbled the wordm "Daragon".What the hell is a Daragon?A Daragon my young Fara is a misture between human and dragon.In the 1400's there began a new breed of demonds.They were called revenge demonds.Oh i heard of them.You have Darren.Yeah a lot of my friends were cursed because of there ex's.

These demonds granted wishes to the women who got there harts broken by the one they loved.They said the word "I wish" then the thing they wanted to happen to them.So your telling me this is a cursed man.Yes dear i am,most of these cursed pleople get offered jobs depending on what they do after they are changed.Like this one right infront of us.He was given a job by the witches i asume to kill you fara.Well yeah a lot of thats been going on lately.The good trhing about the Daragon's are that they only worship one god or master in his or hers lifetime.The inly master that the must owrship is a vampire women.Since you are a vampire,It seems like this Daragon has chosen you to it's master.

So how does it choose from the other vampire females in the world.Well by beauty is one of them.When Flow said Beauty i caught darren smileing at me from the corner of my eye.Their heart.Wait what heart,I'm dead or the undead.Did you kill him?No as you you can see bright as day i didn't.Thats why,you maybe not be alive anymore,But you show heart and compassion.You show you have a soul.Last but not least strenght.Of course i'm strong i had to fight all of my life.I unsmashed the car so that the creature gould get out.Thank you master i am not worthy of your kindness.The Daragon bowed at my feet.Darren did the same thing.It made me feel like a queen.Ha ha very funny,you both may arise now.Are you still going to kill me?Um i didn't catch your nameI don't remember my name.I have just been going by the name Daragon.

Okay Daragon are you still going to kill me.No master never again,i am your humble servant from hear on out.When ever you neeed me just yell.Daragon disapeared into thin air.So flow where have you been for the past oh i don't know eight or nine years.No you first Darling.I see that your still with Darren.Yeah i stared at him For a few seconds.I'll see you at the house Fara.Nice to see you again Flow.He looked at me and then laughed as he walked away.I guess he left me to deal with Flow and to catch her up.

Tipical husband.I guess to Darren Flow was like his mother in-law.Which ment she didn't like him one bit.Faragand Merie Mackavie what are you still doing with that boy.It's kinda heard to take Flow seriouse when she has her british tone of voice.Flow a lot of things have happened and changed since you left.Yeah like what?Well for one i dion't live in the apartment anymore.Two i'm a vampire as you can see.Three i'm married and my last name is no longer Mackavie it's welsh.Wait,you married him?Yeah about five or six years ago.I was going to invite you to the wedding but i couldn't find you.Well is their anyhitng else that happend while i was gone.

Yeah i have two beautiful twin girls.I saw her eyes wide in shock.I don't know whether to say what the hell did you do that for or congrats.Whell tell me what you think when we get to the house.I sprang into motion.I felt her slipping off of my arm a few times as i was running..I grabbed her and put her in a craddleing posistion in my arms.I came to a complete stop infront of the house.I felt Flow jolt foward as i stopped.I hear her gasping for air.You do know that talking bats or bats in general need more air than a human does right.I laughed a little bit.Then i focused y attention on the house.I heard Darren telling the kids about a friend of mines comeing to the house,and not to kill her.

It was kinda weird that i didn't feel the urge to kill her.That i never thought or had the feeling to drain Flow at anytime.As soon as she caought her breath she gasped at the sight of the house.I couldn't blame her for her shock of the house.I felt the same way she did when i first felt the same way when i first saw this place.I was speechless.And i pretty much still am.Oh bloody hell.This place almost the size of a masion.I know right.

Wait is that a good "bloody hell" or a bad one.Good one,a shocked one.All i can say Fara is that this a huge step up from our previous homes.Yeah,lets go see the inside and the kids.I opened the door and saw Darren in the living room watching the Sophia making shapes out of her orbes of electricity.I surched for saphire but she she wasn't in the room with them.I guess she wa in her room reading or on her laptop.Saphire really one to spend time with us.Well unless she was really board.So what do you think Flow.Her jaw was open wide enough for you to fit three Granny smith apples into it.

It's beautiful.Thank you.I heard Darren call from the couch.Darren and his sisters helped desighn the whole place.Flow got up and flew out of my arms.I saw little Sophia running towards me.I picked her up and kissed her on her forhead.Mommy who's that?Sophia meet flow.Flow meet Sophia my daughter.I saw a big small spread across both of there faces.she waved to Sophia and she waved back.She looks so much like the both of you two.Reall i think she looks more like her father.You always say that mommy.Because it's true.I set Sophia on the couch next to Darren.Flow you stay hear with Darren and Sophia.He gave me an angry glance.But it was his turn to deal with the mother of the bride.I went to go get Sapphire.She was so quiet and peacefull in her room reading.I sometimes wished that Sophia could be the same way.

But with twins one of them has to be different from the other i guess.Sapphire can i borrow you for a few minutes.Sure,what is it.I want to show you one of my old friends.I was kinda worried about showing Flow to Sapphire becuase she liked blood a lot more than her sister.She ate very little human food.I picked her off the floor and held he close to me.I heard he move foward towards the smell of flow.Sapphire remember what your father said to you.I felt her pull back into my arms.Good girl.I patted her on her sholder and then kissed her head.I heard the little pitter patter of feet runnint towards us.I stretched out my left arm and scooped up Sophia in my right arm.Sapphire,Sapphire your going to love Flow she kinda funny and she has a funny voice.

Okay Sophia let your sister see for herself okay.Sure.Flow was walking,well paceing back a forth on the couch.Darren looked a little agravated.I tried to hid the big huge grin that wanted to apear on the side of my face.

Flow this my other daughter Sapphire.She smiled a little bit.Hi Flow my name is Sapphire Aiden Welsh.Its very nice to meet you.Their middle names are Aiden.Well Sapphire's is,Sophia's is Merie.It started to get late.I saw Sapphire creating shelids around Flow so that Sophia couldn't shock her.I couldn't believe that noon when the sun was at it's highest could turn to night in just a few hours.To me it only felt like i was home for about three hours instead of eight or nine.I wondered if i was oing to see Mathew tonight.I now know that nights of a full moon he wasn't control of himself but nights not on a full moon he is in total control of his actions and memories.

I always thought that werewolves only changed on full moons but i base all of my information on movie's and show's.I guess he's an uncontrollible animal when itsw that time of the month.It feels nice and terrifing knowing you have a werewolf on your side.

Chapter Three:More visitors

After i set the kids to bed i felt like i have to tell Darren about what Mathew is.Is he going to be able to handle this,any of this rationally.Flow was asleep hanging from a pole in the corner of the seeling.I guess Bats i small and Dark places.Darren i have to tell you something.What is it honey.I stared at him.He moved a peice of hair out of my face.If i told you something about the
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