» Family & Relationships » I Don't Want To Love 3 : The Final Call, Nyree [most read book in the world TXT] 📗

Book online «I Don't Want To Love 3 : The Final Call, Nyree [most read book in the world TXT] 📗». Author Nyree

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beat you like last time.Okay don't get your nickers in a twist.First of all i don't wear nickers okay,i waer a thong.And two who say's nickers anymore.ONe i was around in that time and two i kinda love that phrase.So if you don't mind i would like to get back into myu zone please.Sure go right ahead.He backed up a few feet and got a good speed before he jumped.He jumped high in the air and did a couple of backflips.Wow,that was so not impressive.Ha beat that chica.I did.I did the same thing he did i ran and jumped about three feet higher than he did in the air.I did about three summer saults in the air and a backflip.And she sticks the landing,yeah go me.

Okay,i believe that i won that one thank you very much.Yeah okay Darian,i'm sure i won.Your nuts.And your stupid,what's your point.I won.Well lets get out of hear.After you girly.No after you,i don't know where the coliseum is.Oh yeah come on.He bolted out of sight but i heard his feet so i could follow behind him.We went past a couple of familor homes and places.We finally got to the coliseum.This place is freaking huge,how come i didn't find it.Yeah how come you didn't find it.we walked into the coliseum and a slow rate not slow to a vampire but slow to a human.Which mean we were walking really really slow.It was big and tall.Very very tall.I'll take this side you take that one.Okay are you sure.Yep,i took the right side and he took the left.

I walked slowly up and down the rows or isles.Hey Fara i found something over hear.I saw him from the distance.Their was a bright light and a flash behind him.I bolted in a instant towards him.He walked throught the door and i followed.The door slamed shut behind us.I jumped a little.If my heart was still beating you could probubly have heard it a mile away.It was bright down hear.There was a small short and narrow hallway.There were torches a lined across the walls.He started to walk quicker this time.The narrrow hallway started to get larger in height and width.At the end of the hall was this large room.

Their were four chairs.Each chair had a sighn above it.One had water,the second had fire,third air and the fourth earth.three people walked into the room.They stood in the center of the room in a half circle.Darian didn't pay them much attention.I walkd closer towards the room.There were five other people in the room.A total of ten people including me and Darian.The five just stood at at every corner of the room.They all just watched us.A man walked towards us and jestured us towards where the other three were standing.I walked towards them.The tile on the floor was grey and kinda sad.There were these creatures on the floor.They scared even me and i don't get scared easily.I noticed a big black and blue door behind the chairs.They opened and thes four girls walked out.

They were kind a pretty.Each one wore a color for each element.One wore blue,brown,grey and red.Some of them looked sad and the others were happy.Faraganda Merie Mackavie,finally we get to see you face to face.So your the chicks who have been trying kill me.Two of them laughed.First we started with your whole family.When when noticed that a sertain person who mean a hole lot to you wouldn't die we decised to go after you.Darian just stared at me and then them over and over again.Well let us introduce our selves.I'm Yangin.Its turkish for fire.I work with all fings on fire,or flamable.Yangin had red and orange tall spiky hair that looked a lot like Fire.That's De Agua.Can i introduce my self please.

Sure go.Hi,i'm De Agua.It's spanish for water as you can tell.I deal with the element of water,all things water.She looked happy and nice.She wore a blue dress that looked like water running down her dress.Her hair was long and almost every shade of blue.I can see your a huge blue fan aren't you De Agua.Yeah,my name coexist with me.I'm Tierra,spanish just like Aguas.But mines means earth.She didn't looke weird in any way shape of form.She just had short straight brown hair and a short brown dress.My name is Hava.It's turckish for air.She had Greyish blond hair.She looked kinda pale in comparesin to everyone else.As you probubly can tell i handle all things air.

I have one question for all of you.And what is that young Faraganda.I prefer you call me Fara thank you very much.But do you all dress like your elements?Yeah,well some of the times.Not all of us like thwe color of our elements.Like Agua and Hava.Hey i like my color thank you very much Yangin.Blue is totally me.Yeah so why do you complain about it then.HHHHEEEEEYYYYY!!Shut up.I wanna see this chick get her but kicked by a professional.Hava don't be rude we have a guest.Oh sshut up Agua i hate your freaking purkines,it kinda pissses me off sometimes.Well thats too bad for you then huh Hava.Ladie ladies calm the hell down.We have no rush.I have another question,Who's the leader of this whole thing.Me.Yagin stood can't tell,I'm have the tallest chair and i'm in the middle.Well there's an uneven amout of chairs hear so.Okay who's board.

