» Family & Relationships » And so it Goes, Chalen D. [romantic love story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «And so it Goes, Chalen D. [romantic love story reading TXT] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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to take for you to get off this?"
"Sleep with me."
"I'm not sleeping with you Lola."
"You suck." i said, walking over to Rosalynn and Martie.
"Oh Lola." Martie said.
"What?" I asked.
"We're going to smoke."
I looked over to where Mikey stood, arms crossed over his chest, watching me eyes narrowed.
"I'm coming with you."
I Opened the door to Mikey.
"You need to look through that peep hole, I could of been Sasquatch."
I shut the door, and leaned against it.
"Come on Lola."
"Are you going to sleep with me?"
"Then go home."
"I thought you wanted me to teach you."
Damn him. I opened the door and let him in. I locked the door, and Mikey made his way to the couch. He pulled out a baggy and a piece of paper.
"Aren't you going to sit down?"
I sat down, as he Pulled out a lighter. He lit it and took a hit. He passed it too me.
"So what, i just hold it in?"
He nodded.
I took a hit, and then coughed. Mikey blew out some smoke.
"You gotta hold it in Lola, or it's not going to work. If you keep doing that you'll waste it."
I took another hit and held it.
"Keep holding it."
I shook my head.
I held it in.
"K you can let it out."
I let it out, and coughed, up a lung.
"Do it again."
"Uh-ah." I said, handing it back to him.
"I'l will get easier. try again."
"I don't want to."
Mikey took a hit, and grabbed my neck. he put his mouth over mine, and blew smoke into it. This time I inhaled the smoke. He sat back and took another hit. We let out the smoke at the same time, me coughing. He put it out and looked at me.
"What?" i asked.
He grabbed my leg and pulled me on top of him.
He put his head back exposing his neck.
"Kiss me." He muttered.
I bent my head, and ran kisses up and down his throat. He closed his eyes, and muttered my name. I kissed under his ear and bit his neck softly. He picked up his head and kissed me. I put my hands on his shoulders, and he had his hands on my thighs. He deepened the kiss, and grabbed me behind the knees pulling me closer to him. He broke the kiss, and then kissed along my collar bone. His hands traveled back up to my thighs, and rested on my waist, as his lips moved to my jaw, and then down to my neck. He grabbed onto my waist and moved me against him. I closed my eyes and moaned. He claimed my lips again. I ran my hands through his hair as he stood, taking me to my bedroom.
The next morning I stretched to find myself sore. There was a glass of water and two Advil on my night stand. i took the pills and went to my bathroom. There was a note taped to the mirror.
'Sorry i had to bail.
Ps. I still have your red lipstick on my neck.
Pss. Smoke what I left you.
Psss. Your still a pretty bad kisser.
I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter lighting up. My phone buzzed, lit up, and then blasted I just want to be your friend. I blew some smoke out.
"Hey, If I walk to your house can you give me a ride?"
"Are you sure you want to risk Sasquatch?" i asked taking a hit.
"It's rather I run like fuck from Sasquatch, or my nipples freeze off while walking to school, cause My mom took off."
I blew the smoke out, "Come on over."
"Good, I'm at your front Door." She said hanging up.
I took another hit, and jumped off the counter. I opened the door and she walked in.
"Oooh, gimme." she said, taking a hit.
She rolled her eyes and smiled. Then her eyes narrowed, and she let the smoke out.
"You smoke your first time without your main bitch?"
"Sorry." I said taking a hit.
"Is that Mikey's shit?"
i nodded.
"You got some out of him? He only give his shit if he's fucking a vir-you didn't!"
I blew out some smoke.
"Shut up you'll wake up Sasquatch."
"How was it?" She asked, taking a hit.
"It hurt like a bitch."
She smiled and gave it back to me. I took the last hit and put it out.
"Look don't tell him I told you okay? I didn't even think he was going to do it." I said, leading the way to my room.
"For sure." She said.
I changed my clothes, "And what the fuck are you doing up so damn early?"
"I told you my Mom took off, and the truck woke me up."
"Walk with me." I said going into the bathroom.
"So I woke up and ran outside."
I put on my make up.
"I asked her where she was going, but she ignored me and took off."
"Harsh." I said.
"Tell me about it." she said, handing me a piece of gum. "So, since She was a bitch I'm running away for the weekend."
"Where you gonna stay?"
"Lola." She said, in a Are-you-shiting-me way.
"Well were's your clothes?"
"Well since you offered." She said, leaving the bathroom.
I heard the front door open and close, and then Rosalynn put a suit case on my bed.
"The bottom Drawer is empty if you want it."
I said.
She dumped her stuff into it.
"I'm nosy, by the way." She said, pulling open my drawers. "Dude, all these are empty except the top one."
"I only packed a back pack."
"You try jumping out a two story window, and then running from the cops, in the middle of the woods with a big ass suit case."
"No thanks."
"Let's go shopping this weekend." She said, making her way to her back pack, where her cell phone was blasting, what the hell.
she gasped and I looked over at her.