They all raised there hands.I felt one of the three paople standing behind us and grabbed my arms.Darian walked foward towards the witches.Darian,you have accomplished this mission.Hears your reward.One of the guards who were standing behind me moved foward with a small empty bag.The man was tall and wide.He dropped the bag into his hand.You gift Darian.One bag of norex.Norex what the hell is that.Norex is a magical bag that grants any ones wish.It could be gold,money,jems anything you name it.Darian whats going on hear.What mission.Well there is a reward for your head and i brought them to you.Yes he did but he needs to finish the job now.The bag in his hand started to shine.He opened it and a long sharp sword was pulled out of it.Wow i guest that is very very magical bag.I know right.He stared at the sword for a long time.

He swipped it across the top of my head.Hey swinging around sharp objects near chicks heads aren't okay.What are you doing?I'm finishing my job.You Traitor.Thank you very much.Why you seemed like a good person and now you want to chop my freaking head off.Yeah,you see if i don't kill you then i have to give this wonderfull peice of steel back to them.And i really really don't want to do that.So you were pretending to be my friend for the past couple of hours.Yeah i was thats why it's going to be kinda hard for me to kill you right hear.Well i hope your ready for a major beat down.But do you really think that long thin sword will cut threw vampire skin.

Yeah,i think it will.One of you in the corner come hear.One of the witches called out a name.You Nazill come.I turned around and watched a tall man walk to where the the earth witch pointed.I saw a little bit of terror in his eyes as he looked at me and then walked past.He stood in a resting position before Darian.He is a vampire.He raised the sword till the point of the blade was about ten inches above his head.He slashed it downward.It cut straight through his rock hard neck like a stick going through soft wet mud.Nazill fell to his knees and his head rolled to his side then disintergrated next to it's body.The body soon became dust after it.See,it will cut throught hat pretty little head of yours.

He throught the bag to the side far away from it getting damaged.I hope after all of this we can be friends.Oh hell to the god damn no.Your going to chop my freaking head off.What the heck is that and you still want to be friends forget that.You do know your going to be taking me away from my family right.Yeah of course i know that.I am still a person you know.Yeah i'm kinda haveing a probublem believeing that.Don't it's your choice.I felt all the compression of it's graps go away.They all backed away slowly.Darain moved closer and closer towards me.Don't i get a weapon.No,sorry.I walked backwards slowly and looked around to find some exit i didn't find on.There were a couple but they were all blocked andf i know there's no chance of me getting out of hear alive.

I just kept on seeing flashes of Darren,sophia and sapphire over and over again.Darian came very very close to me a few times.The sword did cut through my skin.I heard a door fly open.I smelt something in the air a few seconds later.The smell seemed so familor.Darian grabbed me.One of his arms went around my neck in a choke hold position.Darren was right there stsnding infront of me.I stood there like a deer caught in head lights.I saw him look at me with so much fear in his eyes.I felt something sharp and smooth glide inside of me.I felt the pain.I Just screamed and screamed.I looked down and saw the sharp blade.He pulled it out of me and just let go.

Chapter eight : NNNOOO!!!!!!!

I saw it.I saw the sword cut into her.It was like cutting into air.She stared at me.The man that was holding her let her go.She started to fell to the ground.I caught her before she could hit the ground.She started to bleed.It wasn't actuall human blood it was a mixture of animal blood and vampire venom.I watches and felt the hole in her heart.She stared at me with a smile."Darren.".She choked out the words.I saw the people surrounding us watching us.One of the women in the chair crying and another laughing.

I hissed at her laughter.Fara put her hand on my face.I started to cry.A tear fell on her face.I thought vampires couldn't cry.Who told you a silly thing like that.You did.I chuckeled a little bit.Even in the eye of death you still laugh at it.Thats how i work.She started to choke.Her eyes began to close.Fara don't give up on me right now.Her eyes opened again.This is my fault,if i would not have waited so long or if....She cut me off mid sentence.Stop it Darrn i did this not you.I knew this was going to happen some day.I did want you to see me like this.Flow was sitting on my sholders starrring down at her.She moved the hand that was laying on my face and rubbed flows head.Flow hopped donw from my sholder so she could be closer to her.Why did you tell him where i was Flow?Because we care Fara thats why.

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