"It's Mikey." she said, a big grin coming to place.
"Answer it."
She put it on speaker phone.
"Yo Dick." She said.
"Are you at Lola's?"
"Yeah, why?" She smiled over at me, and I rolled my eyes.
"You want to come over and smoke some?"
"I already smoked with Lola."
"Oh. Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine, why?"
"Is she near you?"
"No she's in the bathroom, putting on her make-up."
"We kind of slept together last night."
"Kind of?!"
"Sh, keep your voice down. don't tell her I told you."
We looked at each other, mouths open. This dick.
"I feel kind of bad about it."
"About it happening?"
"Well that's not fucked at all."
"No yo, not for the reason your thinking. I feel bad for being her first cause, she seems like a good kid, you know what I'm sayin'?"
"You don't know shit, Mikey."
"Yeah, that's what she said. Is she acting strange?"
"can you ask her if she's still going to take me to school?"
I bolted to the bathroom, and she ran from my room.
"Yo Lola!"
"What's up?"
"Can I eat something?"
"Go for it, babe!"
"Can Mikey Bum a ride?"
"Course he can!"
"Did you hear that?" She asked, as I ran into the kitchen.
Rosalynn closed the distance so she was standing next to me.
"Yeah, cool. Uh, are you sure she didn't say anything about it?"
"No, I'd remember if she did."
"Maybe she forgot."
"Chicks don't forget that shit." She said, as we both rolled our eyes.
"Well we got stoned before we did any thing."
"Well maybe your off the hook."
"See you soon."
"Watch out for Sasquatch." She said disconnecting.
"Some nerve, he has telling you not to tell me."
"You told me the same thing." She said, getting two things of Pop tarts.
"Yeah but your my best friend. it's different."
"Yeah, but Mikey's my cousin."
"Sh! Sasquatch." She said
"He never said that."
"He likes to keep his life private."
"cause this one dude, told a big secret of Mikey's and shit blew the fuck up."
"So you know his story?"
"Yeah. i'm the only one he trusts."
"What's his dealers name."
"Lola." she shook her head, face scrunched up.
"Tell me. Your my best friend. I'm not going to say anything, promise. forever."
"Is he your cousin?"
"No. he's on the Dad's side, I'm from the Mom's side."
"Does Mikey live with them."
"No. some shit when down, and he lives with his sister. She's a fucking bitch. she only comes once a month to get him money for food and stuff."
"That's harsh."
"Tell me about it."
The door was knocked on.
"Aye, look through the peep hole." i said, as she went to the door.
"Uh, It's the cops."
"Shut the fuck up."
"I fucking shit you not." She said, taking the spray off the counter, and running through the kitchen and living room.
I Put some sun glasses on and she ran into my room. I opened the door.
"Nathan." i said, eyebrows pulling together.
"I just came by to see if your okay."
"It would be better if someone lived with me."
"I know, kid. We need to talk after school."
"Alright." i said.
He got into a cop car and drove away.
"Why did you seem friendly?"
"That was my brother."
"Your brothers a Cop!"
"Yeah, get your bag." i said, slinging on mine, and locking up.
When Mikey got into my car, it was lets just say awkward. Today was just not my day. My brother who I didn't even know was a Cop, decides to come check up on me when I'm higher than a kite, Mikey's being distant, and to top it all off as I passed the mail boxes on the way to school, Sasquatch tossed an ice cream cone on my windshield, and Yelled something like I'll tare you from limb to limb. Yeah, today's just fucking fabulous.
"Rosie there you are!" A girl with blond pig tails waved.
Rosalynn grabbed my arm, and when she looked at me her eyes where wide, behind her sunglasses.
"It's another Sasquatch."
We took off to our morning spot.
"Who was that?"
"Becky's my step sister, I like to call her Pink puff ball."
"oh god." i laughed.
We met up with the guys.
"Why you two being distant?" Calvin asked.
"We're not." Mikey said, shutting Calvin up.
Mikey ducked his head, and looked over at me. He wasn't very good at being sneaky. I smiled.
"What are you smiling for?" Martie asked.
"oh, I remembered something." i said, waving a hand.
"Oh my god!" Rosalynn yelled, launching into the Sasquatch story.
Drew, Calvin, and Martie, laughed through the whole story.
"It wasn't funny alright? I was terrified, for my life." She said, applying some red gloss.
I Smiled and looked away from Rosalynn.
I had the windows rolled down, cause the sun was out. It was five minuets after school, and Mikey, and Rosalynn where no where to be seen. I was about to get out a find them, when I saw Pink puff ball on a bench, just as I opened my door, Rosalynn walked from behind a building.
"Rosie!" Pink puff ball said, standing and waving.
Rosalynn looked up and then back Down, mouthing Fuck.
"I need to talk to you sis!"
Rosalynn started to run.
"Where you going."
"Run Rosalynn!" I yelled, laughing.
"Shut up Bitch!" She yelled, smiling.
She jumped in.
"He'll live."
I took off. Rosalynn stuck her upper body out the window, and I grabbed onto her belt so she wouldn't fly out when
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